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Alburet coughed and covered his mouth at her double meaning. Rolland laughed and Kim grinned at him. “Kitten?”

“Aye, husband?” Stacia grinned, “Did ya wish more wine?”

“We have company. Behave yourself,” Alburet told her with a wry expression.

“Oh, I think she did,” Kim laughed. “I think she has you pegged.”

“Iffin he would only admit tha’ I be right more often,” Stacia told her in a faux whisper.

Alburet rolled his eyes, “Gods save me from embarrassment.”

“It’s one of the things wives do, am I right Alburet?”

“No comment,” Alburet shot back quickly as both women turned their eyes to Rolland.

“Oh, umm, well. This is awkward now,” Rolland faltered.

“Eat your food,” Kim told him firmly. As he lowered his head slightly and began to eat in silence Kim winked at Stacia, who giggled.

“You asked earlier why the nobles were in a frenzy and why Alpha Company has a Royal Charter, Rolland. Let me tell you the story as we eat this wonderful meal.” Alburet said, clearly intending to change the subject. Rolland nodded eagerly, grateful to scramble out of the hole he’d dug for himself.

Alburet gave them an edited version, saying only that he had obtained the book during an adventure, but not mentioning where. He described selling the book to Vladimir and on until he came to the boons he’d asked from Sir Jones, and been granted.

The story and the meal came to an end together, as Alburet finished up with, “So that is the how and why of the hubbub over our guild.”

“Wish I could be a part of it,” Rolland sighed. “Sadly, you haven’t conquered one of the abandoned keeps along the edge of the Dead Lands. If you do that, then you could set up a portal. Keep me in mind for when you get to that point, please.”

“Wait,” Alburet said, having sat up as the other man spoke. “We can take over keeps in the Dead Lands?”

“Yes,” Rolland finished the wine before him. “Not many guilds do. It’s extremely dangerous, and the upkeep is quite high. The adventuring group Kim and I were with had cleared one out, back in our heyday. We eventually sold the rights to the keep to the Portal Guild, they use it as an outpost to gather components needed to keep the portals operating.”

“I am so looking forward to when we get strong enough to do that,” Alburet said, his eyes glazing over a bit as he considered all of what that could mean for the guild.

“Don’t go running off before you’re ready,” Kim added. “A lot of groups suffer permanent fatalities trying to conquer one of those keeps. We lost two of our party to the final death during our last adventure which netted that keep. I wish George and Barbara had survived, but the gods called them home.”

Rolland nodded sadly, “The best duo of healer and tank we’d ever grouped with. May their spirits have found peace with the gods.” Rolland smiled wistfully, “Or maybe they went off to Delta World.”

“Delta World?” Alburet asked.

“Aye, Asthore,” Stacia said, as she cleared the dishes away, “it be rumored tha’ when one dies the final death here, our souls go to reside with the gods for a time. After tha’, we go on to the next world that the gods watch over. We call it Delta World. We do nay know if it be true or just rumor, the gods will nay speak on the matter.”

“Huh,” Alburet said, wondering if that had anything to do with the odd questions Victoria had asked him during the down time, “learn something new every day.”

“Now, about the other story,” Kim asked, accepting coffee Stacia brought out. “Thank you, Stacia.”

“That tale is going to take a bit,” Alburet chuckled as he sipped at his own coffee. “Let me ask you first, what are your feelings about Half-blood Infernals?”

Rolland frowned slightly, “Well, many still look down on them, like they do Summoners and Necromancers. It is rumored that one of the two who led the rebellion against the first Empire was a Half-blooded Infernal. Which one varies, according to who you ask.”

“Neither of us hold them any real ill-will,” Kim added. “Though truthfully, neither of us have known anyone who admitted to being a Half-blood. A lot of children’s stories cast them as the bad guys who torment and terrorize normal folk.”

“Would you knowingly consort with a Half-blood?” Alburet asked, watching them both. “Would you work for one?”

Rolland chewed his lip for a moment, “I guess it would depend on the person, really. If we got to know them and they were okay, I can’t see why we’d have any problem.”

“I’ve worked for people I would like to see turned into goblin food, so I don’t see why a person’s race would influence me. It all comes down to what Rolland said. How a person acts is what I’ll judge them by.”

“Well,” Alburet said as he scratched at his chin for a moment. He nodded, “I have a quest from a rare armor set that I have started acquiring. It is the Demon Lord’s set, only useable by Summoners.”

Rolland’s eyes went wide, “That armor set was thought to have been lost in the Dead Lands.”

“Yeah, not so much it seems,” Alburet replied. “I got the boots from Vladimir in exchange for the book. I picked up the gloves out of a mystery box from a quartermaster. And I recently got the crown from Stewart Demonblood as a wedding gift. He got the crown from killing Experiment 9, out in the Dead Lands.”

Kim sat up straight, “So, your quest is from the armor set?”

“That is correct,” Alburet said, noting their rapt attention. He glanced briefly at Stacia before he continued. “The Dark Lord has extended an invitation for me to start a quest line in the Dead Lands in a few days. I have been led to believe that it will change my race from Human to Half-blood Infernal.”

“Is that even possible?” Kim asked Rolland, turning to look at him.

“I don’t know,” he admitted as he stared at Alburet. “It has been said that some relics could help change one’s race. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible. Are you going to do it?” Rolland asked, his eyes intent.

“Yes,” was the simple reply from Alburet.

“You know that your reputation with the city will drop,” Kim pointed out.

“Yes, but I’m going to do it anyway. Stacia supports me in this decision, and really, her opinion is the one that really matters.”

“As me Asthore, I will nay deny ya what ya wish,” Stacia said, taking his hand and smiling fondly at him.

Rolland and Kim stared at them. It was several seconds before Kim finally was able to speak again. “My boss is going to be a known Half-blood. Nothing will change at work, right?”

“Why would it?” Alburet asked.

“Well, a lot of the old stories tell about Half-bloods secretly draining the souls of those near them,” Rolland told him.

“What would I do with a soul? Turn it into a green cookie?” Alburet asked with a chuckle. “Soul cookies, to regenerate life and give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?”

Kim snorted and shook her head, “You’re right. It’s just, wow…”

“You could have lied to us,” Rolland said suddenly. “Or even not said anything. Why tell us something that you probably should keep hidden?”

Alburet met his eyes, “Because I trust you. Your wife is a life saver for my guild. You, personally, intervened on my behalf outside of the portal guild. Both of you have been kind and understanding during all of our conversations. It seemed right.”

Rolland took a deep breath and looked at Kim, who nodded. “Well, then. I guess we should acknowledge that statement in kind.”

You are now Respected by Kim and Rolland Magiblood

Alburet blinked at the pop-up which appeared before him. He looked at the duo across the table from him and bowed. “I’m touched by the depth of your understanding. I had hoped for your friendship, but to be respected by you both is touching.”