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“Rolland showed us the place a while ago,” Alburet informed them. “He said they can always match the wine to the meal.”

“They make good food,” Fluff put in.

“Who has what planned for the rest of the day?” Karen asked.

“We have a dinner engagement for sunset,” Alburet told her, as he hugged Stacia gently. “Nothing before that though.”

“Another noble after sundown,” Gerald sighed. “And many days of this, still.”

“I’ll go with you,” Marysue told him. “I like getting to watch them balk and get all sulky when you tell them no. I find it funny.”

“I am to meet Lilith tonight, but that’s all for now,” Fluff added.

“Then why wait for tomorrow?” Karen grinned. “We should head out to the next area now and check it out, am I right?”

“Should have seen that coming,” Alburet laughed. “She’s never satisfied until she gets it all.”

“Aye, tha’ I know well,” Stacia smirked. “She always wants just a bit more.”

Fluff pinked just slightly as she groomed an ear, “She always wants more?”

“I just want as much as I can get,” Karen said a touch defensively. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“Okay, then, shall we go off to the Webbed Woods?” Gerald asked, shuddering slightly.

“Spiders?” Alburet asked.

“Yes,” Fluff nodded. “From frisbee sized up to Labrador retriever.”

“You’re fucking kidding?” Alburet frowned.

“We could shoot off in a different direction,” Marysue told him. “There are red-shelled people, Langistors, to the south around a lake. Their shells give them a very high defensive value.”

“Hmm, lobsters or spiders?” Alburet shrugged. “Fuck it, either one is fine. Just a little surprised that the spiders come after the gnolls.”

“I would rather go after the Langistors,” Karen stated. “The spiders are a pain with the immobilization effects they do.”

“Can fire burn the webs off?” Fluff asked. “I didn’t go after the spiders before.”

Gerald grinned, “Yes, yes it can. We might take a little damage from the webs burning, but they do burn.”

“Let’s go burn the forest down, then,” Marysue said. “Bob will be happy.”

“Okay, so split up, grab any gear or potions you need. Fluff and Karen can go train their abilities and we can meet up at the Portal Guild in, say, twenty minutes?” Alburet suggested. Everyone agreed and broke off in different directions. Alburet and Stacia headed for the Portal Guild to wait, as he didn’t need anything. “This ought to get interesting.”

“I can nay wait to see Bob advanced, he should be happy,” Stacia said as they walked.

“Oh gods, does he become even more lecherous?” Alburet mock asked.

Stacia giggled, “He will have grown in stature and he will do more damage.”

“Good,” Alburet said, checking the newer spell and adjusting the words to reflect the old spell. “I hope he is happy.”


Human Summoner

Level 21


Strength: 47 (42)

Agility: 47 (42)

Constitution: 30

Intelligence: 102 (72)

Wisdom: 154 (94)

Charisma: 77 (42)


Health: 1350

Mana: 2590



Demon Skin-Rank 2

Demonic Retribution- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Imp

Fire Blast- Rank 2

Sap Strength- Rank 2

Demonic Haze- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Destroyer

Demonic Vitality- Rank 2

Fire Burst

Summon Lesser Succubus



Personal Spells

Flame Weapon


Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

Chapter Eleven


Walking up the stairs in the Portal Guild, Alburet chuckled as he finally noticed that each floor was divided up to reflect the level of the areas the portals went to. He and Stacia continued past the floor serving the Gnoll Forest to the next floor. He took a quick tour down the hall and found both the Langistors Lake and the Webbed Woods.

“Well, off to see freakishly large spiders,” Alburet said as he paused outside the archway to the portal. He motioned Stacia through then stepped through himself.

A fort much like the one at the Gnoll Forest greeted them. This time the inn was a touch larger and the Blacksmith had an apprentice. The two guards at the gate came slightly more alert as they appeared.

“Two-souled are back,” one mumbled.

“About bloody time,” the other said quietly.

“With the gate between the worlds constantly needing attention, it takes us time.” Alburet said, having heard them clearly. “The rest of my group will be along shortly. Can you let them know we’re waiting in the inn, please?”

“Sir,” one said, coming to attention, his face flushing slightly at having been overheard.

“It’s fine,” Alburet chuckled as he took Stacia’s arm and started into the yard. “We are but the tip of the spear. More will be following us in the next few days and weeks.”

“Thank the gods,” the other one breathed out. “The spiders have been getting over bold the last few weeks.”

“I’m sure we can dissuade them,” Alburet chuckled.

The inn was called The Widow’s Peak, and the sign showed a black widow perched at the top of a web. Alburet ordered tea and scones, and as they waited for the others they sipped and nibbled in comfortable silence, just watching each other.

“So lovey dovey,” Karen said by way of greeting as she came in a few minutes later.

He looked up to see Fluff and Karen coming towards them. “Huh. Thought Gerald and Marysue would beat you two here.”

“Maybe he got sidetracked?” Karen said with quirked lips.

“He would nay,” Stacia added. “He wants it to be perfect the first time. Ya can tell by his eyes.”

Alburet agreed, “Point, Kitten.”

“Speaking of,” Karen chuckled as she glanced out the window, “there they are.”

“Let’s go grab the quests,” Alburet got to his feet, nodding to the innkeeper on the way out. “Very good sir, thank you.”

Inside the keep proper they found the sergeant behind a desk. Alburet was momentarily taken aback to see that the sergeant was a dark furred Lunari. “Sir,” Alburet said, coming to attention before the desk. “Alpha Company here to help with the woods.”

The deep rumble of the sergeant’s reply was almost on par with Tiny’s. “Very well, Alpha Company. Kill twenty Trappers, twenty Widows and ten of those bastard Mutated. If you still want to help after that, then find their damn Queen and kill her as well.”

Quest: Kill Twenty Trappers

Reward: 50 Gold and increased rep with Stormguard guards


Quest: Kill Twenty Widows

Reward: 50 Gold and increased rep with Stormguard guards


Quest: Kill Ten Mutated

Reward: 50 Gold and increased rep with Stormguard guards


Quest: The Spider Queen

Reward: 100 Gold and an item from the Quartermaster.