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Until I wipe every other man from her mind except for me because I’m her mate.


Kissing Caden is nothing like I used to fantasize about.

It’s so much more in every way.

The intensity is all-consuming, burning me up with his onslaught of passion and dominance. The rough tinge of his anger only heightens the experience. His tongue sweeps mine as one of his hands sinks into my hair, tilting my head back to expose my throat and devour me. The kiss deepens, stealing my breath and my sanity.

Even after the human leaves, he doesn’t break it.

Liquid heat pours through my veins. I want his mouth everywhere, but if stops kissing me I’m certain I’ll die. I feel as if I haven’t been breathing until I knew the heaven of my mate’s kiss.

He tears his mouth away with a rumble, pinning me beneath his piercing stare. His grip flexes on my jaw. It’s not hard enough to hurt despite the anger rolling off him. I feel echoes of it across the bond, taste it like tiny exploding crackles on my tongue, and smell it singeing the air all around us.

“You are mine.”

My stomach bottoms out at the possessiveness and Alpha power punctuating those words. It washes over me, wreaking havoc on my body. My core clenches with hot need and my nipples harden.

His nose twitches, desire and satisfaction flaring in his hooded gaze. A deep growl rattles from him that makes my pussy ache more. My heart drums harder when he angles his head to trace his nose along my jawline to savor the scent of my arousal.

“None of those men could satisfy you like I will,” he rasps. “Only my knot will give you exactly what your body’s begging me for because it was made for you.”

I shudder with a trembling exhale, rubbing my thighs together. I don’t know why he’s talking about anyone else. He’s the only one I want.

The only one I’ve never been able to stop thinking about even after he broke my heart. The one I wished for. The one I’ll always need.

Caden is my fate.

He nips beneath my ear and brings his lips to it. “But I’m not giving it to you.”

A horrifying whine escapes me. I gulp, trying to catch my breath and clear the haze clouding my mind.

“I think humans have laws against nudity and public mating,” I stammer.

He rumbles again, his frustration confusing when it overlaps my own in a strong burst across the bond. Warily, I probe the connection, focused on figuring him out. It’s a tumultuous mess of magic. Strong-willed discontent. Fear surging up my throat to coat my tongue. A flash of a memory that’s gone too quickly for me to comprehend.

When I sensed his presence inside the bar, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came into the alley to explain myself. I didn’t think he’d catch me if I was quick. I also never thought he’d track me all the way here to witness me breaking his rules.

He’s not happy with me, absolutely. But it’s not rooted in any ire towards me. Relief soothes the uncertain tangle reforming in my stomach now that I’m not being swept away by his kiss.

I mourn the loss when he pushes away from the wall to take my hand, then strides for the main street.

“We’re going.”

He gets two steps before I dig my heels in. He tightens his hold, fiery look boring into me.

Now,” he bites out.

The Alpha command presses against my will, but I hold my ground against it. My wolf huffs in the face of his pushiness, licking her paws and ignoring his demands. She’ll go when she’s good and ready.

Hints of gold flash in his eyes as they flare with something that stirs a fresh bout of warmth in the pit of my belly. His jaw clenches.


“We’re forgetting my shopping bag. You made me drop it when you mauled me to mark your territory.”

He stares me down. I point to the spilled bakery bag. Only two of the pastries the baker loaded it with in exchange for the new samples I brought to pass around fell out.

“Those croissants are Beatrix’s favorite. I promised her I was getting them.”

“We have that at home.”

“Not these ones. Alma’s cooking is great, but these are the best.”

His jaw works. He scratches his bare pec with a rough sigh, studying me for another beat before retrieving it.

“I got extra for you and Callie.”

He grunts, leading me from the alley. He doesn’t drop my hand until we reach the foothills, finally relaxing the rigid line of his shoulders as we leave human territory.

“Shift.” He pops the button on his jeans. “It’ll be faster to run the rest of the way.”

I can’t help my wandering attention as I unhook the shoulder straps of my coverall dress and shimmy out of the leggings underneath. The weight of his leer is a warm, sensual drag over every inch I reveal. He hisses out a husky gust of air at the sight of me bare and holds my gaze while losing his pants. I bite my lip at his size, a frisson of desire thrumming in my core.

His eyes shut with a ragged groan. “Don’t test me more than you already have. Shift.”

I tuck my hair behind my ears and use my undershirt to tie the bag clenched in Caden’s grip to my satchel. My wolf’s gotten better at carrying it without getting it tangled in her limbs. He waits for me to transform first.

The first and last time I shifted in front of him, it was to get away. Things are so different now.

I offer a nervous smile before calling on my fur, then I’m before him as my large roan-colored wolf. She scents him right away and I’m powerless to rein in her excitement. Her tail wags and she rushes him, rising on her hind legs to plop her paws on his chest.

His lips twitch and his fingers sink in her fur to steady her. Tension bleeds from his muscles. She barks and licks his neck. He allows it, lifting his chin to let her do anything she wants. This male smells amazing. He’s hers, she knows it.

Strong and willful. A good hunter and protector. Alpha of the pack. Her mate.

“You’re beautiful,” he rasps. “Magnificent. This is how powerful you’ve always been.”

She melts for him when he rubs her ears affectionately and strokes a large palm down her spine.

“I’ll keep you safe,” he swears under his breath.

He shifts into his huge black wolf and circles her. She stifles the excitement she overflowed with to give off a sense of aloofness.

You did not claim me.

Caden’s wolf huffs, then releases a blustering howl when it doesn’t sway her.

He did want her. She is his. It’s not his fault. He’s been at her side every night since.

He rumbles, nudging her with his snout until finally pouncing on her, nose tucking beneath her jaw. She grumbles and he chuffs, licking her fur. She’s content to lay there, pinned beneath him.

I’m fascinated by the way they’re able to communicate. They’re far less tormented by complicated pasts.

My wolf wriggles free and baits him into chasing her. He stills, head lowering as he prowls for us. A thrill runs through me and her paws dance on the ground in anticipation. He bolts and we’re off, weaving a wide zigzag through the trees.

This is exhilarating. I enjoyed running through the forest with Taryn and Liam, but it’s not the same as running with Caden.

His wolf is magnificent. A powerful beast that’s much faster than he looks for such a muscular build. My wolf has to put real effort into keeping ahead of him.

He catches her with an enthralled purr back where we started. She nips at him and they wrestle, her landing on top. His tongue lolls from the side of his grinning maw as she licks his bared throat as if she was the victor. Until he decides to roll her beneath him once more.