Amber and Blood

Amber and Blood
Автор: Weis Margaret
Язык: английский
Страниц: 62
Добавил: Admin 12 Май 11
Проверил: Admin 12 Май 11
Формат:  FB2 (175 Kb)  EPUB (313 Kb)  MOBI (1055 Kb)

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The Dark Disciple's fate will alter the future of Krynn.In the concluding volume of this post-War of Souls trilogy, Mina learns the truth about herself and the terrible knowledge drives her insane. Rhys, the monk of Majere, accompanied by his dog Atta and the kender Nightshade, is given the dangerous assignment of guarding the crazed god, escorting her on a long, strange journey to the mysterious place known as Godshome, where Mina hopes to find the answer to the riddle of her existence. Their path is fraught with peril, for the undead Beloved want to make Mina their leader, even as the death knight Krell wants to seize her and Galdar tries to deliver Mina to her most hated enemy.

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