Set in Rhodesia, this is the story of Dick, a failed white farmer and his wife, Mary, dependent and disappointed. Both are trapped by poverty, and in the heat of the brick and tin house, hemmed in by the bush, Mary finds herself seeking solace in...
Le terroir et la littérature ont toujours fait bon ménage. Diverse et belle, la France n'en finira jamais d'inspirer les écrivains. Avec ce Dictionnaire amoureux, Denis Tillinac nous offre le plus beau des miroirs car l'image ici réfléchie est...
The Kalashnikov AK-47 is the most ubiquitous assault rifle in the world, with more AK-47s and its variants in use than any other individual small arm. Created by Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov, and first adopted by the USSR soon after World War...