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Libertarians are tiny manority of the freedom camp, but they are extremely important because they not just feel, but know why the freedom is the key to prosperity and happiness and because they can eloquently articulate, summurize and publicly defend in the remaining 4% of non-totalitarian MSM the case for liberty. In addition, a lot of them matured through the stages of personal development that included leftist totalitarians. Some of them used to be leftis "progressive" totalitarians themselves, twhile they were young, stupid, irresponsible and relebblious. Now they matured into healthy freedom-lovers, but they do know the totalitarian enemies of the people inside out, which makes them even more valuable to the cause of freedom.

Objectivists, individualists, free market proponents, such as the followers of Ayn Rand and the like, are valuable allies of the freedom cause amongst the intelligentsia and art communities too. There are decent freedom lovers amongst these communities too, even though majority of the them are totalitarian "progressive" enemies of the people: entertainment trash, lazy speculative Wall Street billionaires that produce only hot air ballons (in distinction to the hard-working Main street business people that produce 100% of the civilizaition goods we enjoy), journalists, writers, leftist brainwashing "educators" and the like.

Internet pro-freedom bloggers: in the age of information monopolization by "progressives" it is virtually impossible to obtain the whole picture of any process or event from big information outlets (well, may be with the exception of Fox TV that presents both conservative friends and "progressive" enemies of America on the screen). So, now we have to fish for the other details of the puzzle in a tumultous turmoil of internet. There's whole spectrum of opinions on internet from the "progressive" crap of moveon.org and Huffington to the best source of information in blogosphere by Pamela Geller (atlasshrugs.com). She is emotional, but frequently the she is the only source of hidden ideologically and politically charged information in media. Pamela alone as a source of valuable information is worth combined MSNBC, NBC, CNN and all other "progressive" leftist TV monopolies. Jihadwatch and similar sites expose islamofascism as the most urgent threat all world's civilization while the liberal TV monopolies just hush it.

Individual enterprises and small business owners: Nearly all of them support freedom, and freedom from the coercive government is the most important component of freedom. Economy thrives when small business florish, and this is possible only under free market conditions (because it's governned by the only capable of optimizing outcome self-regulation with feed-back loop), and free market automatically means individual liberties. Free market means freedom of choices which is equivalent to individual liberties. That's one of the reasons that the totalitarian freedom-haters hate free market too. Basically, there is direct proportion between prosperity, successes of ecnonmy and the degree of freedom on the market place. As freer the market is as more productive the country is. Obviously, there is and inverse proportion between government intervention, mandates, regulation and usual coercion on one hand and the outcomes. Again, we should keep telling our enemy government :"Do us a favor– don't do us favors!!"

Mid-size business and big corporations: As bigger the business, as more the bureaucratic structures it creates and more rigid, inflexlible it is. In addition, as bigger it is an easier target for the government it becomes. Statists and "progressive" Democ-rats gang commit regular shakedowns of the big businesses, forcing them to subsidize anti-American totalitarian machine. This proportional to the size of the company political and ideological pressure shifts these companies from the core freedom layers to the totalitarian side. Besides, it depends how easy the money is: hard working industrial Main Street is still somewhat supportive of freedom while speculators of the Wall Street were second biggest donor (after socialist pabor unions) to America's Enemy-in-Chief Obama. Some big corporations (such as GE and BP) openly side with the government enemies of the people, creating cronies capitalism instead of the free market. They donate money to the statists and leftists in the government, and they pay them back by doing favors in the unfair competition. GE gets taxpayor's money from our pockets to subsidize otherwise unsustainable "green crap". Google filters out pro-freedom forces, controlling the information gate to internet. AP (frequently feels like it stands for "Associated Palestinians") and Reuter distort the information flow to fit the totalitarian political correctnes, basically reducing themselves to totalitarian propaganda machine, the misinformators and disinformators of the public. Instead of informing public, they effectively form the public opinion for their ideological ends. It's true about 100% of European propaganda machine and about 96% of American information outlets.

Occasional temporary allies: On a particular issues occasionally one might find some allies even in the Democ-rat party elites, and the freedom lovers definitely should use them as temporary allies. Of course, now it's the age of political polarization, now we clearly see not just a line, but a fast growing gap between conservative friends of the people and totalitarian enemies of the people, so the fiscally conservative or pro-life Democrats are on the brink of extinction. There is virtually no common ground between freedom loving friends of America and freedom-hating enemies, between conservatives and "progressives". Subjective exceptions happen, but objectively "bipartisanship" idea is dead, unless after 2010 defeat the Democ-rats will start listen to the American people and purge the party elite of totalitarian enemies of America. However, when we find such pleasant surprises, we should accept the help from any sorse as long as it advances the cause of the freedom without any castrating freedom compromises. That's the way of compromising with some rare reasonable Democrats– as a compromise, we can accept their assistance in advancing particular freedom initiative. What the Obama's regime "bipartisanship" actually means is pretty bad: enemies of the people, the leftist "progressives" in Obama's regime interpret "bipartisanship" as when everybody agrees with their killing America policies. In general, "bipartisanship" in today's politics is totally impossible just as a compromise between the criminal and his victim, between a plague germs and humans, or between the assassin's knife and our heart.

THE FREEDOM-HATERS CAMP a.k.a. enemies of the people:

Since any deterioration in the degree of freedom (individual liberties, free market) inevitably worsens the prosperity, quality of life and the pursuit of happeness in the society, then all the freedom-haters are automatically enemies of the people, whether they realize this or not. All the freedom-haters are natural allies in their fight against the people. Now we see more evidence as this trends develops in Europe: during stillstand of the freedom-loving EDL people in UK and in similar events in Scandinavia all the enemies of the people combine and cooperate: socialist government's police, "black" fascists and red "antifascist" communists, pirple labor union anarchist wing, pink socialists, green environmentalist extremists and green islamofascists. Police breaks peaceful unarmed freedomlovers into small groups, misguiding some of them to go in circles while taking other small groups (that include women and children) and dropping them off in front of hudnreds of violent islamofascists or pink / red activists and then police coldbloodedly watches the insueing carnage. Don't expect your enemy, totalitarian socialist government, to protect you against other totalitarians: as a totalitarian entity, the state, the governments aligns and allies itself with other freedom-haters camp dwellers. People have a united front of totalitarians against them, including the government that takes taxes from their pockets reportedly to protect the people but in fact to suppress them, to silence them, to push them back into the sheep barns.