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“No.” It’s blunt.

She leans on the table, squishing her ample cleavage until she’s about to spill out of her low-cut top. “I’m what the females need. I’m ready to challenge any of your mate candidates.”

A grumble builds in my throat. “Not interested. Neither is my wolf.” I survey the hall, making sure they’re all paying attention before I raise my voice. “Avery Morgan is my True Mate.”

“She’s not a worthy match,” someone at the back says before hiding.

My fist thumps the table. “She’s more than worthy. She’s strong and resourceful. How many of you sought her aid or remedies?” There’s a split reaction, some more agreeable and others holding out. “I intend to undo my rejection and claim her.”

Hushed chatter breaks out. I wish Avery was here tonight after all. I’m making myself clear to the pack so they back off of her.

I wave Seline off. “There won’t be any challenge. Go sit down.”

She purses her lips, then strides off with an uppity huff. Liam snorts, pushing the pitcher of beer within reach.

“You believe that? Man’s crazy,” someone jeers loudly. “Can’t be trusted when he doesn’t see tits like that right in front of him. Prefers that little witchling to a sexy she-wolf like Seline.”

My head snaps up, brows flattening. It’s the final straw.

“Who said that? Stand. Now.”

Heads swivel to see. My drawn out growl rattles the dishes in front of me when Dane Blackburn rises with a mulish expression. I find Uncle Cormac three seats down and grit my teeth at the smirk dancing on his weathered features.

I click my fingers at Dane, pointing at the open space between the head table and the rest of the hall. His expression falls and he gapes at his older brother.

“If you’re brave enough to run your mouth, you face the consequences yourself. Come forward now.” I fold my arms, watching his limbs jerk to obey the power infused in my order. As soon as he’s before me, I snarl. “Shift.”

Dane yelps as I force his wolf out. A few others are also compelled to change with grunts and surprised curses. Mine fights me for my skin, ready to attack anyone who disparages our mate. His growls thunder from me with his fury. Our mate is amazing. She is our perfect, fate-deigned match.

If I don’t control myself, he’ll kill my cousin the second I give him the reins.

I keep Dane’s wolf pinned beneath an unforgiving stare. He flashes his teeth with an edgy rumble, sensing the imminent danger he’s put himself in. Wrong fucking move.

My wolf bursts forward, tearing through my clothes. Then I’m on him with a tackle, knocking him back. He folds his ears and swipes at me. My wolf chuffs, teeth snapping viciously at Dane’s flank. He barks, skittering out of reach.

I trot around the circle. Dane isn’t a challenge for me to spar with. This is about making a point to the pack that I won’t allow anything less than the order I strive for.

And I won’t fucking tolerate their disrespect or animosity towards Avery any longer.

He makes another move, hackles raised. The sloppy attack only goads my wolf’s thirst for bloodshed. He’s faster and three times the size of Dane. He stalks his opponent with a ferocious snarl.

Dane tries to escape, probably wanting to hide under the tables. My teeth close on his back leg, and I yank him back with a vicious jerk. His claws scrabble the floor, a desperate whine flying free.

I bite down harder. Blood floods my mouth, then my teeth crunch through bone. Dane’s wolf screams. I release him, licking blood and sticky clumps of fur from my maw.

I allow him to feel his chance at freedom before rushing him to knock him down. Then I break his other leg, wrenching it until a chunk of meat strips off. I shake my snout, spitting the hunk of tendon and flesh to the floor.

Dane drags his injured legs, attempting to stand only to falter and slump to the floor. Panting and whining, he gives in, crawling with his tail tucked and belly pressed to the ground as best as he can get it.

I growl, peeling my lips back until he rolls to his back and exposes his belly. My wolf doesn’t want his submission. He still wants to sink his teeth in his neck.

Dane loses his shift, curled up on the floor with a groan and several broken bones. Satisfied I’ve made an example of him, I take my skin back from the wolf.

“Weston,” I call sharply. “Come collect your brother off the floor before he stains the wood.”

He bolts over without hesitation. I study him, looking for any disloyalty that would make him a bad choice to approve for the security team. He hauls Dane up and looks to me for my next command.

I search for the nearest enforcer, landing on Tobin at one of the middle tables. “You go with them. Take Dane to the patrol cabin.”

Tobin steals another cut of grilled meat for the road and hustles down the aisle between tables.

“Is there anyone else who believes this bullshit rumor that Avery is a witch? No?” I stalk the length of the hall. “Good. Let me assure you, I’ve investigated the matter myself and can confirm these rumors are unfounded.”

“She’s a Morgan,” says one of the elders loyal to my father.

“She’s pack.” The wolf rides my words as I cast my dominant stare around the room until all I see are bent necks. “My worthy, goddess-blessed mate. You’ll all forget your scorn of the Morgan name. And this is the last I want to hear otherwise.”

Silence gives way to murmurs of assent. Some are approving, like Candace from maintenance group C and Alisha from the healer’s cabin. There’s much less opposition tainting the air than there was at the start of dinner. I watch the Blackburn clan table for any other signs of challenge. Their heads are bowed to expose their necks. I’m almost disappointed.

I glance at Liam and without a word from me, he nods in understanding. This is why he’s my beta over anyone else. Because if I were to fall, I’d want him leading in my stead.

The door bangs behind me on my way out. I didn’t bother pulling on what’s left of my shredded clothes, calling the wolf forth before I’m down the steps. My paws land in the grass and I take off into the tree line.


When I reach a clearing with a deep pool at the foot of a smaller set of falls cascading from a rocky outcrop, I shift back. The cool water in the natural spring is a welcome balm to ground me when my position becomes too much to bear on my own. I come to this spot whenever I need to clear my head and get away from the burden of being Alpha.

No one knows about it, not even Liam. It’s downwind, and anytime he’s near enough to know he’s around, I go find him first to keep the spring a secret.

The only person I’ve ever thought of sharing this place with is Avery. When I first stumbled on it, I thought of bringing her here many times.

A rough sigh leaves me after I dunk beneath the surface. I swim around until the last of my adrenaline from fighting Dane burns off, then settle at the pool’s edge to unwind. Raking damp hair from my forehead, I peer at the moon cresting behind pine trees.

My thoughts often turn to my father when I’m here. Particularly when I’m questioning if what I’m doing is the right choice.

I wish I still had him here to guide me when I’m at a loss for how to manage the pack. He was a stern man, but he loved us and instilled a strong sense of fairness in me and Callie. My fingers skate over my scars, a memory surfacing of the reprimand he gave me for interfering with the challenge.

He believed no one was above our laws, not even the alpha’s family. I respected him above all else, even when I didn’t feel ready to take over.