Today we witness more and more open ties between all the accomplices in the unholy totalitarian alliance of freedom haters: the government statists, leftist "progressives", socialists, national socialists (classic fascists), communists and their militarized "antifascist" wing, socialist labor unions and their violent anarchist thugs along the worst kind of the freedom haters: islamofascists. Just look what they do in Europe NOW, how tightly coordinated their attacks against the people, against the freedom are.
VIII. Comparative anatomy of freedom loving conservative/libertarian/teaparty camp and freedom hating totalitarians in the US.
General observations.
Freedom loving camp, conservatives, libertarians, objectivists, individualists, tea party America's concience.
In November and in the next 6 years all the freedom lovers must unite. Stop splitting hair defining the differences between different brands of freedom lovers. We're losing freedoms and prosperity, we, the people, cannot allow our enemies to divide us and to conwuer. Stick together. We have the common mortal enemy– growing as snow ball Big Government that grabs more and more power, liberties and money, and it is threatening to destroy America's moral values, economic prosperity and individual freedoms along with the only engine of progress-free market. If they succeed in destroying America as the freest country in the world, then there is no one to stand up against the forces of totalitarian evil.
Freedom-hating camp, a.k.a. totalitarians.
If you wish to analyze any entity for yourself to determine its place on the freedom vs serfdom scale, you can easily perform the screening test using the totalitarianism battery of tests. Typically just 3–4 of them is enough: if answer to any of them is "yes", then you are dealing with the totalitarians, with the enemies of the people. You can use the simplified diagnostic battery that includes respondent's attitude towards the concept of popular sovereignty, the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and Israel.
The freedom-loving friends of the people affirm their commitment to the concept of the people as the sovereign of the country that delegates as much powers to the government as it deems minimally necessary to fulfill the duties of the hired by the people government-CEO. They respect the collective wisdom of the people and don't question the ability of each individual to make decisions for him'herself. Totalitarians with contempt will respond that the people are oysters, sheep, morons and stupid idiots, and that the enlightened elites in the government must make decisions for the sheeple, and the government is the sovereign of the nation. Freedom lovers will say that Freedom of Speech means exactly that– freedom to speak up your mind, right or wrong, like it or not, with no exceptions, because they know that one exception begets another, that you cannot be just a little bit pregnant– as soon as you started the slippery slope, the proccess of letting the government to decide, what the exceptions to the Freedom of Speech are, then the "exceptions" will multiply with the speed of the flies in the toilet, especially when it comes to critisizing the totalitarians. On other hand, totalitarians will respond that every one has a right to the Left, but there is no right to say what is right. In short, the enemies of the freedom allow freedom of only politically correct speech, everything else will be prosecuted as a hate speech.
2nd Amendment is a clear-cut case. If an entity doesn't see itself as the enemy of the people, then it doesn't mind the armed population. On the other hand, all the totalitarian enemies of the people want their enemy people to be disarmed, so then they can do to the helpless people whatever they want.
Israel is an island of freedom in the middle of the islamofascism (the worst totalitarianism ever). Israel is the only country that always votes with the US in UN, and Israel sends a strong message that freedom works: the more freedom-the more prosperity; that brave people can resist the inspired by the genocidal antihumane Sharia law jihad– the war against humanity, started by the first jihadi, first Muslim terrorist Muhammed. Islamofascists and totalitarian regimes want to start the domino reaction– first to destroy brave Israel, then the mighty America, then the helpless Euro-Zombies, and then they will take over the world unopposed, and other totalitarians ally with them accordingly to the degree of their hatred of freedom. So, the freer the country, the party, the person is– the more they support Israel as a symbol of freedom. And vice versa– the harder the totalitarianism is-the more they want to destroy the state of Israel. When Europe was a soft tyranny of statists, it was somewhat sympatizing with Israel. The faster totalitarization of Europe by the Eurosocialists and now by the islamofascists goes– the more they hate Israel. Totalitarian regimes such as USSR (now Russia) and China hate Israel even more. The worst totalitarians, the islamofascists, are ready to wipe Israel from the map as soon as they get the nukes with the US to follow the suite.