In today's America the freedom-haters camp includes all 3 major brands of totalitarianism: statists, "progressives" and islamofascists, and all of them use the Almighty Government as the tool of coercion, as an instrument used to impose totalitarian ideas and practice on the unwilling Americans. Thus, the universal way to combat ALL those totalitarian enemies of the people is to slash (ideally to cut 99%, leaving only 1% of today's government) the government's size, powers, scope and budget.
Statism as as ideology and/or practice of proponents of "the Big Government is a solution to every problem" permeats close to 100% of the Democrat party ruling elite, virtually 100% of the elitists amongst "educators", entertainment industry freaks, journalists and other perts of "intelligentsia" and big part of the grass root Democrats. Statism also affects at least a third of the GOP leadership, including Bush, and frequently refered to as RINO (Republican in name only) while the grass root Republicans are mainly healthy conservatives.
A piece of history. You can arbitrarily start comparison from any point. For a contemporary statism, namely European Nanny State, the starting point can be set prudently by the end of 19 century when German statesman O. Bismarck established a government based Ponzi scheme: the government usurped the retirement. Before that the main way to invest in your old age security was investing in your children and in your savings. Bismarck calculated that the average life expectancy in Germany then was 64 years. Then quite cynically he set up the retirement age as 65 years, when an average person is supposed to be dead. So, he immediately started taxing people reportedly to pay them back when they reach age of 65. As expected, the government did not put aside this particular taxpayor's money on his account in order to pay him back with accrued interest. Quite opposite– the government, as always, embezzled his money right away. A lot of folks died before 65. Those few that did survive had no their money left in the government funds to pay them back their own money. So, the government taxed the new generation to pay back the pension instead of embezzled long ago funds. Great Ponzi scheme, right? Government gets money for free right now, and when it's time to pay debts– it just robs the next generation. As any government action, the usurpation of the pension plan (like Social Security in the US, although TODAY SS is not a universal plan YET) led to unintended consequences. As children became a burden rather than an investment, then the birth rate dropped, and each consequent generation kept shrinking. It caused many crises, the most important ones are demographic and fiscal crises. The birth rate dropped to the current 1.38 in Europe (which includs the Muslims too !) while the minimal survival rate is 2.1. So, when the government takes over the pension plan, it seals the fate of the country: the death sentence signed. It's not all, though. Shrinking generations mean aging population with ever worsening worker to pensioner ratio, which in practical terms means the government must charge higher and higher taxes in order to return at least some of the debts to the retirees (minus depreciation of the currency due to inflation). People can afford having less and less children, and as they become the ward of the Nanny State, they lose any sense of personal responsibility, they indulge in all kinds of hedonism, not giving a damn about future because Euro-socialism has no future. It is the dead-end of human civilization. In Scandinavia overt taxes have reached 70%, and in a very short time the tax rates will become unsustainable, and people will just virtually stop working. Greece is just a beginning– the domino reaction will destroy the European Union within several years. The soft-spoken monster of the Nanny State kills any nation it managed to take over. Japan and S. Korea fell its victims to with corresponding birth rates of 1.3 and 1.1. Right now it is slow and painless death on the government narcotics, but the fast growing presence of the islamofascism in Europe will turn it into very painful death in several years. Riots, terrorism, genocide of Non-Muslims will grow as a snow ball, and don't expect your government to protect you: your government as a totalitarian entity, as an enemy of the people, will side with your other enemies, with leftist totalitarians and islamofascists. You are on your own, folks.
"Progressive" democratic socialism overlaps with majority of the statism and includes a loose alliance of all the Democ-rats voting gang, all the dividers of the nation: the Democrat elite, essential part of grass root Democrats and special interest groups that extort unearned money, benefits and influence from the society. These special interest groups typically highjack attractively sounding names of the "noble" once up on a time pro-freedom movements but turn them into the exact opposite totalitarianism: anti-white racist minority "rights" groups, socialist labor unions, Femi-Nazis, freedom and free market hating ecology extremists and global warming alarmists, disarming only law abiding Americans gun ban freaks, rewriting from bench Constitution "I AM THE LAW" judicial activists, all kinds of redistributionists (socialists with their armed anarchist wing, communists with their violent "antifascist" wing, national socialists-fascists and neofascists and the like). If you wish to know the complete list of the Freedom Hates Camp– just check out who votes for the Democrats 100% of the time– swing voters don't count because their degree of "brainwashedness" still somewhat responds to the reality check). Each branch of the totalitarians, of the freedom-haters, is getting worse as time passes by, and it paves road to the next, the progressively worse, level of totalitarianism: statism paves road to socialism and socialism paves road to islamofascism.
Islamofascism: it is based on anti-humane Shariah laws worst totalitarian ideology and practice ever that is hell-bent on the single purpose of taking over the world using different strategies and tactics at different stages of jihad. At this point in America it is mainly stealth jihad focused on winning the propaganda war for the brains and bodies of Americans using islamization tools: recruitment amongst jail population, deceptive "taqyia" doctrine (Muslims are obliged to deceive infidels until they have enough strength to offer crescent of sword) although there are already some areas in the US ruled not by American Constitution but by islamic supremacists Shariah laws (block 800 in Philadelphia all the time, Dearborn areas mainly during Muslim festivities, Buffalo area islamist military training camp and 22 other bought by islamists villages). In France there are already 751 (and counting) officially designated "no go for French" zones ruled by the islamists, the same goes for UK and for the rest of the ruled by the socialists Europe. Husein Obama's regime with his "progressive" socialists push America to the same European suicidal path of self-destruction: they want to turn America first into Greece and then into Sudan and Somali. In America jihadists' main focus is on work to combine black racism with islamic supremacism flavored with anti-freedom and anti-free market sentiments. Thus, they become the triple-enemies of freedom and of the American people. The best updates on the omnious process of islamization of America can be found on the and . The best analysis of the ongoing totalitarians caused catastrophe in America is done by the wisest man in America Thomas Sowell while the most comprehensive information is provided by the bravest person and best journalist in America Pamela Geller.