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“What’s next to discuss?” Alpha Marshall prompts. “Or have we finished?”

“Before we bring the accords to a close, there’s one last thing,” Alpha Shepherd says solemnly. “I’m afraid Twin River Pack needs to report a disturbing number of our pack going missing. My enforcers have looked into the complaints from families of them not coming home. We’ve found nothing concrete yet, and I bring it before you here to warn you to be on guard of the same happening in your territories.”

I exchange a look with Avery, a knot of tension forming in my gut. If other packs have had the same mysterious disappearances, it could mean we aren’t alone in the way we lost our mothers. This could mean it’s possible to find answers we never got.

“Missing?” I press. “We also wanted to bring this before you all for unexplained cases involving two females in Silver Falls Pack.”

Alistair’s brow furrows. “Your mother? Dempsey told me she found her True Mate and left him.”

“He assumed that was the case, but Avery’s mother also went missing. It’s what drove her father to act so brashly when he refused to listen to Clark’s concerns for his mate. Neither of them ever knew for sure what happened.”

“We think they could be connected,” Avery says. “Tell us more about these disappearances.”

“They go off and vanish without a trace when someone goes out in their fur to look for them,” Alpha Shepherd explains.

“Are they not rogues splitting off for Wanderer’s Canyon?” Alpha Bell suggests skeptically. “I won’t indulge in undue alarm. This sounds like they went moon mad and ventured off.”

“It’s not that,” Avery says. “There were no signs of restlessness or my mother’s wolf going feral from moon madness.”

“But this was years ago,” Alpha Bell points out.

“That doesn’t mean it’s not related,” she says.

“She’s right. We had a strange disappearance about two years ago that could align with the larger picture being painted now,” Alpha Goodwin says with a frown. “But it wasn’t a shifter alone, it was a mated pair. Their pups were orphaned. We thought…”

He trails off with a grimace, his implication hanging in the air that they went to their deaths together. Avery finds my hand and I give it a squeeze.

“I checked Twin River Pack’s records,” Alpha Shepherd says. “There's been at least four disappearances in the last fifteen years. They’re spread out enough to not cause alarm, but in the last two years it’s increased enough that it’s become noticeable.”

“We shouldn’t write these off as shifters going rogue or feral,” I propose. “What if they’re being taken?”

“I agree.” Alistair strokes his beard. “We should all remain vigilant and send word of anything out of the ordinary.”

“Very well,” Rooke concedes.

Murmurs of assent go around the table. The knot in my stomach loosens with the packs’ agreement to work together.

Alistair stands. “Any other matters to address?” When no one puts anything else forth, he claps his hands. “Right then. With that, this meeting of the packs is adjourned. The accords will be updated and copies delivered to your territories.”

Everyone rises, chatter filling the room. Alistair keeps an eye on Rooke Bell as he leaves first with Moonlight Lake’s alpha, their heads bent together.

“I never imagined what happened to our mothers could be tied to something affecting all the packs in the region,” Avery says in an undertone while people filter out.

“It never crossed my mind, either. Or my father’s.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “Even if our mothers aren’t still out there somewhere, I feel better knowing we could find out what happened to them one day.”

She nods. “Me too. And we could all stop the same from happening to others in our pack and in others.”

“We’ll keep an eye out for everyone.”

“Do you need me for anything?” Liam checks.

“No. Go enjoy yourself.” I squeeze his shoulder. “You’ve earned the downtime.”

“You’re sure? Should I check on Callie?”

I wave him off. “She’s probably keeping Taryn company. I’m sure she’s fine.”

“Taryn told me something,” Avery says with a wry twitch of her lips.

Liam narrows his eyes. “What’s that?”

“That you can’t spell the word fun.”

He grumbles, gaze flicking to me when I stifle a snort. “Hilarious. Fine, see you both later. If you need me, let me know.”

Alistair stops us on our way out to the gardens. “You’ve changed.”

My head jerks. “I have? How?”

“You’ve mellowed out. You’re not as on edge as I’ve known you to be in the past,” he commends. “I’m glad to see it.”

Heat prickles the tips of my ears and my nape. I clear my throat.

“I’d say it’s largely in part to finding my mate,” I reply gruffly. “She balances me.”

“Ah, as any good partner should,” Alistair says.

He clasps my arm and catches up to Atlas. We stroll through the vibrant gardens while everyone else disperses. With the accords coming to a close, I relax, able to appreciate the beauty of the grounds. Maybe because my mate looks resplendent against every backdrop here.

“He’s right,” Avery says.

“About what?”

“How you’ve changed.” She studies me, a smile playing in the corners of her mouth. “Definitely for the better. You’ve lost that whole constant scowl you had going on.”

I gather her in my arms, heart swelling with warmth. “Because I have you.” I walk until her back hits a pillar swathed in moss and vines, kissing her. “And you make me want to smile all the damned time. Unless someone’s wronged you, then they’ll face my wrath.”

She laughs, cupping my jaw. My wolf purrs. He loves the sound of her delight.

“You can’t go around fighting everyone who looks at me in a way you don’t like,” she says in fond exasperation. “You’ll get a reputation for being mate-crazed.”

“I can and I will. Reputation be damned because I’m already there.” I kiss the inside of her wrist, then sweep her off her feet, striding through the gardens at a brisk pace with her nestled in my arms.

“Where are we going?” She rests her head against my shoulder with a radiant smile.

“There’s time before the closing feast. I’m going to show you how crazy I am for you, mate.”


Caden’s spirits are high on the journey home from the summit. He’s bolstered by our successful trade proposal with the other nearest packs, and opening up to the idea of selling to humans to bring in more money for the pack. On our walk through the foothills at the base of Silver Mountain, he’s animated and I’m charmed by it, unable to keep a smile off my face.

“You said Ashbury hosts a market. We could start there. Word will spread amongst the humans that our pack is selling handmade goods from our apothecary,” he suggests.

“Oh, so now you’re on board with me going to town?”

“With me there to protect you,” he concedes. “I’ll never leave you alone.”

“Are they like this all the time?” Atlas mutters to Callie. “I thought Caden Blackburn was supposed to be this badass. He’s the youngest alpha, but he just seems like a lovesick fool.”

Liam snorts. “Get used to it, pup.” His amusement drops, growing serious. “And watch your tone, or I’ll whoop your ass.”

Caden flashes me a sly look, stealing a kiss before he makes a move. He catches Alistair’s son and heir off guard, sweeping his legs from under him. Atlas overbalances, landing on the ground. Taryn cracks up.