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Alburet stifled his laughter until they were gone and the door shut behind them, then he broke out laughing hard. “Oh gods, I think she’s going for it.”

Stacia smiled, “Aye she is. She be exudin’ pheromones as they left. She had a spike of jealousy when Gerald mentioned Fluff, until he explained.”

“Wait a minute,” Alburet cut in. “You can smell pheromones?”

“Ever since the change,” Stacia admitted. “As well as a few other minor thins. Nothing tha’ be useful in combat.”

Shaking his head, Alburet wrapped her in his arms, “I would love to hear more.”

A cough reminded him that Erin was still there, “I do nay need to see me sister getting all hot and bothered. Iffin we be done here, I’ll clean up and get a nap in.”

Alburet chuckled, “Sorry, Erin. Yeah, we’re done. Lock up behind us, please and have a good nap before you go hunting.”

Finally, Stacia and Alburet were able to get back to their home. Once they were safely locked inside, Alburet chased Stacia down and took her, just as she had asked for earlier. Hours later when they woke from their nap, snuggled in bed, Alburet took the time to just drink in the scent of her. He felt a wave of contentment and happiness roll over him as he held his beautiful wife to him. He felt her wake and snuggle herself even more firmly against him.

“Morning, Kitten. Was that what you needed?”

“Aye, master,” Stacia replied with a languid voice. “I will see about food, before the others show up to go huntin’. Iffin ya will let me go, tha’ be.”

He held for another moment and nibbled her neck, causing her to moan softly before he turned her loose. “Off you go, woman. I’ll clean up and get dressed while you get things started.”

“As master wishes,” Stacia replied as he let her go. She rolled on top of his naked body instead of getting out of bed, and kissed him passionately. Alburet moved to grab her, only to have her spring away with a wicked laugh. “Breakfast will nay cook itself.”

Alburet laughed at her departing back and shook his head. She truly was a succubus, a demon of desire and lust, and she was well up to speed on how to cause him to respond to her. “Little fucking brat,” he chuckled as he went to clean off with a bit of cold water. “I’ll get her back for that later.”

Chapter Five


As Alburet reached the front room he noticed the flashing guild icon. Opening it he found a veritable tidal wave of messages from new members of the guild, mostly people grouping up to tackle the first couple of dungeons, though some had teamed up for regular hunting. He closed the window down as he took a seat in the front room. Stacia brought food a moment later and sat down across from him while they ate.

The guild icon flashed steadily while they ate, new guild members chatting with each other and sharing observations. Alburet shook his head at how busy and eager they all were. Stacia replied to a few of the comments, letting people know which shops the guild had deals set up with. After they’d eaten and the dishes were cleaned they went next door to check in with Kim. They found a couple of guildies just hanging out and chatting with Kim and Erin.

“Afternoon?” Alburet said in way of greeting.

Kim gave him a polite nod, “It’s eased up since the first day, Alburet. You have a meeting with a noble tomorrow morning, so please don’t forget. I’ve arranged a carriage for you to use for all of your meetings over the next month.”

“You’re always on the ball, Kim,” Alburet grinned. “Any problems with any new members?”

The two guys who had been hanging out looked away when he asked the question. “None,” Kim replied evenly as Alburet eyed the men. “They asked, politely I might add, and were good enough to take my answer as final. I think they are a little intimidated by going hunting, to be honest.”

“No I’m not,” one of the two spoke up quickly. “I just don’t feel any need to rush is all.”

“I’m not sure I can solo the goblins,” the other added. “I mean, I stayed in the starting town until I couldn’t advance any more and was still having a rough time of it.”

“What class?” Alburet asked the second guy.

“Trapsmith, but I’m wondering if that was the best idea. I’m not all that great in combat.”

“Ah, but ya will be needed later on,” Stacia added in. “Tha higher level dungeons be littered with quite deadly traps. It makes progress very slow iffin ya do nay have a Trapsmith with ya group. Also, a few of the more dangerous fights, tha bosses have traps in tha room. A Trapsmith can stop them from goin’ off or even use them against tha boss.”

The second guy stood a little taller at her words, “I guess I can go try it out. What’s the worst that can happen, right?”

“I’ll go with if you want some help,” the first guy added as casually as he could.

“Sure, let’s go.” The two of them headed out the door.

As soon as they were gone Erin sighed, “Thank ya. I thought they was goin’ to stay and talk us to death.”

Kim snorted, “They were far from the worst I’ve dealt with. You’ll get used to it, Erin.”

“Me patience be nay as long as yours, Kim,” Erin replied with a laugh.

“Since you’re both okay, I guess I’ll go see what kind of help I can give my new recruits,” Alburet said, then paused. “I thought Wilbur was coming by to take you hunting Erin?”

Erin frowned then gave a deep sigh and shrug, “He has nay come, and I will nay message him.”

Alburet suddenly had reservations about his budding plan concerning Wilbur. It also reminded him that he needed to make arrangements for dinner. He pulled out his Mindstone and sent Grimgar a quick message, asking him to make the reservation for tonight. Grimgar replied even before Alburet got the stone put away. Erin sat at the desk trying to conceal her disappointment. “I said if he wouldn’t that we would take you, Erin. So, go grab whatever gear you have and let’s go.”

Erin looked up with sad eyes but nodded and went to her room to change. Stacia watched her go, waiting until Erin was out of the room before she commented, “Wilbur be really hurtin’ his chances now.”

As soon as the words left her mouth the door opened as Wilbur came in. He had a tight smile fixed in place and his eyes were pinched at the corners, as if he was trying not to show pain. “Sorry I’m late…” he trailed off, realizing that Erin wasn’t in the room.

Alburet eyed Wilbur curiously. “Running a little late, are you?”

Wilbur looked away, his jaw setting even as a sigh escaped him. “Yes. Family business ran longer then I had hoped it would. I am here to fulfill Erin’s wish though, and keep my word to her.” He failed to conceal a wince which caused Alburet focused on him, seeing the debuff Wilbur had.

“Your brother poisoned you?”

Wilbur pulled himself fully upright, his lips tightening, “Of course not.”

“Wilbur?” Erin said from the doorway into the back. She was wearing a set of leathers very like those Stacia had worn her first time out, with twin blades strapped to her waist. Erin stood there looking at him with pained eyes until she noticed the pain he was trying not to show. Then her eyes focused on him, taking in the debuff and her mouth dropped open. “Who?”

Wilbur took a step forward, “It doesn’t matter. I’m here so we can go hunt.”

“With you hurting like tha’?” Erin came forward a few quick steps and took his arm. “We need to go see an alchemist an’ see about gettin’ an antidote first.”

Wilbur shook his head, “I will not show weakness.”

“Fool,” Alburet said without malice. Wilbur’s head snapped like he had been struck. “It isn’t weakness to address an issue. It is pigheaded to try and ignore the distress you’re causing the lady, though.”