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Demon Skin-Rank 3

Demonic Retribution- Rank 3

Summon Lesser Imp

Fire Blast- Rank 2

Sap Strength- Rank 2

Demonic Haze- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Destroyer

Demonic Vitality- Rank 2

Fire Burst- Rank 2

Summon Lesser Succubus



Personal Spells

Flame Weapon


Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)


Racial Abilities:

Cast spells without verbal components

Physical damage reduction 25%

Magical damage reduction 10%

Influence emotions

Fire resistance 50%

Reputation gains at half value

Author’s Note


If you want to keep up on my writing a bit more you can find me on Goodreads, and I have a blog I post to monthly which is synched to Goodreads.

Goodreads.com/Daniel Schinhofen author page

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 A big thank you to my editor and beta readers. Seriously, if not for you stalwarts I would be hammered so hard for my lack of proper grammar and the spelling errors. Thank you to my beta readers; Zee, the first beta reader, well done sir. Jay Taylor, thank you for your time with beta reading and also being the admin of my fan page. The rest of the beta readers in no particular order; Matthew Murphy, Justin Johanson, Steven LoBue, Jonathon Hughes, Robert Peterson, William Reid, Tarcha Saleeba, Jeremy Malouf, Authur Cuelho, Ben Smith, Alex Hartman and Josh Holmes.

I do need to give special thanks to 3 of my beta readers who did absolutely amazing jobs. Zee, as always you did good. Tarcha Saleeba, thank you for all the amazing feedback and catching the couple of issues that I missed in regards to story flow. Justin Johnson, who went line by line to find every issue he could, that was amazing. You three made this book even better, Thank you.

A big thanks to my Patreon supporters who have gone above and beyond in their support:

J. Patrick Walker

Cody Carter

Kyle J. Smith

Logan Cochrane

Sawyer Aubrey

Kyle Gravelle

Mitchell Hall

Michael Smith



Robert Shofner


James Patton

Brian Guerrero

Jeremy Schultz

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