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The aforementioned single dimension freedom vs slavery graph is acceptable simplification althoug I personally prefer my 4 dimensional classification where the 4th dimension is a time, since the reality is not in a static state, there's always dynamic change. What is happening in Euro-Zoo is a staged process– soft totalitarianism of the Nanny State worsens when the power structures are infiltrated by the leftist Eurosocialists, and eventually the Euro-Zoo is being infiltrated and eliminated by the worst totalitarians, the islamofascists. You want to save the civilization? It's possible, it's even easy theoretically : Power to the people! Europeans must gain the popular sovereignty, fire FOR GOOD 99.99% of the government, abolish ALL government run programs– from retirement and welfare to the healthcare, and after several years of turmoil invisible almighty hand of the Free Market, of self-regulation, will solve as much as it is feasible the problems of Europe– the demographics, economy, finances. Theoretically not only possible, but quite easy. However, try to convince the Euro-zombies, brainwashed by their ruling elites in governments and MSM, to leave the cozy cages of the Euro-Zoo and go live in a wild…Domesticated and castrated animals of Europe are afraid even to fart without explicit permission from their masters in the government and MSM. I almost totally gave up on the Europeans– there are so few true freedom lovers such as Geert Wilders! Well, I got sidetracked, let's go back to the discussion:

To imagine the 4 D classification in a visual form, let's recall the Shrek movie.

Remember, as Shreck said: " Layers! Ogres have layers!" Well, freedom also has layers, and the analysis of the world according to the layers of freedom (you can call them also the freedom rings) is the most truthful, simple and practical analysis with tremendous prediction powers. It works at any level of the society structure. You can explain and predict behaviour and actions of a person, party, movement, government, country or civilization. Prediction power is most important feature of this analysis both as a proof if its correctness and in practical terms to be pro-active to the tactics, strategy and future actions by the freedom-haters camp.

The core freedom layer in a political sense is comprised of the libertarians, conservatives, objectivists, individualists– all those who are closer to the core freedom than today's freedom balance (the X point on the single dimension line). It encompasses all those who want to push today's freedom equilibrium point towards "more freedom!" direction. In a societal sense, the best approximation to this ideal core freedom layer was achieved by the American Founding Fathers, who established ruled by the law Republic where we, the people, are the sovereign (while the government can have only as much power as we give to it), where individual liberties and rights are the highest priority while the rights of the "total" (collective, society, government) are secondary because they are always used and abused by the totalitarians as an excuse to diminish freedom, thus, to hurt the society. Free and prosperous society can consist only of free and prosperous people. When Founding Fathers created the freest country in the world, it inevitably became the greatest and most prosperous country in the world. The totalitarians since 1913 have continuosly eroded the Republic, the Constitution, the people's sovereignty, decision making powers, freedoms for the sake of grabbing more power and more money under the smoke of demagoguery of "protecting the unfortunate ones". Short 8 years of Reagan were the only period in 20th centary when the degree of freedom has somewhat improved, and it was good enough to save the country from the worst since 1929 crisis. Reagan inherited the US from the Democrats with the worst "misery index" since Great Depression (even though Obama falsely claims that Obama's starting point was worse). Unfortunately, Reagan was limited in his efforts to save America by the Democrats controlled Congress. Nevertheless, he managed to partially remove some of the Big Government's shackles from the Free Market, then the ensuing freedom caused an explosive growth of wealth as welclass="underline" with the same resources America created extra goods and services worth $ 30 trillion! It's not a secret at all– as less government as more freedom, and more freedom right away translates into more prosperity for every one (and especially for the poor because the rich already living in luxury cannot personally consume much more) . Despite whining of the totalitarians, Free Market as the only origin of progress and prosperity made American "poor" richer than "rich" in many countries around the world. So, whatever was good in America is due to Free Market, while whatever is bad is due to the narcissistic totalitarians (statists first and now "progressive" Democrats). That's why totalitarians hate Free Market and try to discredit and to destroy it -because it proves time after time that totalitarians are the forces of evil, that all good comes from the un-personified Free Market, not from those narcissistic elitists who only cause harm.

Then there is a thin layers of the divide, of the membrane, that represents today's equilibrium point, whose location on the line differs significantly in different societies, countries, regions and world-wide. Unfortunately, today's trend is towards "less freedom", as the West's transition from the soft tyranny of Nanny State to the harder totalitarianism accelerates and the islamization of the world imposes the worst kind of totalitarianism on the humanity. So, the core freedom volume is shrinking and we must reverse this dire trend. Just like in the nesting doll structure, the next layer away from the core freedom is statism, followed by the Eurosocialism, "progressive" Democrats' socialism, communism, national socialism (classic fascism) and the worst kind– based on the Shariah law islamofascism. In today's Islam religion is just a mask, a beard that conceals the totalitarian system of Shariah laws, totalitarian ideology and practice that waged eternal war named jihad against the humanity since medieval ages and it goes on now. So, Islam is not a true religion because unlike true religions it contains an all-encompassing system where religion is only a part of the totalitarian system, a camouflauge. As long as Shariah law stays an integral part of islam– Islam is incompatible with any other civilization. American Muslims have only 2 choices: whether to be a good American (thus, a bad Muslim) or to be a good Muslim (which means, a bad American). One can have only one master– whether freedom or submission, whether American Constitution– or antihumane Shariah laws. If by joint efforts of Muslims (who live by the law of the country, not by the Shariah law), and by efforts of other freedom-lovers Islam will be purified from the filth of the Sharia laws, then all Muslims will have the same chance of getting along with others as anybody else. Until then Sharia-based Islam is the worst enemy of the mankind because it is hellbent on one thing– to take over the world and to destroy all other religions, all other law systems, all other civilizations.