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As of today, as islamist Turkish PM Erdogan correctly noted, "there is no such thing as moderate or extremist islam– there is only one islam". And sadly, the whole this "the only one Islam" is extreme, so as of today there are good Muslims but there is no such thing as "good Islam".

FREEDOM LOVERS CAMP a.k.a. people's friends:

Since the degree of freedom directly correlates with the degree of prosperity of the society, all freedom lovers by default are friends of the people.

That encompasses all potential allies that are located close to the core freedom than today's equilibrium point in any givern society between absolute freedom and absolute slavery. Their instinctive or articulated views and visions are representation of the classic liberalism, embedded in the original American Constitution. They feel or know that if we are free to make our choices then we prosper in every sense, and if someone or something (a government) makes choices for us then we are in trouble. The freedom lovers as of today make effort to shift the equilibrium point towards more individual liberties, more free will, more free market and, thus, more happiness. Freedom lovers' productive goal is a united in the pursuit of individual success and happiness people that generate new individual wealth that translates into the wealth of the society as whole under conditions of individual liberties, free market and minimal influence of the people's enemy government. In the US it's conservative and libertarian movement. The sum of individual successes equals success of the society. "Progressive" enemies of the people try to denigrate Free Market calling it a "greed" based. If it is a "greed" for individual success, for the fruits of their own hard labor – then it is the extremely productive "greed" that brings about 100% of American prosperity.

Unlike that, the freedom-haters (mainly “progressives” in the US) are just opposite: they all share destructive greed for somebody's else money, powers and benefits that they didn't earn, they break down society into as many as possible special interests factions/groups that fight with each other for redistribution of the already existing wealth, using coercive powers of the evergrowing in the degree of totalitarianism, size, scope and budget Big Government. In the US it is the "progressive" Democ-rats gang. The ultimate result is a societal collective failure.) So, it is the "progressive" Democrats who are greedy, they try to rob Peter to pay Paul, while conservatives just want to keep theirs, the fruits of their own hard labor.

Freedom camp unites the nation in the "greed" for individual success while totalitarian camp divides the society using collective greed and resulting in collective failure– just compare North and South Korea, East and West Germany, UK before and under Tatcher, thriving Reaganomics and failing Obamunism).

There is some element of the buffer system: if the equlibrium point moves towards "more slavery", then the bigger segment of the society finds itself in the freedom-lovers camp and thus they join efforts to free the people from the government. The government counteracts by making more beggers and slaves out of the people by giving them "free lunches" handouts and, hence, shifting them back to the freedom-haters camp. Some swing voters fluctuate around the equilibrium point due the subjective factors (such as tiredness of professional politicians of the ruling party) and chaotically push the equilibrium point back and forth. That's what happened in 2006 and 2008, when independants moved from lesser totalitarianism of the GOP statists to much worse totalitarianism of the leftist "progressives". Now when the enemies of America in Washington, DC pushed the equilibrium point so hard and so fast towards totalitarian socialism and pro-Muslim dictatorship that many Americans found themselves in Tea party movement, which is a bitter opposition to the massive frontal attack of the Obama's regime on liberties, free market and prosperity. Silent majority woke up to realize the truthfulness of old saying that if you leave the dirty business of politics to the dirty professional politicians then you must expect to be ruled by your inferiors. Here we are– all the Washington, DC is permeated now by the totalitarian "progressive" filth. The swing voters, the independants before voting for the Democrats must realize that for the Democrats making America more prosperous is like shooting to their leg. Same is for the statists in the both parties. RINOs in GOP just like also want "to solve" the problems through increasing powers, scope and the budget of the governtment, which is exactly opposite from what needs to be done to solve the problems. The "progessives" are delusional, but even delusional ones know that decreasing their voting base means kicking themselves out of the feeding ground in Washington, DC. It is the Democrats' direct and vested interest to increase theirs and to decrease the opposition's electorate. Oh, the family guys and the faithful vote conservative? Then the Dems destroy families and religion: by moral relativity theory, encouraging promuscuity and sexual perversions, welfare, discrediting influence of family and religion and by thousand of other mean means. Oh, hardworking, independant and prosperous Americans vote conservative? Then the Dems make as many Americans lazy taxpayor money recipients as they can, inflating the entitlement programs until the fiscal catasrtophe ensues. As the free market proponents vote against the Democ-rats, then the Dems regulate free market to death, to today's crisis. Free souls oppose totalitarian progressives? Then the statists and "progressives" will gradually take away all you individual liberties, replacing it with the federal dictatorship. Remember, it is against the Democrats' interests to make you free, independant and prosperous person in the pursuit of happiness. Same holds true for all totalitarians directly proportionally to the degree of their totalitarianism. They want to make you a serf, a ward of the government, a subject to them, a sheep under "enlightened" elite rule, just like the happily bleating castrated by the political correctness animals in the EuroZoo and then your own government will bring you to the Jihadists' slaughter houses, which occurs in UK and Scandinavia as we speak.

So, again, the core freedom layer comprised largely by the self-described conservatives (43% of Americans) who love their freedoms, guns and the Bible. This is the "instinctive" freedom lovers. They might not be highly educated, but, unlike the university professors, journalists, Hollywood trash or any other intelligentsia, they do have common sense.