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A butler greeted him at the door and ushered him to a parlor where Madam Theron and Erin were seated. He greeted them both, kissing their hands, before taking his seat. “Madam Theron, soon to be Lady Theron. It is good to see you both.”

“You have come to call in the favor?” Madam Theron asked, eyeing him speculatively.

“Indeed, Madam Theron,” Alburet replied, knowing she was trying to get used to his new appearance. “Alpha Company will be venturing into the Dead Lands in three days’ time. We will be capturing a keep and taking it for our own. Sir Jones and Sir Dracon have both agreed to help us with this endeavor. I would ask you for a number of skilled craftsmen who can repair a damaged keep in the Dead Lands.”

Madam Theron pursed her lips, “It makes me wonder what you have promised them, for their aid in this undertaking.”

“The clearing of the favors they each owed me.”

Her lips quirked, “Ah. Well, if both House Jones and House Dracon have joined your endeavor, then it is only fitting that House Theron do our part. Of course, it will truly be up to the Lord of the House.”

Alburet acknowledged her words with a nod, “As you say, Madam. If you would, please pass along my request to Lord Theron upon his return home. Alpha Company will be departing at ten in the morning three days’ hence. I would ask for a reply before that time, in the event that I need to make other arrangements for needed repairs and rebuilding.”

Madam Theron inclined her head slightly forward, “I will do as you request. I wish you a pleasant day, Alburet Two-souled.”

Favor Called In: The Favor with house Theron has been called in.

Alburet stood, briefly bowing over each lady’s hand before he was ushered out. As he left, he could hear Madam Theron saying to Erin, “That is how one should treat their guests when they visit with a request. We didn’t dither this time, since our house owes him, otherwise…” The rest of the conversation was cut off as the door closed behind him.

“How is the young lady settling in?” Alburet asked the butler.

“Miss Crowley is picking up the etiquette rapidly, as if born for the role,” The butler replied with a neutral tone. At the front door, Jarvis spoke up again, “Sir, I do wish to thank you.”

Alburet frowned slightly, “For?”

“Granting Madam Theron her wish, sir,” he stood straight then bowed deeply to Alburet. “It makes me glad to see her finally vindicated in her quest.”

“It was my pleasure, Jarvis. If anything, I should thank her. Without her aid when I first arrived in the city, my path would have been very different.”

“She told me of the cutpurse, sir,” Jarvis replied. “You did yourself the favor by assisting her. I wish you a pleasant day.”

“You as well, Jarvis,” Alburet nodded and headed home just after noon, ready for some hot food.

While he walked he opened up the guild UI and unlocked the quests. He then sent out an alert informing the guild that in three days Alpha Company would be on the move and the quests would lock again.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


When he finally got home, Alburet encountered a number of Alpha Company guild members rushing away from the guild hall. Exchanging hellos with the smiling members, he dodged around them as he made it to his door. Inside, Stacia, Karen and Fluff were all on a sofa talking with a woman seated with her back to the door.

“Welcome back Alburet,” Mother said from her seat, her head not even turning. “Have you made all of the arrangements?”

“Mother, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Alburet replied, covering his surprise at finding her there. “I did complete the arrangements I was hoping to make today.”

“Good. Have you thought about where you are going to take them? The Dead Lands are vast.” She turned to look at him with sparkling eyes.

“We don’t know where any of the keeps are, so it’s going to be fun finding one,” he moved to stand beside the sofa.

“I can tell you where one is, if you would like,” Mother leaned forward, her eyes sparkling even more.

“What’s the catch?”

Mother’s lips quirked up, “Very good, Alburet. You know to ask for the catch, but this time there isn’t one. I said before that you don’t understand just how well you are viewed by those in His court. Consider this a small gift, a wedding gift if you will, that is a bit overdue.”

“It is inside the Dead Lands?”

“Indeed, well inside the Dead Lands. Some two weeks travel due East from the fort you used last time. It is quite something to behold, if you are willing to try for it.”

“We should do it, Asthore,” Stacia told him.

“It beats walking through a desert at random,” Karen added. “Two weeks, though. That’s a big chunk of time for us to invest. Not sure if the entire guild will want to do it.”

“I’ll try it,” Fluff added, her hand resting on Karen’s leg.

“Well, it’s at least solid information,” Alburet mused. “I’ll send out a message letting the guild know. We’ll just have to see who wants to try the near impossible.”

Karen jumped up from her seat with a cheer, giving Alburet a tight hug. “It might be a big time investment, but it will be so epic.”

“I second her opinion, master,” Stacia said, joining in on the hug.

“It will be with friends,” Fluff added as she hesitantly joined in the group hug.

“It is good to see so many happy people,” Mother smiled as she got to her feet. “My mission here is done. Conquer the Keep of Gwain and claim it as your own. I’m sure we will be seeing each other again.”

Quest: Capture Gwain’s Keep

Rewards: Control of the Keep and increased reputation with the Dark Lord

Alburet looked at Mother, who returned his gaze with knowing eyes, “Thank you, Mother.”

“It is my pleasure, Alburet,” she pulled a Homestone from her small bag. “Keep my granddaughter happy, as well as these others who love you as well.” She was gone before he could reply.

Alburet coughed a minute after Mother had left, “Ladies, you can let go now.” Once they freed him, he informed the guild about the new quest as well as the general time frame. He made sure to emphasize that the quest was not mandatory, but he would like as many guild members as possible to come. “Now that that is done, I should see about lunch. We should also decide what we need to get done before we attempt this.”

The rest of that day they spent getting weapons and gear so that they wouldn’t be left without if anything broke. Alburet sent out reminders that everyone making the trip should have extra weapons and gear in addition to the camping gear they’d need, since they would be out there for such a long time. They returned home to find Alistern, Lilith, Grimgar, Stewart and Almira just turning away from his front door.

“Just stopping by to say hi?” Alburet asked, sure it wasn’t the case but still hoping.

“Came to ask why ya will be takin’ me daughters into the Dead Lands,” Alistern asked, his tone filled with worry.

“Ah,” Alburet opened the door, motioning the crowd inside. “Let’s talk inside.” Once everyone was seated and had been handed a drink by Lilith and Stacia, he began to explain the purpose of the trip. When he finished, he looked at Alistern. “Stacia will be perfectly safe. Deidre is the one I’ll worry about the most. It is her decision, though.”

“There is a reason it is called the Dead Lands.” Stewart rubbed at his temples, “You do understand that many of us natural Alpha Worlders die the final death on those sands?”