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1) they all are in denial of the fact that free market is the only source of prosperity, of progress, of freer and better life; that the poorest ones benefit from the brought by free market prosperity the most; 2) their goal is redistribution of wealth from those who earned or inherited it to those who were lazy, stupid or truly unfortunate to have less wealth (though much more that before industrial revolution, before free market flourishment); 3) they fail to acnowledge the fact that the degree of redistribution of wealth directly correlates with the degree of hurting economy and making everyone poorer by reducing incentives to work hard, (in other words on the deeper level of understanding, by decreasing the degree of freedom, the degree of self-regulation with the feed-back loop, which is the only way to optimize socioeconomic life); 4) they all use the coercive powers of the Big Government (unlike freedom-lovers, who rely on the laws of nature, on the self-regulating systems with feed-back, which requires as less governing as possible); all socialist whether infiltrate government using formally "democratic" means of majority votes (the only truly rule of law is Republic while rule of majority, the democracy, inevitably undergoes totalitarization) or using violent means of overthrowing pre-existing governments. The latter usually referred to as communism. Each kind of totalitarianism tends to ally itself with the next worse level of the totalitarianism against the people. It both degenerates itself into worse totalitarianism and it also paves road to next level of totalitarianism (although occasionally it is at odds with next after next worse level based on political reasons or electoral issues). Founders of EU falsely claimed their resemblance to the American Founding fathers, but in fact they are exactly opposite: American founding fathers returned power to the people, while Euro-Zoo builders took away power from the people and invested it in the Euro-bureaucracy. That's how eurosocialists have worsened and accelerated the detrimental effects of statism. Nanny-State statism morphs into Eurosocialism, socialism paves road to islamofascism due to the inner logic of the totalitarianism progression, just like progression of the cancer cells: the ones more likely to survive and multiply are more malignant cells that are resistant to the organism's attempts to align them with the best interests of the organism, of the society as whole. Ruling totalitarian elites are egoistic, self-serving, all they care about is feeling good about themselves even if it means the demise of civilization (unlike wonderful mechanisms of free market, which is impersonal, efficient and serves as the only engine of progress, of the betterment of life). Socialists' fifth column in the economy are labor unions who "serve" the same purposes: redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't, which inevitably results in the hurting economy and missing opportunitis to further improve the socio-economic life. Violent wing of the labor unions are anarchists, as we saw in Greece and with SEIU thugs in the US. American "progressive" democratic socialists are virtually the same, they just lag behind the Eurosocialists 10–15 years or so.

3) Communism: If one assigns the rosy pink color to the eurosocialists then the commies get the bloody scarlet-red. It is the same phenomen of totalitarianism as statism, socialism, fascism or islamofascism, the mild differences amongst them are of quantitative, not of qualitative nature. In simple words– all totalitarians are just different kinds of crap. Commies are much more prone to violent means and overthrowing the government than euro socialists/ social democrats. If socialists kill millions of people indirectly (by ruining demographics, by banning means to contain malaria such as DDT that alone killed over 100 million humans, by hurting economy), communists just shoot them, starve to death, send to bloody wars and the like. Total amount of victims of communism roughly the same as those of other leftists (environmental extremists, "minority rights" special interest groups, judicial activists, entertainment rich trash, gun ban nuts and the rest of the leftist loose freedom-haters crowd known as the Democrat gang. Commies are not patient enough as the "progressive" Democrats to gradually highjack all "human rights" popular movements with attractively sounding names; or to infiltrate the education centers and turn them into the breeding ground of socialists amongst lawyers, economists, journalists, writers, academia, psychologists, social workers, political and envoronmental "scientists", professional "public servants" and the like ; or to form propaganda machine in the media monopolies. Communists in Russia, China, Campuchia physically killed millions of their own compatriots. Communism also takes over all aspects of social life and economy, thus, resulting in the same demographic and fiscal catastrophe, as European Nanny State. Nowdays Russia is reformed into authocratic statist model with crony capitalism, ruled by the KGB– maphia complex. Russia faces the same fate as Europe. China reformed into aggressive crony state-capitalism and it will face collapse in 1–2 generations:it's a colossus on the clay legs, it's a snake eating its own tail.

National socialism (classic fascism) It's very similar to any other form of totalitarianism. They all take away individual liberties and your right to make decisions for yourself under pretext of the collective "rights"; they all hate and heavily regulate freemarket as the economic base of freedom (upto the point that it's not free market anymore but rather crony corporative capitalism); they all use the coercive force of government to impose their totalitarian ideology and practices. The only difference with statism, socialism and islamofascism is their accent on the national or racial aspects of the coercive redistribution goals through the Almighty Government. In today's USA African-American radicals such as New Panthers could be classified as national/racist fascists, while on top of that the Afro-American "Nation of Islam" looks very much like a mixture of racial fascism and islamofascism. Sadly, combined negatives of the black supremacism and islamic supremacism do not produce any positives, so the rules of math are not applicable here.

