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Government by definition is an enemy of the freedom because it wants the free hands itself to do with the people whatever the ruling elits wants, while the people's liberties stand on the way.

Typical features of the majority if the freedom-hating campers.

There are two main groups of them: "enlightened elite" and the sheep; the ivory towers dwellers and the street trash; guys with the souls of slave masters and ones with the souls of slaves; those "progressives" that love only poor people, thus, keeping them that way forever, and lazy losers satisfied with their parasitic life style.

Both groups share many common features:

1) They all die-hard Democratic constituency.

2) They all are out of touch with reality, their thinking is wishful thinking; they believe in free lunches as long as someone else pays for them; they live mentally in a parallel Universe, in different dimension while acting in our real world. That huge gap between them explains a lot. They are incapable of grasping the reality, of getting the wisdom of ages such as Roman "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (if you wish for peace-prepare for war) or "Homo homini lupus est" (a human to human is a wolf)– even though it is a sad reality, but it is reality and normal people deal with what we have in our Universe.

3) They base their impulses on emotions rather on reasons, they are impatient (I want it and I want it now! I don't care how much it costs, who and how will pay for it! I'm entitled to your money!)

4) Sense of entitlement. They find all kinds of excuses to convince themselves that somehow they have a "right" to other peoples money and rights, to something they didn't earn, to the fruits of others' hard labor.

5) Immaturity, infantilism, irresponsibility. Teenagers forever, never mature. Frequently single, don't have family responsibilities. Much higher chance of being sexual perverts. More likely to resort to violence, the murder rate amongst Democratic voters is 4–5 times higher than amongst conservatives (it helps understand why they want to kill 2nd Amendment– their elitist want to disarm American people to rule them while the street trash want to disarm Americans before robbing them).

6) Lack of common sense directly proportional to the degree of their education. The higher their education is the less common sense they have left.

7) Divisiveness in society. Divide et impera. Divide and conquer.They break society to as many as possible antagonistic groups fighting with each other for the re-distributed through the government money and power.

8) Total lack of respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. When they are told it is unlawful– they reply "Oh, we just will push through another law, and that's it". Majority of the leftist laws since 1913 are un-Constitutional, but leftist judicial activists in the courts "interpret" and twist Constitution to their liking.

9) They all hurt the society, economy, they worsen America's standing and authority around the world.

10) Eternal racism. Used to be anti-black racism, now anti-white racism.

11) Laziness. Whether it's crazy rich entertainment stars or lazy 3 generations on welfare– they all are equally lazy. Since they never worked hard– they don't appreciate other people's rights for the fruits of their hard labor.

12) Narcissism, desire "to look good" and "to feel good about themselves" (even if it means killing millions of people).To dress to impress. "Look how noble I am– I not only forgive my (more totalitarian) enemies but I even support them. Mayor of NYC Bloomberg, as totalitarian, supports ultimate totalitarian islamofascists that want to build on Ground Zero a Mega-Mosque to commemorate their victory on 9/11. Of course, there is never any "forgiveness" for the freedom lovers– it's a one way road: all totalitarians ally with worse totalitarians than themselves, but never with the freedom loving conservatives.

In short, they all are enemies of freedom, enemies of American people and enemies of America

Particular elitist groups and their sidekicks:

Educators: Every nation needs an education system, and the American one worked pretty well until the totalitarians managed to nationalize it virtually equalizing it with the consumer fraud (read Kessler's "College has become a consumer fraud") . Since the education became public, then in quality it came close to public toilets while more and more expensive because education is basically removed from the free competition, from the Free Market. But the worst part is that education system became just a part of the leftist "progressive" propaganda machine, although very important to our enemies part. As any government run entity, the public education institutions are protected from the feedback from Americans, so now the "educators" care more about their bureaucratic bosses in Washington, DC rather than about quality of education or parents and students satisfaction. Besides, the totalitarians pushed the centers of hostile socialist redistributive ideology such as labor unions into position of collective bargaining (which must not be allowed as the socialist unions always twist arms and get unfair redistribution from other citizens, and then use the unearned money to interfere with the government elections). On top of that, the universities and colleges, where the school teachers obtain their education, are viper nests of the anti-American leftist totalitarians. Enemies of America like Bill Aeyers decided in 60-s that they can damage America much more if they will switch from bombing Americans to brainwashing them. So, they infiltrated the education system, and now in all non-applied science main focus is not an education but rather on a leftist indoctrination. Now, as Obama puts it, Bill is "the distinguished educator", that runs education of the educators, teaching the teachers what and how to teach, and without those courses the teachers are not eligible to teach. Colleges became the assembly lines that take in young Americans and graduate them already as anti-Americans. Of course, the students performance gets worse and worse, because education is not a focus of "educators"– for the Left, universities along with MSM are important part of their brainwashing machine, of the strategy of infiltration of the power structures just read leftist radical Alinsky). Young Americans after indoctrination and brainwashing in universities will go to media, politics, judiciary, administration and other "public service" power structures to promote anti-American "progressive" ideology. That's how with only 20% of population the "progressive" fringe ideology mastered to suppress the mainstream American conservatism and to exert an unproportional to their numbers influence in the tricked by them American society.

The solution? A temporary solution is to ban collective bargaining in all taxpayors funded positions, that include the existing (yet) public education facilities and 100% of the government jobs. That can be done as a paragraph in the BALANCED BUDGET CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. That would also effectively close down the driven by the hostile to America socialist labor unions that syphon taxpayours money and use it to promote socialist political agenda in the power structures. Our money under excuse of our kids education goes to one pocket of teachers but immidiately is taken away from their another pocket by the unions, by the socialist enemies of the people. The permanent solution to ALL the problems in education, just as in any other area, is exposure to the Free Market self-regulation through privatization of the schools from elementary to the universities. It will improve the quality of education, it will reduce the costs, it will put the control in the hands of the people, of the parents, rather current control by the Washington, DC bureaucrats. Expose the schools, the education institutions to the Free Market self-regulation forces that pay only for goods and services, not for destroying America. Free Market in several years will eliminate all the enemies that are busy indoctrinating students rather than educating them. No violence is to be used against those enemies of the people in the "education" system -they still can be reformed to be useful members of society (how about garbage picking?)