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Reputation with all Elven factions has been reduced to Wary.

Reputation with all Lunari factions has been reduced to Wary.


 “That isn’t horrible,” Karen said.

“My rep gains will also be much slower now,” Alburet told her. “As for perks, it depends on which demon your blood comes from. Stewart, are you half Destroyer or Imp?”

“Imp,” Stewart informed Alburet.

“So you can cast spells without words?”

“I usually say the words. Fewer questions that way,” Stewart told him, glancing sideways at the two people he didn’t really know.

“Destroyer blood gives a damage reduction buff. Succubus blood lets the Half-blood influence emotions to a small degree. Enough to cause someone who is interested to make a move on you, for instance,” Alburet told them as he stroked Stacia’s leg. “Stacia is now also a Half-blood,” Alburet told the room, “that is what people will find out if they ask. She was changed with me at my request.”

“That is an interesting angle, and it will nicely deflect attention away from us,” Lilith nodded in approval.

“Exactly. If I can somehow put the rest of this armor set together, I think I’ll get the change again to a Demon Lord.”

Everyone but Karen, Fluff and Stacia got wide eyes. “What does that mean?” Karen asked.

“The Demon Lords should be the most powerful of the Infernals,” Fluff said. “They are the ones that stand just below the Dark Lord in the hierarchy, and are said to have some unique abilities. Just as a full vampire can shift to a gaseous form or a bat, as far as I know.”

“Fluffball is correct,” Almira stated, looking at Alburet. “Have you pledged to the Dark Lord?”

“No, nor do I intend to,” Alburet told her levelly. “I have never venerated a god, on the other world or here, and I don’t plan on starting now.”

“Does he know?” Alistern asked.

“I’m sure he does,” Alburet chuckled. “He asked. He seemed greatly amused by my answer. Lilith, your mother says hi, by the way.”

Lilith stiffened, “Mother talked to you?”

“Yes. You should talk with Stacia later. Teach her some tips for helping people like you’re helping Fluff.” Alburet swallowed, the very thought making him shake nervously.

“Are ya sure, master?” Stacia asked, locking eyes with him.

“Not really,” Alburet croaked, “but maybe it would be for the best.”

“What?” Karen asked sitting forward, as were the others.

Alburet looked at Fluff, “Do you want others to know what Lilith is doing to help you?”

Fluff swallowed and shook her head once, “No, please.”

“Then I won’t say anything more for now,” Alburet said and looked at Karen. “Please leave it be for now. Fluff and I are both asking.”

Karen bit her lip as her hands clenched, “But, what if I can help?”

“You can’t,” Lilith told her, “at least not yet. Later, when things have progressed, it can help if a loved one is there to reaffirm love for them. At the start though, it is tough for them and they might withdraw if they feel like they are being cornered. When Fluff is ready, and if she agrees, then I will bring you into the circle.”

“Yes,” Fluff said, looking over at Lilith, “when I am ready, I would like Karen to know.”

“Will you abide by her decision until then, Karen Two-souled?” Lilith asked.

Karen let out a frustrated sigh, “Fine. I care about Fluff and over the last week or two I’ve seen a remarkable change in her. If this is from your help, then please continue. When I can help, let me know and I will be there for her.”

Fluff’s eyes gleamed with tears, two of them tracking down her face before she scrubbed them away. “Thank you.” Her words were barely a whisper.

Karen turned and pulled Fluff to her in a hug, “No need to thank a friend who cares for you. You are a wonderful person who deserves to be happy.”

The two friends hugged each other as the room watched in silence for a moment. Grimgar finally broke the silence, “Well, I should be getting’ back to me shop, it be well past time to open. Thank ye for breakfast, Stacia. Iffin there be anythin’ I can do for ye, just let me know.”

Almira and Alistern expressed similar sentiments as they all got to their feet. Alburet showed them out as Stacia collected the dishes for cleaning. Once the family was gone he came back to his chair and sat heavily. “In-laws just dropping by, something I was sure I would never experience.”

“Marriage problems,” Karen chuckled. “At least they like you.”

“True,” Alburet replied. “Gerald suggested we hit the Snowblind Hills today. Any idea what that should mean for us?”

“Bring warm clothes to wear over your armor,” Karen replied. “It’s like Canada in the winter, and there’s always a blizzard going on.”

“Fun times,” Alburet said as he got to his feet. “I’ll just go grab some more gear from the bedroom, be back shortly.”

As he left Stacia drifted over to the other two. “Fluff,” Stacia began, “iffin ya are okay with it, would ya like me to take over for me Ma’? I be learnin’ her ways, as I will need them for Alburet. Ya can stay here in our spare room, iffin ya want.”

“I don’t know,” Fluff said uncertainly. “I wouldn’t want to intrude…”

“Hell, I’ll take the spare room if she doesn’t want it,” Karen said. “Maybe then we can break Alburet’s stubborn resistance about the whole marriage thing.”

Stacia shook her head, “We can have ya both in the room, it be big enough for two beds. I be askin’ as I would like to try to help ya before I be tryin’ to help Alburet. His issue be even more complex than ya problem be.”

Fluff chewed her lip, then nodded, “Okay. Once your mom says you’re ready.”

“We can both stay in the same room?” Karen asked.

Stacia nodded, “Aye but we will nay be tryin’ to break his will in any manner. It may help Fluff iffin she knows someone she trusts is always here for her. Iffin ya want to help, Karen, it be best to direct ya focus to bein’ there for Fluff and nay between me husband’s legs.”

Karen smirked at the last few words but nodded, “Okay, fine. For now, at least, but I’m not going to just give up on the idea. Even Fluff might consider it if he offered.”

Fluff went crimson in an instant, ducking her head down and frantically grooming her ears with alternating hands. “I’m not… I mean he wouldn’t… I’m ugly and…”

“No, you’re not Fluff,” Karen said as she gently caught one of Fluff’s hands and stroked her ear for her. “You’re soft, caring, kind, and sexy as all hell.”

Fluff went still, frozen in place. Her purring gradually became audible, then she pressed her head into Karen’s hand and visibly relaxed. She was still doing that when Alburet came out of the bedroom carrying extra jackets.

“Kitten, I grabbed some warm pants and a jacket for you.” He set them on the table, looking over at Karen petting Fluff. He coughed once and looked away as his mind nosedived with ideas. “I also have jackets for you two, if you need them.”

He missed seeing Karen lean forward to whisper in Fluff’s ear, or seeing Fluff’s eyes come up to look at him. Fluff’s purr grew even louder, threatening to start echoing in the small room as Karen’s words bolstered her confidence. “Thank you Al,” Fluff said, her words rumbling with the purr.

“Yeah, no problem,” Alburet said, pulling his jacket on, still not looking back at the couch.

“Thank ya master,” Stacia said as she slipped around him and snagged the clothes he’d brought out for her. She stripped off her current clothing and put on the warmer clothes, her eyes watching him as he watched her. “It be so nice when me husband brings me the right clothin’.” She wiggled her hips as she pulled the pants up, which drew his eyes up to her bouncing breasts. “We have guests, husband, it be nay polite to be oglin’ me so. They may think ya plan to take me and nay share with them.”