How to do so? The same answer to all the problems of the world– that doesn't require a rocket science: Free Market. Privatization of education. Enemies of the people in the media managed to seed the fear of privatization in the people's hearts, but basically it boils down to putting YOU in charge of education YOUR children. It gives power to the people. Public "education" is not a free lunch– YOU pay for it, but indirectly– our enemy government collects it from you pocket, as much as it wants, then the government bureaucrats re-distribute YOUR money the way THEY want. And what they want? A better education for your kids? No! They want more power, more of your money, and most important– they want YOUR KIDS! The totalitarians want to destroy all competing with them centers of influence on the people, they want to have as a God only Almighty Government. Thus, they destroy religion, family, traditions, society fabric and the like. The "educators" indoctrinate your children that their parents are outdated, that they know nothing, that they are too conservative, that only "progressive" liberals can bring about the crap of "social justice". The "educators" undermine the authority of competing with them influence centers: family, church, public associations out of their control. Hitler was making children a ward of the government as teens but today's "progressive" totalitarians want to do is much earlier to brainwash the kids more effectively. In Norway the government demands giving away your kids to the government run kindergartens when they are ONE YEAR OLD. "Progressive" socialists and government want to brainwash as many kids as possible and as early as possible, and that's why even now, during current created by the government interference financial crisis, Obama's regime is wasting billions of taxpayors and borrowed from China money to expand the reach of the brainwashing centers, the "education" facilities. Will millions of new liberal art graduates improve America's standing in the cutting edge tech? Of course not, it's just a waste of the taxpayors money to subsidy brainwashing young Americans in the blah-blah-blology classes, but they are indoctrinated voters for the Democrats, for the "progressive" enemies of the people, and that's all that matters. So, the statists and the "progressive" socialists steal you kids using your own money via Almighty Government and nationalized education system. How can you keep your kids? Slash 99% of the government size, powers, scope and budget and privatize the education system to put it back under YOUR control. The fear of privatization is purposely created by your "progressive" enemies in MSM, who always villify Free Market and capitalism because Free Market creates everything for us while totalitarians can only hurt us in their quest for power and money. However, our enemies in the monopolized by the leftist media are the ones who form the public opinion, and they do all they can to hide "progressives"' greed for power and money and to charge the capitalism with greed. All is greed, it's in the human nature, but the productive "greed" of Free Market creates everything good around us while destructive greed of the "good wishing" of statists and socialists destroy everything they touch. Don't be afraid of privatization: it's like the difference between the government distributes you handouts or a shopping using your own money when you can choose what to buy. Believe me, it will cost the society much more if government collects your money and then wastes it the way it likes, because the government doesn't have a feedback loop, it doesn't care about efficiency and cost savings– it's not government's money, it's you money, and the government can take away more of your money when it embezzles what was taken previously. Yes, just like in the existing "public" education, YOU will foot the bill, but in case of private schools YOU are in charge, not the government bureaucrats and arrogant "progressive" educators. YOU decide to which school to send your kids, You in the school boards will decide how much to pay, what will be the curriculum in YOUR school and how to spend your money in the most efficient way to improve the quality of real education, not the socialist indoctrination and destruction of family values. It will improve quality and reduce costs, also minimizing the influence of the hostile totalitarian ideologies such as leftism and islamofascism. There is nothing that government can do better than Free Market, if it is within the scope of Free market, and Free Market encompasses virtually everything except national defense, law & order and foreign affairs. Even here Free Market can play essential role, but it cannot be the only player. Technically speaking: Close down 100% of federal educational offices, 90% of the state level (giving them only unenforcable recommendation powers) and 80% of municipal boards, giving power to the people, to the school boards.
Academia with so called "science". It is also important part of the people's enemy propaganda machine. They abuse natural respect of the public to science but replace the real science with a hoax, with a fraud, with a lie to fit their totalitarian leftist ideology ("human induced" global "warming" is just one of the examples. The real science showed that human activity plays almost no role in the climate changes because the human produced CO2 kept rising steadily– although far below historically higher levels– but the global temperatures were fluctuating– rising till 1994, hanging around till 1999 and then DROPPING since them). They basically provide other parts of the "progressive" brainwashing machine with talking points, filled with pseudo-scientific crap. This is especially prominent in the economy, sociology, psychology and ecology "science", because the totalitarian Left uses these area to discredit and destroy Free Market, to infiltrate the power structures, to increase sky-high powers of the already Almighty Government and to redistribute wealth from those who generated it to the losers Democrats created themselves. And in the process of redistribution a lot of taxpayers money will stick to their sticky hands. Money and power, power and money, especially unearned– that's all they care about. How to neutrilize them? As always– expose them to the free market forces How? Close down government departments that redistribute taxpayors money in order to keep afloat these scientific zeros but important parts of the leftist enemies propaganda machine. True scientists who generate real science will be rewarded by Free Market while all the quacks will fill the genitors positions. Read Thomas Sowell's "The "Science" Mantra" article, please.