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“How did the hunt go?” Alburet asked idly.

“I was uncertain how far out I should take her, as she is such a low level. I was still confident in my ability though, so I took her out past the goblin fort towards their villages. We did a fair amount of damage out there, though Erin did give me a scare a time or two.”

“I said I was sorry for tha’,” Erin replied, her cheeks reddening. “I did nay know how they act in groups. Me sisters and me never did anythin’ beyond the rats in the village outside the city.”

“I know,” Wilbur replied, squeezing her hand. “You told me and I am not upset. I was just frightened that you would be injured.” He smiled at her, the love he felt for her obvious.

A minute later the carriage came to a halt, “The Victory Lap, sir,” the driver called out.

Wilbur stepped out, followed by Alburet, each of them helping their woman out of the carriage. “We will be some time, James. I believe they have a place around the side for you to wait.”

“Indeed, sir,” the driver replied. “I shall be waiting for you.”

James drove the carriage around the side, leaving the quartet out front. Alburet opened the door, holding it while the rest of the party filed in. The interior was just as he recalled it from some weeks back. The maître d’ greeted them with a professional smile, though the effect was less than welcoming as the smile pulled at the scar on the man’s cheek. “May I help you this evening?”

“We’re here for a celebration for one Erin Crowley,” Alburet replied.

“The rest of your party is already here sir,” the man replied as he pulled on a silver bell pull. A moment later a woman appeared in the doorway next to the maître d, “Follow Allison and she will see you to your room.”

“This way, please.” They followed after the woman, who was missing part of her left ear. She ushered them into a room identical to the one used for Stacia’s celebration. Alistern, Lilith, Grimgar, Almira, Stewart and another woman were already seated around the table. They all stood up as Erin entered the room, followed by Wilbur, Alburet and Stacia. A round of hugs and handshakes went around, allowing Alburet to meet Tabitha, Stewart’s companion for the night.

“Nay me sisters?” Erin asked as everyone was seated.

“This be for those who have braved the wilds and come back from their first hunt,” Alistern told his daughter.

“Aye, but I was hopin’ to tell them the news as well,” Erin said, catching the attention of everyone at the table. She took Wilbur’s hand on the table and beamed at him before turning back to the others. “I have news that they should be knowin’, but I’ll tell ya first.” A small collective intake of breath ran around the table as she paused. She grinned mischievously at the sound before she continued, “I be havin’ found me class. I be a Trapsmith, it seems.”

There was a moment of silence as everyone had to suddenly readjust their expectations. Almira was the first to speak, “A class? You mean you are able to use abilities associated with a class, after all this time?”

“Aye,” Erin cried out with a laugh. “Wha’ did ya think I be goin’ to be sayin’?”

Alburet started laughing at everyone’s startled expressions. “Gods, she is a prankster. Careful there Wilbur, or she might just target you next.”

Wilbur went a touch pink, “I did not know she was going to tell you all quite that way. She did tell me about her and her sisters all lacking a class. A rather unusual problem to have. We were both surprised when she was able to spot and disarm a trap at one of the goblin villages.”

“Is that true?” Lilith asked, turning to her daughter.

“Aye, Ma. It was a crude trap, but it seemed ta glow to me. After a second I was able to pull it apart and then refashion it. The next goblin got a poisoned dart ta the face.”

“So ye be needin’ to speak to the Trapsmith in the mornin’ and train ya ability,” Grimgar cut in.

“Two abilities,” Erin grinned, “got to level ten, as well.”

Everyone around the table started talking, mostly congratulating Erin but there was speculation as well. They were still talking when the servers came in with the drinks and food. Alburet stood up to make the first toast to Erin’s success. Erin was kept almost too busy to eat answering questions about her hunt and helping Wilbur field a few not very veiled questions regarding his intentions toward Erin. Erin glared at her father after his second attempt to grill Wilbur. “He will decide when he be good and ready, so leave off.”

“I want to point out,” Tabitha said quietly. “That Stacia and Erin both apparently found their class when out hunting with the person they want to be with.”

The table glanced at Tabitha in surprise. “Good point, Tabitha,” Stewart said and patted her hand. “I think you might have something there. We should see if Marian or Deidre want to go out hunting, and if they do then have it arranged for their paramours to take them.”

“All me daughters can finally find their paths?” The hope in Alistern’s eyes was bright.

“It is something we can look into,” Almira said.

That prompted a round of speculation about who Marian and Deidre might take with them and why. Two hours later the party was breaking up, with Grimgar and Almira the first two to bow out. Stewart took his leave next, with Tabitha at his side. Alburet had been surprised to learn that she was his succubus. Tabitha seemed to be much more reserved than Lilith or Stacia, almost as if afraid she might say something to upset Stewart. After they left, Lilith took Alistern’s hand and tugged him to his feet as well. They wished the last two couples a good night before departing.

“Wilbur, are you planning on more hunts?” Alburet asked once they were the last ones at the table.

“It all comes down to when she will be free to go. We both have jobs after all, but on my day off if she is free I would gladly take her out again.”

“Erin, talk to Kim about lining your days off up with his if you want that,” Alburet told her. “Also, take some time tomorrow when Kim is there to head over and train your abilities.”

“Thank ya,” Erin beamed. “I will do tha’ tomorrow. See, Wilbur? I told ya he would be fine with tha idea.” Erin and Wilbur stood up, clearly preparing to take their leave.

“Wilbur,” Alburet called out, forestalling them. “I have one question that I would really like to know the answer to.”

“What is that?” Wilbur asked, one arm around Erin’s waist as they paused.

“You will continue on in the guards regardless of your family’s wishes? Have you thought about what you’ll do if they force you to decide between them or your career?”

Wilbur sucked in a breath, “That is something I hope will never come to pass.”

“What if they disown you over Erin? They could publicly humiliate her, as well.” Alburet asked the question curiously to gauge him.

Wilbur’s cheeks went red and his mouth thinned in anger, “I will not stand by and let them besmirch her name. She is worth more than my family name.” He stopped dead, surprised by the words that had come out of his mouth. He looked at Erin, who was staring at him with wide hopeful eyes. “You deserve better than I can currently give you. A man who is afraid to have it out with his family over the woman he loves is not worthy of that woman.”

Erin pulled him into a hug, “Fool,” she said without malice. “I do nay care about ya family name or aught else but ya. Ya be enough for me, family or no.”

“Me sisters and I ha’ always followed our hearts,” Stacia added. “She will nay waver from her decision unless ya force her away, now.”

Letting out a deep breath, Wilbur returned the embrace, “I will not, but she still deserves better. My family will only despise her.”

“Are you willing to meet with me in two days, after your shift?” Alburet asked.