Islamofascism (Shariah law based islam)

If and when the freedom-loving Muslims with the help of other freedom-lovers will cleanse Islam from the filth of Shariah laws then Islam will become a normal religion and then (and ONLY THEN) it can coexist with other civilizations, other religions, other law systems. Shariah laws must be banned worldwide as the worst kind of fascism. Until then there are millions of good Muslims but there is no such thing as a good Islam. The definition of good, moderate Islam is Islam without anti-humane Shariah laws.

Until then Islam is by far the worst kind of totalitarianism that allows not only no freedom of actions, but even no freedom of thoughts. It demands total submission (the word "islam" means "submission") to the mullahs that claim to represent Allah on the Earth. If the American original Constitution is based on popular sovereignty, inborn rights, liberties, separation of Church (not a religion though) from State, the rule of law, equality of all before the law and the rest of qualities that make American Constitution the freest system in the world, then the Islam based on Shariah laws is a complete opposite, an antithesis, another pole, something absolutely incompatible with any other system and least of all with the American Constitution. The main goal of Shariah is jihad which is taking over the world first by stealth means and then by the force with the explicit endpoint of making Islam the only religion on Earth. If somebody's goal is to destroy you then no suprises that their goals are incompatible with yours such as American rights for life, liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness. Shariah laws mean discrimination against other religions, opression and stoning of women, hanging sexual minorities, executing dissidents and the like. Terrifyingly, the stealth jihad brings more and more elements of Shariah laws even to America, as recent NJ judge decision basically said that it's OK to rape and beat up your wife if you are a Muslim (fortunately, this was overruled by the appeals court, but in France's so far 751 zones officially designated as "no go" for French in fact barbarian Shariah law is the law of land, and America is just 10–15 years behind the Europe unless we ban Shariah laws for good). Muslim's zone in Philadelphia is also factually governed by Shariah law, not by American Constitution, as is the case in other 22 (so far) compounds and villages bought by the islamists in America. There are plentiful studies and books, prooving that Islam as of today should be called islamofascism as long as it encorporates anti-humane homocidal Shariah law, yet crooked or brainless politicians still talk BS about "Islam-religion of peace". Just read a few of the serious and objective books about islamofascism: 1) The life and religion of Mohammed, by J. L. Menezes; 2) The politically incorrect guide to Islam (and the Crusades), by Robert Spencer; 3) The West's last chance, by Tony Blankey; 4) The Legacy of Jihad, by Andrew Bostom; 5) The sword of the prophet, by Serge Trifkovic; 6) Radical Islam's rules, by Paul Marshall; 7) The myth of Islamic tolerance, by Robert Spencer; 8) The great divide, by Alvin J. Schmidt, and hundred of others. Yet, with the totalitarian leftist nearly monopoly in MSM, the media hide the ugly truth about islamofascism, about anti-humane Shariah law. Fortunately, more and more Americans reject the misleading leftist MSM and take the matter into their own hands– they decide to educate themselves rather than trusting totalitarian leftist allies of islamofascists. Recently on the townhall.com I read a very good article "Do not tolerate the intolerant" by Diana West that shows that Americans better and better understand that Islam as a whole is a "doubly totalitarian" entity, as defined by G. H. Bousquet, a leading scholar os Islamic law. Yes, there are good Muslim-Americans, but there is no such thing as "good Islam". Islam as of today is a base of perpetual Jihad that was started by Muhammed, the first Muslim terrorist, and escalates non-stop last 1,400 years. Muslims in the West must choose whether to be a good American or to be a good Muslims. Being a good American means to be in the freedom camp, while being "a good Muslim" means blindly submitting to the worst totalitarian ideology and practice ever. American Constitution and Shariah laws are complete opposite, and if anyone tells you otherwise they whether attempt to delude you deliberately (which islamofascists are required to do by the Shariah law in the form of taquiya-a deception doctrine) or are delusional lefties themselves. Shariah law must be banned around the world as an islamofascism and the militant jihadists must be defeated decisively, which will create conditions for the good people of the Muslim origin to clean up Islam, to purge all that Shariah islamofascism from Quran. Then, and only then, Islam will become a normal religion, and only then Islam will have a right to enjoy the protection of the freedom of religion. As of today, protecting Islam means protecting islamofascism.