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Her nipples throbbed with painful bliss, his hands now more diligent in their exploration. No longer was he holding back, waiting on her. He seemed to be acting on his own needs.

Jessica’s head fell back on his shoulder as ripples of pleasure controlled her, forcing her eyelids to her cheeks.

Unexpectedly, she felt herself lifted and turned. Now, sitting on the counter, eyes open, she found him at her feet, removing her shoes. It was an incredibly erotic sight, him at her feet, hair half dry and shirtless.

Sliding up her body, hands trailing up her calves and thighs, he seduced her perfectly, teasing her with what was to come. He brought his mouth to hers, kissing her with slow, erotic strokes that made her feel as if she might melt from the heated need building in her body.

Never, ever, had she been kissed the way he was now kissing her. Arms wrapped around his neck, she was lost in him, kissing him with equal hunger.

Against her lips, he asked, “When was the last time you had an orgasm, mi Hermosa?”

Her ex had never cared if she came or not. He blamed her if she couldn’t, and that was always. “Does a vibrator count?”

He laughed, a deep, sexy sound. “No, but that answers my question.” Leaning back he looked into her eyes. “Tonight you will have many.”

Jessica’s eyes went wide as her stranger’s words replayed in her head. Tonight you will have many. She’d never had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced. She would have told him as much, but he moved, distracting her. His mouth had found its way to her nipple, and he was doing a delicious combination of licking, suckling and nibbling.

She allowed herself the luxury of doing what she had longed to do for hours. Her fingers sunk into his wonderful mass of hair. Even as she laced her fingers into his silky strands, she moaned. His mouth was doing such deliciously perfect things to her body.

With each suckle, she felt it not only in her breasts but between her legs. There was no question, she was beyond wet. After equal time devoted to each nipple, he moved to eye level with her. He nipped at her lips, ran his tongue along her bottom lip. She was reaching for him, wanting more, as he in turn reached for her pants.

“I am falling down on the job,” he said in a deeper voice than before. “You still have wet clothes on.”

More than willing to get undressed, she lifted her hips to allow him to slide her slacks and panties down her legs. Hands on her thighs, he inched her legs apart. She sat there, nude, legs spread wide and became his eye candy. For long moments, he took her in, eyes growing hotter, more potent. It felt as if his hands were on her, touching her. But it was only those eyes, those amazingly dark, expressive eyes.

Unbelievably, she felt empowered and sexy rather than shy or awkward, as she would have felt with her ex. This stranger made her more comfortable, yet at the same time more turned on and excited, than her ex or any other man ever had.

“I want you,” she said boldly, proud of how confident her voice sounded.

He tilted his head ever so slightly, studying her, assessing and probing. Then he smiled. “And you shall have me, mi Hermosa.” His fingers began walking up her inner thighs. “As I shall have you.”

Her lips parted as one of his fingers slid across her inner core. “You are wet.”

Despite the pleasure and the intensity of the moment, he managed to make her smile. He was referring to that moment in the doorway when she had announced she was wet. Only this time it wasn’t her hair and clothes that were wet. “Yes,” Jessica told him. “I would never lie about something so important.”

A second finger slid along her sensitive flesh, circling, spreading her own liquid. He stepped closer between her legs, bringing his mouth so that it lingered just above hers. “Are you wet for me?”

“Yes,” she whispered in the midst of a gasp as his finger slid inside her. He kissed her then, swallowing her sound, feeding her need.

His tongue pressed along hers as his finger found the upper wall inside her core, mimicking the same motion. She felt like she was falling into a haze of pure desire. No longer were her actions thought out. She simply responded.

“Do you like this?” he asked her.

Her mouth barely formed a word as he slid yet another finger inside her. “Yes.”

Her head fell against the mirror as he leaned back and pressed her thighs open a bit further, looking at her as he touched her. Eyes shut, she felt the climb of heat in her body, tingling and wanting.

And it just kept getting better.

He dropped to his knees and focused his tongue on her nub, shocking her with the warmth of his mouth. “Oh God,” she moaned, looking down at him, aroused by the sight of him between her legs, tasting her so intimately.

The journey toward ultimate satisfaction was almost complete as he licked, suckled and delved his tongue into the sensitive core of her body.

All she could do was lie back and experience what was to come next. And as he lifted her legs over his shoulders, dipping his tongue yet deeper into her body, his motions more frenzied, she arched her back, feeling the need to be closer.

His fingers slid inside her again, caressing just as his tongue flickered. It was just the right combination. It made the impossible happen…

The first ripple of orgasm shook her body. The second made her tremble. On and on, the feel of pleasure seemed to inch its way through every nerve ending in her body, until she felt completely sated from pleasure.

Her stranger was only just beginning, and she was already putty in his hands. He hadn’t even found his way inside her.

Boneless from satisfaction, she sank against the mirror and sighed. An instant later, she found herself in her sexy stranger’s arms being carried toward the bedroom.

As he laid her on the bed, he spread her legs and slid between them. Instinctively her arms went around his neck. Weight on his elbows, he stared down at her, eyes brimming with heat.

“You are beautiful when you come,” he told her in a low, deep voice.

Any other time, words such as his would make her blush. Tonight, with him, they didn’t. Still she chose not to respond directly. Despite having just had an amazing orgasm, she felt the distinct sensation of arousal already building again.

Feeling his hard body pressing against her own turned her on. “I still want you.” In some far corner of her mind she wondered how she could feel so much desire, and yet, complete comfort within that passion, with a stranger.

His mouth, full and sensual, lowered toward hers. It drew her away from her thoughts, pulling her into the anticipation of what was to come.

“I want you very much,” he said in a voice so thick with his need that it sounded almost hoarse.

His lips brushed hers, gently, but with such electricity, she felt it in every inch of her body. When finally his tongue parted her lips, brushing past her teeth, she eagerly met it with her own.

Within seconds they were kissing passionately, pressing their bodies together as if they couldn’t get close enough. Her breasts pressed in the hard perfection of his chest, even as her hands caressed the muscles of his bare back.

She melted into his kiss and knew that if this was a dream, she didn’t ever want to wake up.


He didn’t remember ever wanting a woman the way he wanted this one. Even as he kissed her, pressing his tongue against hers, savoring her flavor, he knew he shouldn’t be here with her.

He was dangerous.

She was like an innocent angel, too pure for him, and too tempting for him to walk away from. He kissed her neck, nipped at her ear and touched her nipples.

Her soft sighs only provoked his urgency.

He wanted out of his pants and anything else that served as a barrier between them. Pushing away from her, he met resistance as she clung. “Where are you going?”