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“Hey, at least the mobs won’t be hard for you guys out here,” Ironhand laughed. “We’ll catch you later, boss.” He turned to the others, “Let’s go get some food, guys. I’m starving!”

Ironhand’s group continued back to the keep, intent on turning in their quests. “They seem to have settled in as a group,” Stacia commented.

“Yeah,” Alburet said, glancing back at the group. “Glad to see they picked up a guild tank, as well.”

Minutes later they dispatched another set of Imps and came to a clearing. The clearing held a ring of standing stones. A group of players fought a motley group of Cursed demons inside the circle of stones. Alburet motioned to his minions to wait as he watched the fight. He chuckled when Jaxton bashed the Cursed Succubus, stunning her. The damage dealers in his group all piled onto the Succubus while Jaxton taunted the rest of the demons to him with a burst of bright light. The Cursed Destroyer was the next to fall, followed by the two Cursed Imps.

When the fight ended, Alburet clapped, “Nicely done.”

Jaxton turned with a smile that faltered at the sight of Alburet. “Wow, that is a change. What happened to you?”

Alburet gave them the short version, like he had with the last group. “You guys seem to be doing well,” he smiled after telling them the story.

“We’re thinking of hitting the dungeon,” Jaxton replied. “Any hints for this one?”

“Nope,” Alburet shook his head. “We skipped this zone when leveling, which we know now was a mistake.”

“No kidding,” Brightlight added, “your priest could have done a lot of damage to these guys.”

“Yeah, Infernals and undead do not like healing from the divine,” Alburet nodded.

“They be fine iffin the healer be a paladin or cleric of the Dark Lord,” Stacia added. “They be the only ones who can do tha’, though.”

“Good to know,” Jaxton stated. “You want to tag along with us?”

“No,” Alburet sighed, “sorry. We just came out to check in with you guys out here. There’s still another group out here somewhere.”

Guild Achievement: Clear the Taint from the Henge.

“Or they could have just finished the dungeon,” Alburet laughed.

“They must have been on point,” Jaxton mused. “By all accounts, that dungeon isn’t easy. It’s a single fight with wave after wave of demons. No downtime at all.”

“Sounds fun,” Alburet laughed. “Well, good luck you guys. Now that I know how everyone is doing, I’ll think I’ll grab some grub and call it a night.”

“You don’t keep fighting after sundown?” Brightlight asked, puzzled.

“Not normally,” Alburet shrugged. “I try to treat this like a second life. Since I’m doing the longer-term immersion, I’ve got plenty of time.”

“Good point,” Jaxton nodded. “Wish I could have afforded to sign up for the six-month test. Oh, well. Maybe they’ll let me sign back up after this test.”

Alburet took his leave from the group and dismissed Bob and Tiny. He and Stacia used their Homestones to return to the city as the last sliver of sun was sinking below the horizon. Stacia made them a quick stew, then she was out the door to learn how to help Fluff and him. Left at home with nothing to do, Alburet wandered over to the guild hall.

Erin and Wilbur were sitting at the desk talking when he went in. “How are you both doing?”

Erin looked up and her eyes widened, “Darkness, he was nay kiddin’, was he?”

“Nope. I’m a Half-blood Infernal now,” Alburet smiled. “You ready to go start your new life as a Lady?”

“Aye,” Erin nodded, coming around the desk to give him a hug. “Thank ya for all ya have done for me, Alburet.”

He patted her back in a brotherly manner, “It’s no big thing, sis. I’ll take over and lock up for the night. Why don’t you head out and the two of you have a good night. Kim and your replacement will be in tomorrow morning, so you just need to pack up your stuff from the spare room.”

“Already did tha’,” Erin told him as she went to stand next to Wilbur. “I be leavin’ the key to ya, and thank ya again. I would never have met me soon to be husband iffin nay for ya. Much less found me class and had all these opportunities.”

“Just remember to invite me to the wedding,” Alburet chuckled. “Wilbur, I leave my sister-in-law in your capable hands. If you ever need my help, I will be there.”

Wilbur bowed his head, “The same is true in return, Alburet. You have made me realize that not everything we are taught is true. You also helped me meet the wonderful woman I am soon to call my wife, and you have set into motion the realization of a long-held dream. House Theron shall forever call you friend and ally.”

You are now Revered with House Theron.

Your standing with House Theron cannot fall unless you act against them or the crown.

A broad smile spread over Alburet’s face, “Now, that is a gift I had not expected. Wilbur, I am honored.” He bowed deeply to Wilbur and Erin, “May you both find happiness and have lots of babies.”

Erin kissed Alburet’s cheek as they left, “I dare say I will be havin’ the first grandkid for me parents.”

“You’re very right in that,” Alburet laughed as he watched them go. Once they were gone he went through the guild hall, checking that everything was in place before he snuffed the lights and locked up.

Two hours after she’d left, Stacia came back into the house to find Alburet sitting on the sofa with coffee, “Welcome home, Kitten.”

“Thank ya, master,” Stacia replied, coming over to snuggle with him. “It was interestin’. Now I can do wha’ Ma’ be doin’ to help Fluffball.”

“Easy to pick up?” Alburet asked curiously.

“It be a matter of helpin’ the person see an event from a different angle. In ya case, it will be helpin’ ya put back the real memories where be the false ones,” Stacia murmured as she snuggled against him, “Ma’ showed me how to view a person to see how best to help them. Did ya wish me to help ya tonight?”

Alburet chewed his lip for a moment. He did want her help, but he was also afraid. Afraid of what he might learn and what he had tried to forget that would be revealed to him. “Not tonight, Kitten,” he finally said. “After you help Fluff a few times, then we’ll see about you tackling my more challenging issues. Tonight, we’re going to take a bath, then go to bed, and eventually get some sleep. After all, I need to repay someone for delaying us earlier, don’t I?”

Stacia giggled, “Oh, aye, master. Naughty wenches need to be punished.”

Alburet picked her up as he stood, putting her over his shoulder, “We shall start with a bath.”


Half-Blood Infernal Summoner

Level 22


Strength: 49 (44)

Agility: 49 (44)

Constitution: 30

Intelligence: 104 (74)

Wisdom: 163 (98)

Charisma: 79 (44)

Health: 1400

Mana: 2730



Demon Skin-Rank 2

Demonic Retribution- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Imp

Fire Blast- Rank 2

Sap Strength- Rank 2

Demonic Haze- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Destroyer

Demonic Vitality- Rank 2

Fire Burst- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Succubus



Personal Spells

Flame Weapon
