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“You’ll be watched closely until I say otherwise,” Caden decides. “As I said before, you need to prove yourself to me. The second you step out of line, that’s it. No more chances.”

Weston’s breath rushes out. “Of course. I’ll do anything you ask without complaint.”

“For starters, you’ll be moving into the dormitories. We’re tearing down Cormac’s compound and rebuilding there. You report to Liam, Gabe, Ford, or Hodge three times a day. If you don’t, you’re out.”

Weston nods. “Thank you.”

Caden motions to Liam and his beta sees Weston out. “Who’s next? Kip?”

“Bring him in,” Ford growls. “I volunteer to be the one to drive him from the packlands after you exile him. No promises he makes it to Wanderer’s Canyon.”

Gabe snorts. “Be more obvious, I beg you.”

Ford’s attitude changes with a sly grin, his voice lowering. “You know I like it when you beg.”

“No one’s next,” I say.

Caden’s gaze darts to me with a spark of interest, the corner of his mouth curling. “Why’s that, mate?”

I grasp his wrist, tugging him from his seat to lead him to the adjoining door to his office. “We’ve been at this all morning. It’s time for a break.”

His hum is pleased until he spots the jar of salve I pull from a pocket of my satchel to put on his wounds. I bat my eyelashes innocently at his grouchy frown.

“Were you hoping the invitation for a break was code for something else?”

“You know I was,” he mutters, pulling me against him. “Make my day a million times better. Let me lay you out on my desk so I can eat your pussy before I fuck you on it.”

I bite my lip, desire tingling in my core. “You had me this morning. Twice.”

“I’ll never have my fill of you, sweet mate.”

His gravelly tone makes me want to climb on his lap and ride him for the rest of the afternoon. I shiver, pushing his chest. He leans against his desk, a smirk stretching his mouth when I unbutton his shirt.

“That’s more like it.” He kneads my waist, drawing me between his spread legs. “I love it when you can’t wait to get your hands on me.”

I duck, hiding a smile. “I want to check how you’re healing and apply this.”

He sighs, nuzzling my jaw with kisses. “It’s barely a scratch now. You have nothing to worry about.”

My wolf gives a bossy warning growl. His grin is wide against my skin. He listens to her, admiring me with a hooded gaze while I skim my fingertips over the fading lines marring his chest and shoulder. I smooth the salve I made with calendula and yarrow to every lingering wound.

One cut bisects his old scars and my mating mark. I kiss the spot, then take extra care rubbing it with salve.

He catches my wrist, bringing my palm to his mouth for a kiss. “Avery.”

My breath catches at the thick desire lacing his tone. I want him as much as every part of me always does, always will, because he’s mine.

“Later,” I say with an airy laugh. “I’m going to visit the healer’s cabin to see how Alisha’s doing as the new pack healer.”

He lavishes the crook of my neck with attention, his stubble scraping my mating mark deliciously. “My Alpha female always sees to her pack’s comfort and happiness. She has no time for her mate.”

“I always have time for you.” My arms loop around his neck and I meet him in a tender kiss. “Try not to be too strict in your judgments for the ones that went along with things out of fear, like Sylvie, or we’ll have a population problem on our hands by the time you’re through with them all.”

“I can think of a few ways to turn our numbers around if it comes to that,” he muses against my lips.

“I think I like the sound of that,” I murmur. “We have time for everything. Our future is ours. Our whole lives are ahead of us.”

“Every moment with you is one I’ll cherish.” He rumbles, splaying his fingers on my stomach. “I look forward to all of it. Especially the day your belly is filled with our pups.”

Joy expands in me. I kiss him passionately, picturing every happy moment that lies ahead for us to experience together. I want all of it with him. We’ll make up for the time we lost by devoting every day to loving each other.

“Me too,” I say.

He holds me closer, stroking my hair. Our hearts beat as one.

“You’re mine. You make me happier than I ever dreamed.”

He kisses my forehead. “I found my way back to you and I’ll never let you go. I’ll always take care of you, Avery. You’re mine to protect. Mine to love.”

Mine. My wolf’s delight is entwined with my own. I’m right where I belong, in my fated mate’s arms.


Four Months Later

Winter is ending and the first signs of spring are making themselves known. Things have calmed down, the pack enjoying peaceful times once more.

My uncle’s compound has been torn down. Every pack member questioned whether they were happy or not. Those that sided with Lorne and still showed any sign of discontent were given the option to leave because Lorne’s promise to them of living in the old ways will never fly as long as I’m Alpha. Most bent their necks, respecting my authority once more. The enforcers keep a careful eye on them.

My days are spent seeing to the needs of my pack. It no longer feels like a burden. Instead, it brings me pride to see how much stronger it’s become.

Avery’s herbal remedies have taken off, not only increasing our trade between packs, but the demand has soared amongst humans wanting to get their hands on supernatural-made goods. I haven’t gone as far as Timber Hollow Pack does, inviting humans into my territory, but it’s nice not feeling the need to rely as heavily on traded resources between packs thanks to her success. We’ve yet to hear word from Jade or from the other packs about Lorne’s witch or any missing wolves, but we’ll be ready when we do.

As long as Avery’s the first one I see when I wake and the last before I fall asleep, I’m happy. More than happy, I feel like I’ve become who I’m meant to be. The alpha my father saw in me. It’s all because I have her as my mate, my guiding light that gives me the strength to accomplish anything and the anchor that keeps me grounded.

Without Avery, I’d be incomplete.

Evenings are my favorite lately. The two of us usually end up sitting on the porch swing I installed at the lodge watching over the commons. Kids run around the clearing and people strum banjos. Pipe smoke tinges the air along with chatter and laughter.

Sometimes Lena joins us to read her book outside, bundled in a heap of blankets until Avery stops fussing over her. Then Beatrix or Callie will come out, and Taryn inevitably makes her way over at some point. They fill us in on pack gossip until Liam joins us when he finishes his nightly patrol and squints at Taryn to figure out if she’s causing trouble.

Then I’ll thread my fingers with Avery’s and invite her on a run. I love running with her. So does my wolf.

I can’t wait until tonight. My wolf is restless and she’s the only one who can settle him. I need little push from him, taking any excuse to track down my mate. I head for the cottage she’s turned into her apothecary, nodding to anyone I pass on the road. They don’t comment on me hauling ass, everyone aware of the direction I’m going.

The cottage has transformed from all those months ago when my wolf dragged me to her doorstep, claiming her whether I realized how much I needed her or not. The greenhouse is full of lush foliage, her propagations filling the steamed windows. I’ve built new additions to expand the shop, giving her more space to grow.