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“Everyone has been friendly and we haven’t had any issues,” Fluff added.

“We lost an Elementalist out at the goblin lands, he said the wrong things about Stacia,” Alburet informed them.

Karen winced, “Did he walk away?”

“Aye,” Stacia answered, “he called Alburet a dictator an’ then left. He will nay make many friends, me be thinkin’.”

“Well, there are idiots everywhere,” Karen nodded.

“Where are Gerald and Marysue?” Alburet asked, looking around for them.

“They took a set of three DPS to the Orc village. Gerald said the dungeons could scale a person down. Some people in guild chat were going on about it, so he wanted to check.”

“That would have been the goblin groups I was with,” Alburet informed Karen. “I ran through that dungeon twice with two groups.” He gave a brief recap of the runs.

“Sounds good,” Karen mused. “That will let guilds really have a good time with their friends.”

“Yes. I like it,” Fluff added. “What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”

“A little before sundown I have to go for a dinner. Other than that, just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Tomorrow after a meeting I have we’re going to go hit the gnoll cave again, I think.”

“Thank gods,” Karen said with a sigh. “I want to kill things too, after all.”

“Anyone stand out, good or bad?” Alburet asked, gesturing to the groups around them.

“Not at the moment,” Karen shrugged. “I think they’re all being on good behavior as we’re here.”

“Hmm. We’ll see what happens over the next week or two, then. If you two want to take that group, me and Stacia will take the other one,” Alburet said, indicating the two groups lacking tank or healer.

“I’m holding you to that dungeon crawl tomorrow,” Karen said as she turned away.

“It will happen. Goodness knows I don’t want to end up on the mat again,” Alburet laughed.

They all exchanged hugs and headed off to their chosen groups. For the next couple of hours Alburet didn’t have to do much, but he did get the chance to meet and talk with a good number of the new members. As the sun began to dip towards the horizon he waved to Karen and Fluff before he and Stacia used their Homestones.

Guild Achievement: Clear the Orc Village

Alburet grinned as the achievement popped up. “Well, Gerald seems to be doing okay with the others.”

“They all seem like good people,” Stacia commented as they appeared before their home.

“Besides Firepalm, yes, they do,” Alburet agreed as they went into their home. They showered and changed into good clothes, with only minor flirting by either of them. As the sun actually dipped below the horizon, they stepped across to the guild hall.

Kim was putting stuff away when they entered, “How did the day go?”

“Not bad. We lost one early, but I haven’t heard about any trouble,” Alburet replied. “Can you get a copy of my schedule for noble meetings to Gerald, please? He’s going to be going with me, turns out he’s used to dealing with that class of people.”

“I’ll have a copy for him by morning. I’ll hand it off when you go to the first appointment after breakfast. Is there anything else I need to know about or do?” Kim asked.

“Actually, if you wouldn’t mind reminding me in four days, I have a quest that needs doing.”

“Okay. Just remind you about a quest?” Kim asked with a bit of puzzlement.

“I’ll be going out to the Deadlands for it,” Alburet told her.

“What?” Kim asked her eyes widening a fraction. “You’re nowhere near ready for that place yet.”

“The Dark Lord wants to talk to me, it seems,” Alburet grinned.

“The Dark Lord? As in the Dark Lord, one of the gods?” Kim asked, her shock visible.

“Yup. Seems my gear set came with a quest line. I’m going out for a meeting to find out more,” Alburet chuckled.

“Asthore, do nay play with her like tha’,” Stacia said. “The Dark Lord has offered a gift he rarely does. Me husband is goin’ to see iffin he will accept.”

“What could the Dark Lord want to give to anyone?” Kim asked, as she tried to think of what it might be.

“We’ll find out in a few days,” Alburet laughed. “Is Erin back from her hunt?”

Kim nodded, mentally shifting tracks. “She got back a few minutes before you came over. You’re going to dinner with her and Wilbur, right?”

“Most of the Crowley family and friends I would think,” Alburet replied as Stacia headed back to see how long Erin was going to be.

“None of them have been hunting before?” Kim asked, puzzled.

“They’ve had issues with finding a class,” Alburet told her. “You noticed with Stacia, I believe.”

“All of them are like that? How interesting,” Kim’s gaze went a little fuzzy as she thought about what it might mean.

Erin and Stacia came out a moment later. Erin was dressed in a simple black gown that hinted at her figure without giving too much away. Stacia was dressed in a red dress that was much the same, flattering but not revealing. “We be ready, Asthore,” Stacia said.

“Well then ladies, we are off.” He offered his arms to them, “Is Wilbur meeting us there?”

“He be meeting us here in a few minutes,” Erin replied, taking his arm. “We did nay know where we be goin’.”

“Oh, right,” Alburet laughed and shook his head. “Forgot I kept that secret. Let’s go wait for him out front. Kim, can I entice you to stay until we get back please?”

“It will cost you,” Kim said quickly. “Dinner with me and Rolland tomorrow night, after your appointment that is. I want to hear more about the quest.”

Alburet nodded, “Deal. See you later.”

A carriage was parked just outside the archway. It couldn’t have been there long, as Wilbur was getting out of it. Wilbur’s outfit was clearly of higher quality than anything Alburet or the ladies had, though no doubt it fell well below Skippy’s standards as there was a decided lack of glittery metal to be seen.

Wilbur came to attention as he laid eyes on Erin, who smiled at him. “Miss Crowley, I have arrived with transportation to take you to dinner. I am more than happy to extend the offer of a ride to your sister and brother-in-law, as well.”

“We will accept,” Alburet replied as he released Erin from his arm. “Ladies first.”

Wilbur helped Erin into the carriage, his eyes lingering on her, before turning to help Stacia in. Alburet was next in, and saw the smirk hovering on Stacia’s lips as he settled next to her. Alburet and Stacia had one side of the carriage, leaving Wilbur to sit next to Erin. She took Wilbur’s hand as he sat. “Where are we off to?” Wilbur asked.

Alburet grinned and thumped the wall once, “Driver, to the Victory Lap.”

The carriage started to move before Wilbur could reply. “The Victory Lap? I was not expecting that venue.”

“Something of a family tradition,” Alburet told him. “That’s where Stacia was treated by her family after her first successful hunt. It seems appropriate to continue the tradition with Erin.”

“She told you the news, then?” Wilbur asked, glancing over at Erin.

“Nay, I be tellin’ them when we get to dinner. Me parents will nay doubt be there along with the rest of the family. I want them all to know at once,” Erin said softly, her smile radiant as she squeezed Wilbur’s hand.

Alburet pursed his lips, “Something to celebrate, is it?”

“Aye, something me been hopin’ for,” Erin nodded. “It be all thanks to Wilbur.”

Wilbur shook his head, “I was pleased for you as well.” He smiled at Erin, his eyes shining. “I’ll hold the secret until you tell them.”

Stacia’s smile was radiant, “Oh, I can nay wait to hear.”