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Космическая фантастика


Автор: Иган Грег
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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The long-awaited new novel from Hugo Award-winning writer Greg Egan! The Amalgam spans nearly the entire galaxy, and is composed of innumerable beings from a wild variety of races, some human, some near-human, and some entirely other. The one place...
Розенкрейцеры - рыцари Розы и Креста
Другие документальные, История

Розенкрейцеры - рыцари Розы и Креста

Год: 2007
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В чем состоит миссия полулегендарного братства, избравшего своим символом мистическую Розу, вознесенную на Крест? Действительно ли это...
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Год: 2010
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When Abraham Lincoln was nine years old, his mother died from an ailment called the "milk sickness." Only later did he learn that his mother's deadly affliction was actually the work of a local vampire, seeking to collect on Abe's father's...