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“So, the reason I wanted to talk to you. Um. They’ll be separating the men and women for the exams. I wanted to ask if you would keep an eye on Marysue? If anyone does anything funny, stop them. I’ll pay you.”

Karen shook her head, trying to focus on Gerald’s words, and not the mesmerizing eyes that still floated in her mind. “Huh? Protect Marysue? From what?”

“For the physical exams before we go in the pods the men and women are going to be in separate rooms. I can’t be there to protect her if anything happens. So I’m asking if you’ll just keep an eye on things and intercede if she asks for help. I’ll pay you for the trouble.” Gerald asked again, clearly edgy about not being able to be there himself.

“Sure. You don’t have to pay me, though. She’s a friend, like you are, so I’ll watch out for her. Though if anyone lays a hand wrong on Fluff, I might have to break things.” Karen looked back at the hoodie again, “Gah, how did she do this to me with just a glance?”

“If I could answer that I might know for myself,” Gerald half replied, his eyes on Marysue.

Karen laughed, “Two moon-struck calves. Well, let’s go have you meet her. Too bad Alburet isn’t here, she always seems a little more at ease around him.”

“Any idea why? He seemed like a prick when I first met him. Hell, he was quoting Shakespeare at her when they first met. Now that I’ve gotten to know him, he seems all right, but that first day not so much.” Gerald opined as they walked towards the shirt tables.

“You might not see it, but he exudes a sense of confidence. A palpable sense that you will be alright if you stick with him. It can’t be pheromones, it’s virtual reality. But the way he stands, the way he talks…, he just gives the impression he’ll be the one standing at the end. Which makes it funny that I can make him tap out almost every time, but even when he’s beat and tapping he still gives me my sense of pride. He acknowledges that I beat him but also seems to challenge me to do it again.”

“You still got a thing for him? Even with him being with a virtual succubus?”

“Hell yes,” Karen laughed. “Besides, I wouldn’t balk at that package deal. Stacia is a fucking master with her hands, not to mention her tongue, but her massages are heavenly. Her sister Miriam is good, but second best compared to Stacia.”

“You are a little odd,” Gerald chuckled.

“And you two aren’t? Childhood friends who can’t pull the trigger on a relationship.”

“She doesn’t want one,” Gerald half growled.

“Have you asked?” Karen replied, not at all put off by his growl.

“Years ago. She rebuked me. I won’t ask again, she might not want me around if I do,” Gerald answered, seeming to lose a bit of steam.

“Friend-zoned,” Karen sucked in a breath. “Sucks. You have my sympathy.”

“Mary, who are you talking too?” Gerald cut off the conversation with Karen now that they were close enough to the others.

“Gerald, this is Fluffball. Fluff, Gerald is behind you. Why not say hi?” Marysue gently turned Fluff around to face Gerald.

“Hello, Gerald. It is nice to meet you,” Fluff’s voice again was barely loud enough to be heard over everyone else talking around them.

Gerald dropped to one knee and looked up into the hood. Piercing sky blue eyes, clear as crystal were framed with thick, dark lashes. Her skin was flawless porcelain, framed by black hair cut short. She possessed the sort of perfect beauty only ever seen in magazines. His tongue locked up and his eyes went wide. Mentally he agreed with Karen, Fluff was indeed gorgeous. He stared, unaware of the passing seconds. Fluff started to turn crimson and one of her hands darted up to rub at the side of her head for just a second. She turned away from him, trembling as she did.

 “Are you okay?” Marysue asked, wrapping Fluffball into a gentle embrace. “Gerald, what did you do?”

Blinking, Gerald looked up at Marysue, who was visibly upset with him. “Nothing…” He paused for a moment then stood back up, “I’m sorry, Fluffball. I didn’t mean to cause you distress. I just wanted to look you in the eye when I greeted you.”

“Told you,” Karen snarked from beside him. She stepped over to Fluffball, laying one hand gently on the smaller woman’s back. “It’s okay, Fluff. Do you like what they did with the shirt? I think your emblem looks fantastic on a shirt.”

Her head barely moved as she nodded, “I’m sorry. I’m not good around people.”

“It will be okay, Fluff,” Karen soothed, gently taking her from Marysue with a smile. “Why don’t we go off to the side and talk for a bit while they deal with the new people showing up, okay? Can I take your arm?”

Nodding, Fluff offered her hand to Karen, “Okay.”

Marysue slapped Gerald’s arm, “Why did you scare her?”

“I didn’t do anything,” Gerald replied. “All I did was meet her eyes. Did you see her face?”

“No, but she’s obviously sensitive about how she looks. I feel bad for her, goodness knows how hard it would be to go through life with a disfigurement.”

Gerald opened his mouth then shut it before shaking his head, “You are going to be in for a surprise, I think. I’ll go round up the latest arrivals.”

Chapter Two


Karen led Fluff to a corner, out of the way of most of the others in the lobby. She got Fluff settled then went and got them some water. Returning, she sat next to Fluff on the ground with their backs against the wall.

“Soon we’ll be in Alpha World for a whole month. Exciting, isn’t it?” Karen said to break the ice.

“Yes,” Fluff replied, her voice still very quiet. “They’ll be offering more than a month, I’ve been told.”

Karen’s eyes widened as her smile grew, “Really? How much longer?”

“Three months and six months, respectively. At least according to my friend. I will be opting for the six-month immersion.”

“Long time to be in game. What about your other obligations?” Karen asked, trying to learn more about Fluff.

“I’ve canceled all my shoots and art contracts. It will cost me, but it will be worth it. I’ll be free,” Fluff’s voice seemed to gain a little more life. “No one to stare at me, no one to put me down. Freedom.”

“Who would put you down, Fluff?” Karen asked gently. “I think you’re pretty awesome, myself.”

Fluff hunched into herself, one hand coming up to rub at her head where her ears were in game. “No one, not for a few years now. But I know my place.”

Karen sucked in a breath, thinking she was getting some inkling of what Fluff had gone though. “You mentioned you’ve had issues in the past, and that Lilith was helping you with them. Can I tell you about my past?”

Fluff’s head cocked to the side slightly so part of her face could be seen as she looked at Karen. “Why tell me?”

“You’re my friend. I enjoy hanging out with you and soon we’ll be spending a lot of time together. Maybe knowing about my past will help us mesh better.” Karen gave the best answer she could while also not wanting to touch on the other reasons.

“Okay,” Fluff looked back at the ground.

“My dad was military for years. We moved a lot, and I mean a lot. Every year a new school it seemed. On top of that, Dad had always wanted a son. I was a miracle child as it was, mom was never able to have another kid. So he raised me as the son he wanted. I was taught how to work on cars instead of playing with dolls. I learned martial arts instead of dance or music.”

Karen’s voice grew a bit distant as memories surfaced, staring into the past. “It’s no surprise I became a tomboy. Dad was happy enough, even when he finally was forced to retire from the military. We settled down in Texas. He opened the dojo I currently own and run. That was right when I started high school. That’s also when trouble started, of course. Teens are always trouble, am I right?”