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‘I love looking at other people’s pictures.’

Audrey removed the rubber band from the pack, cleared a small space on the tablecloth between us and laid down the first photo. It showed four girls standing in front of a tractor, arms thrown around each other’s shoulders. Each girl’s right leg was extended, as if they were executing a dance routine.

‘We wore uniforms, as you can see,’ she said, pointing to each item as she named it. ‘Olive green gabardine breeches, a cream-colored shirt, green pullover, a tie.’ She tapped one of the ties, which was askew as its owner leaned against her companions. ‘If you look closely, you can see the Women’s Land Army insignia on the tie.’

In a second photo, it was winter, and the same group of four smiling girls stood in a village square wearing heavy double-breasted overcoats, beige knee socks and sensible brown shoes. Two of the girls wore soft felt hats at jaunty angles, strings tied in loose bows just under their left ears.

A third photo showed one girl riding a tractor pulling a reaper, while another stood just behind holding a pitchfork. In the far background, a farmer looked on. ‘The girl on the tractor is me,’ Audrey said with a slight smile. ‘The supervisor was none too pleased when I cut the legs off my dungarees so I could get a good tan.’

I bent over the table to study the photo more carefully. ‘Is that Mr Bailey Senior in the background?’

‘Stephen’s father? Yes. He was a handsome man in his day. Stephen favors him, I think.’

I had to agree. The abundant hair, high cheekbones, ruddy complexion, and laughing eyes that seemed to say: Life is good in the country.

I slid the photos around on the tablecloth, until the country chorus line was again uppermost. ‘The girl on the left is you, I can see that now. Who are the others?’

Audrey smiled wistfully. ‘That’s me, as you said, then Flo, Vi, and Mary.’

‘I know you married Mr Wills, but what happened to the other girls after the South Hams were evacuated?’

‘Mary got transferred to a farm in Exeter, and Flo went home to Birmingham. I don’t know what happened to Vi. I’ve managed to keep up with Mary and Flo over the years, though.’

‘More tea?’ I wanted to keep Audrey talking, and her cup was empty.

Audrey scooted her cup in my direction and I topped it up. ‘We had a reunion of Land Girls in Totnes in April of 2005,’ she continued, testing the temperature of the tea with a cautious sip. ‘The mayor was there, and they had a cake. It was good to see Mary and Flo again, but like me, they’d lost track of Vi. We always figured that she married her Yank, and went home with him to America after the war.’

Audrey leaned back in her chair. ‘The British boys were jealous of the Yanks’ success with local girls. They found it hard to compete with the luxuries the American boys could offer, like cigarettes, silk stockings and chocolate.’

‘What can you tell me about the Yank?’

‘A couple of months before they announced the evacuation – that would have been August, or early September of 1943 – Vi met him at a dance in Totnes. Oh, he was a handsome devil!’ She closed her eyes for a moment, as if trying to picture the young man more clearly. ‘Tall and lanky. Curly hair the color of wheat. A US Navy pilot, from somewhere in the north-east, as I recall. Is Connecticut in the north-east of America?’

I grinned. ‘The last time I looked at a map.’

‘Vi was crazy about Rocky.’

‘What was Rocky’s last name?’

Audrey shrugged. ‘Ever since you telephoned me, I’ve been trying to think of it. The American lads all seemed to go by nicknames: Tex, or Mac, or Buck. There were a lot of Texes.’ She chuckled. ‘We used to joke that half the American Army came from Texas.’

‘What if Vi didn’t end up marrying Rocky? What might she have done then? Gone back home to London?’

Audrey shook her head sadly. ‘I doubt it. Poor thing. Her whole family – mother, father, younger sister – they were wiped out during the Blitz. She had nobody but us.’ She crossed her fingers and held them up. ‘We were that close. Like sisters. That’s what makes it so hard to understand why Violet didn’t stay in touch.’

My heart started doing somersaults in my chest.

She’s showing me a flower.

Many women were named after flowers: Daisy, Iris, Lily, Pansy, Petunia… even Marigold. What if Susan Parker had gotten it wrong that night in Paignton? What if the flower she’d been thinking of had been a violet, and not a rose?

Ask her, Susan Parker seemed to be whispering in my ear. Ask her about the ring. ‘Did Rocky give Violet a ring?’

Audrey looked blank. ‘Could have done, I suppose, but if he did, she never wore it while we worked. We dug potatoes, mostly, so you’d lose a ring, wouldn’t you?’

‘Tell me something, then. You said the British boys didn’t get along very well with the Yanks. How did Stephen Bailey feel about the relationship between Violet and Rocky?’

‘Oh, well, you’ve put your finger on it there, Hannah. Vi might have been a little flirtatious, she might even have allowed Stephen the occasional cuddle, but it was always light-hearted, never serious. Not so for Stephen. He made it clear that he didn’t like it when she started stepping out with that American. But then the evacuation came, and just like that…’ She snapped her fingers. ‘The Land Girls were gone.’

‘And six months later, D-Day happened, and the Americans were gone, too.’

‘Yes. After all the hubbub leading up to the invasion, the land was eerily, almost spookily quiet. No people, no cattle, no birds signing. A few abandoned dogs and cats, that was all. Except for the rats.’ She shivered. ‘They were so hungry they were eating the putty out of the window glass because it had been mixed up with fish oil.’

I shivered, too. We’d had fruit rats in the Bahamas, and even though they wiggled their ears and twitched their whiskers like Disney mice, I didn’t like them one bit. ‘When did you get to return home, Audrey?’

‘Most of us were eager to go back, but we couldn’t because of all the unexploded bombs. Once the Americans returned the area, the Government brought in the mine sweepers, then the surveyors and the photographers came through to assess the damage so the government could pay compensation.’ She stared out the window for a moment, deep in thought. ‘The first viewing permits were issued in August, as I recall, but the residents didn’t actually start returning until October.’

‘Do you remember when the Baileys came back?’

‘Not until spring, I imagine. In any case, it would have been in time for the plowing and planting.’

During our conversation, I had been neglecting my scone. I slathered the second half with cream, topped it with a generous dollop of strawberry jam, and took a big bite, using the opportunity to think about what Audrey had told me.

Stephen Bailey had been sweet on a girl named Violet who spurned him for another man.

Violet had disappeared.

Susan Parker said to Stephen: She’s showing me a flower.

Now Susan was dead.

One crime to cover up another?

If so, what was I going to do about it?


‘The area seemed to lie as if under a spell, beautiful still but neglected and forlorn, waiting for the touch of a magic wand to revive its normal life. But nature is never still… and gradually the flowers and ferns helped to hide the ravages of war.’Grace Bradbeer, The Land Changed Its Face: The Evacuation of the South Hams, 1943-44, Devon Books, 1973, p.94

Stephen Bailey’s car, I decided, was key. It would have to be found.

With Stephen Bailey living at Coombe Hill full-time, I’d have time to poke around on Three Trees Farm. I knew Cathy wouldn’t mind.