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He lay there, his arms wrapped around and her leg hitched up across his waist. “Maybe we should. If you can help me cut through my doubts and confusion, maybe then I can be free of them.”

“As ya wish, Asthore,” she nibbled his ear. “We can do tha’ now iffin ya want, or we can…” Her voice trailed off as her hand reached below his waist.

His breath caught as she grabbed him gently, “Well, right now I think you have this issue well in hand. We can tackle the other later,” he moaned as she expertly handled him.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Two days later, after visiting a few more zones for quests and dungeons, the group leveled once again. They took the time to hit Pablo’s Provisions one more time, to be sure they were stocked up on all the things they were going to need.

They gathered Alpha Company in front of the Portal guild, just before ten in the morning. Fifty of the members had opted to undertake the mission.

The gathered members of Alpha Company were double checking their equipment. Tents and Campstones had flown off Pablo’s shelves over the last few days, as well as a wide variety of travel food. Everyone carried a number of potions on belts and in bags.

Alburet had used guild funds to lay in a stock of potions for when they got to the keep itself. Along with a Raidstone set so they would all be able to stay in touch easily during the battle.

Alburet and the other officers moved from group to group, checking that they were all ready to go. The sound of a contingent marching caught the attention of those assembled. Alburet moved forward, joined by the officers to welcome Ioaniss, at the head of a group of fifty men in uniform.

“Sir Jones, it is a great thing to see you here today,” Alburet said, shaking hands with him.

“I would hate to miss history being made. And maybe I can pick up something for the museum.”

“We’ll see what we can do,” Alburet laughed. His eyes scanned over the crowd, widening slightly when he spotted Captain Roberto in the group behind Ioaniss. “Captain?”

Roberto smiled, “Sir, Captain Roberto and squad reporting to help with the mission, sir.” He snapped a salute which was echoed by the men behind him.

Returning the salute, Alburet shook his head, “It is our pleasure to have you, Captain. Are you in charge of these men?”

“Yes, sir,” He stepped forward and lowered his voice slightly. “It’s been a long time since I last saw the sands, but we will get you to any destination you choose.”

“I have the utmost faith in you and your men,” Alburet said, loud enough for the guards to hear him. “We’ll have others here shortly.”

A coach rolled up to the curb, followed by a mob of people, all heavily armed and equipped for traveling. The coach had barely come to a stop when Vladimir stepped out. “I have brought men as requested, Alburet.”

Alburet went to greet Vladimir, leaving Gerald to coordinate with Sir Jones and Roberto. “It is a wonderful thing to see. My thanks, Sir Dracon,” Alburet bowed from the waist. “Will you be joining us?”

“Alas, no. Renful will be going in my stead.” Vladimir motioned and Renful came out of the coach in ornately embroidered black robes. “He is a master of the dead and should prove useful to you.”

Turning his eyes to Renful, who was trying to hide his unhappiness, Alburet grinned. “Renful, it is a pleasure to have you with us. Speak with my first officer Gerald about where you’ll be in the formation.”

Renful nodded and went past Alburet without speaking. Vladimir sighed, “He is displeased. I haven’t sent him away from my side in some years. But be assured that he is very skilled and will do his best for you. Even if he is a bit reserved.”

With a nod, Alburet accepted the gesture. “I am thankful for the assistance, Sir Dracon. He will be handling the items we find?”

“Indeed. Everything will be transported back by him once the keep is cleared.”

Shaking hands again, Vladimir climbed back into the carriage and it drove off. Alburet spotted Karen moving among the groups of mercenaries, getting them settled into the growing crowd. Alburet shook his head in wonderment as he watched the raid party fill up with more and more names as groups were added by Gerald, Marysue and Karen.

As the clock struck ten, Alburet frowned over the fact that Wilbur’s group had not yet arrived. He turned to everyone assembled. “Your attention, please,” Alburet said, stepping back slightly so he could see them all. “We are about to do something a bit crazy and fun. We are going deep into the Dead Lands to conquer a keep. Our allies have supplied us with the people needed to safeguard us through the wastes.”

He paused a moment before continuing, “They will not be helping us take the keep. We will do that on our own, Alpha Company. This is a chance to really make a name for ourselves. Rejoice that this is possible and at the adventure that is to come.”

A loud cheer rose up along with the din of shields being hit with weapons. As the noise died down he was about to start speaking again when two carts rolled up behind him, stopping along the side of the street. Wilbur Theron stepped down from the lead cart.

“Sorry for the delay,” Wilbur said with a grimace. “It took a bit longer to gather all the stuff they needed than I had anticipated.” Twenty people jumped off the carts, to retrieve the tools and crates stacked in the carts, and lined up behind him. “Here are the crafters to repair and upgrade the keep, as agreed.”

Alburet bowed, “My thanks, Lord Theron. If you all,” he pointed to the crafters, “will see Karen and Gerald, they’ll slot you into our group.” He let the crafters pass before turning back to Wilbur, “It might not have started out very well, Wilbur, but I thank you for your friendship.”

Wilbur bowed his head, acknowledging the compliment, “Indeed, sir. Also, Erin wished me to convey her good wishes for your endeavor.”

“Thank her and Madam Theron for us, please. I hope your days are less eventful than ours will be.”

A chuckle escaped Wilbur, “Me as well.” Wilbur got back into the cart next to the driver, “Good hunting, adventurers, and may the Gods watch over you.” The carts rolled off down the street.

Turning back to the throng that was now just short of two hundred people, Alburet smiled. “Ladies and gentlemen, glory awaits us! Rolland, if you will lead them in.”

Rolland stood next to Kim, the emblem of Alpha Company on both their outfits. “As you wish, guild master.” He raised his hand, “Follow me, for our greatest story begins now.”

Alburet took up the rear as he watched the group filing into the Portal guild. Stacia joined him watching the people streaming into the building. “This is going to be interesting.”

“With our friends and family,” Stacia said softly. “May our journey end in cheers an’ happiness, with the Dark Lord’s blessin’.”

He looked over and saw her head bowed in prayer. He couldn’t help but smile. “Alpha World is truly a wonderful place. I still marvel that I was ever given this chance. I will hold it tightly to my chest and pray it never ends.”

She looked up, meeting his eyes, “Aye, Asthore.”


Half-Infernal Summoner

Level 24


Strength: 63 (48)

Agility: 63 (48)

Constitution: 30

Intelligence: 108 (78)

Wisdom: 181 (106)

Charisma: 83 (48)

Health: 1500

Mana: 3010