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Victoria watched him with sparkling eyes, “Would you play that game if you had the option?”

He shook his head, “No. I would have to leave behind Stacia for that, and I can’t see myself doing that. Besides, at the moment I want to see the tech for the pods advance to the point where Kaylee can play, so I can see her again. Her, David, Stacia and me could go on adventures together then.”

“What if you had to choose, Seamus?” Victoria asked her voice deadly serious. “What if you had to choose between being able to play in the same game with Kaylee, or staying in Alpha World with Stacia?”

His eyes snapped down from the screens to her, his face going white. “That’s a horrible choice, Vicky. Why would I ever make that choice? My daughter in all but blood or the woman I’ve grown to love? That’s the kind of sick choice a dictator asks a condemned prisoner to make.”

“You are correct. I’m sorry, it was unfair of me to ask,” she replied, looking away from him. “Did you wish to watch them until they go to take the medical exams?”

“Yes, please,” Seamus replied as he slowly looked away from her to the screens, his mind still picking at the question that had no right answer. He couldn’t pick between two people he loved, that would be like asking a parent to pick a favorite child.

“I’ll leave you be for a bit, then. Enjoy the soda and snacks until I return.” A tray of refreshments appeared on the desk as Victoria got to her feet. She walked to the door as Seamus kept his eyes on the screens. “One more thing,” she said, then paused until he turned to look at her. “If you could have it all, the more realistic game and all your friends and family with you, would you play it then?”

“Of course,” Seamus replied.

“I’ll be back after the presentation. I’ll turn the sound on for you,” Victoria left him alone in the office to watch people gathering to make history.

She returned just as the final groups went down the hall to the medical exam areas. “Did you enjoy watching your friends and possible new recruits?”

Seamus rubbed his beard, “I’m really curious what Fluff looks like in real life now. Gerald and Karen both seemed pretty flabbergasted, though I couldn’t hear most of what they said when they met her. And when Fluff and Karen went off to the side to sit and talk I didn’t get to hear a lot of what was said, though they seemed to be getting along, which is nice.”

“We have most of a day still, and I’ve already stepped on your toes enough for one day, so what would you like to do?”

“I’ll need some sleep before the game goes back up. I want to be ready when they all start showing up. That still leaves time to kill though, so why don’t we play something together this time? There are a number of cooperative games I’m sure we could play.”

Victoria grinned and one of Seamus’ favorite cooperative games appeared on the desk between them. “Why don’t we solve a case together then? I will not be cheating in any way, shape or form, in order to make it challenging.”

“I love this game. But, you know that, right? You still cheat at the small things it seems,” Seamus chuckled, dealing out the cards and watching as the pieces for the game separated into piles. “I’ll be playing the main character, Harry. Who are you going to be?”

“Mouse. He is a protector, after all,” Victoria grinned.

After several hours and several games, Victoria called a halt. “It is about time for you to rest, Seamus. I need to ask, have you been having nightmares in the game?”

“Yes,” Seamus shuddered slightly.

“We’ve noticed some spikes in your vitals during times you were sleeping. I hope they aren’t too bad until we can figure it out.”

“They get pretty bad, but I’m sure things will work out. Until we meet again, Vicky, have a good day.”

“You as well, Seamus. Give Stacia a hug and kiss for me.” His vision faded to darkness, the image of Victoria winking and smiling lingering as he found himself drifting to sleep.

He woke as the clock floating in front of his eyes was ticking down the last fifteen seconds. He smiled in anticipation. Soon he would be back with the woman he loved and surrounded by his friends.

Chapter Four


Alburet reappeared in bed, exactly where he had been when the server shut down. He just had time to turn his head when he was pounced on by an overjoyed Stacia. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into the crook of his neck with a happy cry. He put his arms around, pulling her even closer. “Morning, Kitten. Told you I would be back.”

“I know tha’, master. It does nay stop me from worryin’,” came her muffled replied as she nuzzled his neck. “There ha’ been a lot of people over tha last couple days, stoppin’ by to see what the guild be about. Kim has been handlin’ it all with ease, says there be nothin’ so important to worry about right away.”

“We’ll probably be having guests in short order, Kitten. Lots of two-souled have also returned and a number of them will probably be stopping by to get a scroll to register with the guild. So let’s get a few pots of tea ready and head over to the guild hall for a bit.”

“No,” came the reply from Stacia. “I be wantin’ time with me master.”

Alburet felt conflicted. He really wanted to stay in bed with her, showering her with love for caring so much and wanting to be with him, but he also felt the weight of responsibility descending on his shoulders. His relationship with Stacia was far from standard, so he chose the second path. He tangled a hand in her hair and pulled her head back, eliciting a small gasp of pain from her. “You will get time when we have time, Kitten. Failing to obey will net you a punishment, and acting like a spoiled brat will net you worse punishment. You know this because we’ve talked about it before.”

Stacia whimpered, “It has been so long since we last had time for us, though.” She pouted at him looking up at him through her lashes as her lips trembled. “Please, master?”

Alburet snorted, “I don’t cave simply because of a pout and whimper, Kitten. Your choice is simple, continue as you are and you won’t be getting any rough play, not even a spanking, for a week. Or you can do as I say, and when we have free time next I will take you as hard and as rough as you can stand.”

Stacia sprang up from the bed and scampered toward the kitchen, “Tea be ready in a few moments.”

Blinking, Alburet couldn’t help but laugh. Shaking his head, he realized that he might have just been played into the corner Stacia had wanted all along. He got up and gave himself a quick rinse before getting dressed. Stacia came back in a few moments later to get dressed for the day as well. “Kitten, you never did ask for your reward the other day.”

“I know,” Stacia giggled, her eyes sparkling. “Ya said it could be anythin’ tha’ I wanted. I be thinkin’ on it for now. It be nice ta have a blank reward of me own choosin’, just waitin’ for me.”

“You set me up a minute ago, didn’t you? Playing on what we’d discussed awhile back.”

Stacia looked over her naked shoulder at him with wide eyes, “Would I do tha’, master?” Her lips quivered, turning up at the corners, as she obviously stifled her laughter.

“Yeah, that pretty much proves it. Devious little Kitten. I think you might be taking after your nickname more than I had expected when I gave it to you.”

Laughing, Stacia slipped her shirt on then wrapped the belt with her daggers around her waist, “I just be wantin’ ta be the best I can for ya, master.

Chuckling, Alburet took two quick steps and wrapped Stacia from behind, cupping her breasts through her leather top. “Naughty little Kitten. It’s a good thing I love you just as you are.” He spoke softly into her ear and nibbled the lobe, making her squeal and squirm in his grasp. After a second he stopped, “Now finish getting ready then meet me at the hall.”