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Journalists, "progressive" MSM monopolies.

Glen Beck correctly pointed out that the monopolized by the Left so called "main stream media" are comparable to the Nazi Goebbels propaganda machine, which is not surprising at alclass="underline" all totalitarians are alike, whether it's Hitlers national socialists , the Democratic socialists or the Euro-Zoo leftists and commies. The main difference is that Hitlerism was a national socialism while the Democratic socialism is international. Howard Dean, the former Democratic Party Head, said that every Democrat is pretty much a "progressive", which means a socialist: they all want a strong government to impose the redistribution of wealth from hard workers to lazy ones.

When "Media watch" conducted a study, 80% of journalist admitted they are left although, of course, they claimed "it does not affect their impartiality in presenting information". Yeah, right, we haven't born yesterday. Trick me once– shame on you, trick me twice– shame on me, but the leftist media keep tricking all the people all the time. When during the study they checked out also the donation causes then turned out that 96% of the journalists donate to the "progressive" causes of the people's enemies. Well, we, the people, should expect only lies from the dominated by the "progressives" MSM. That's why less than 25% of Americans trust media. Fox TV is staffed by 50% conservative friends of the people and 50% by the "progressive" enemies of the people, so you can find objective information on FoxTV. Unfortunately, 100% of all other TV outlets are packed with the Left of all stripes: socialists, "progressives", commies and the like, so I waste no time watching those disinformation outlets. This propaganda machine was rather effective: it is basically misleading, misinforming and disinforming media that should be held responsible for fooling American people into voting for the affirmative action President, who, as expected, turned out to be the worst enemy America ever had.


The impressions is that these eco-freaks just hate humans, especially decent human beings, and do everything they can to harm and to hurt us via hurting Free Market, which is the only source of technical progress, the only producer of all the goods and services in the world that we all enjoy. There is nothing constructive that the "progressives" or the government brought to us, they only hurt us through the impeding the creative forces of Free Market. It is as if the ecofreaks want to spare the planet but to kill 6 billions people by preventing Free Market creating enough food, cloth and shelter to them and leaving only "golden billion" that ultimately includes those "noble" "progressive" tree huggers and rats protectors. We should be thankful that the ecofreaks have not outlawed antibiotics YET, because the medicines kill innumerable amounts of bacteria and viruses that infect and kill humans. I am sure the ecofreaks are more sympathetics to the germs than to us. They do all they can to destroy economy, to hurt free market, to make goods and services more expensive to produce, to prevent prosperity, in short– to hurt us, living humans, under the pretext of "saving" "future generations" (Hitler, Stalin, Mao and all other totalitarians were doing exactly the same-hurting the living today under pretext of working for the "bright future"). Do you know how much ecofreaks efforts to destroy economy cost us? Alaska gas/oil exploration bans alone cost billions and billions: the estimated cost of (possibly) saving ONE polar owl is $17,000,000, seventeen million dollars! "Cap and trade" would cost us even more with about ZERO effect on climate (CO2 might affect only about 6% of the climate while over 90% is Sun cycles). "Progressives" in New England prohibit hunting the deer to eliminate an excess of them (triple the amount the nature can sustain) even though those deer now enter the cities, shed off ticks full of B. burgdorfi germs that cause Lime disease that eats up your heart. Lime disease used to be pretty esotheric but now there are folks who contracted it 3 times, thanks to the ecofreaks. There are no wolves to control the dear populations, and the "progressive" Democrats prohibit hunting because they love inferior forms of life and hate the human beings, especially the decent ones.

Offshore drilling moratorium will not save environment because right away Mexicans and Europeans will jump in and then they will drill and sell us the same oil that otherwise would be drilled by us and cost us much less. The chain of events went like that: BP bribed Obama (Obama is the biggest recipient of BP money during last 26 years) and BP thought "We have a White House connection now, we're special now – why should we follow the Business recommendations and advisories? We can shortcut now!" And they did, and they caused the oil spill. Obama used this as an opportunity to attack the free market, to shakedown BP for another 20 billion dollars, basically, to create a fund under his control to reward his cronies and to peddle his voting base. On top of that, Obama's regime used the spill as an excuse to hit economy more, to hurt free market and jobs (moratorium wil cost us 87,000 lost jobs plus billions of dollars paid for oil to our totalitarian enemies, socialists and islamofascists, who will use this money to undermine America's standing and the very existence). You know already that the ecofreaks have killed more people than other kinds of totalitarians: Hitler is probably to blame for 50 million death, Stalin and Mao for 90 each, but the ecofreaks initiated ban on DDT killed at least 120 million people due to spread of malaria (not mentioning even the fact that ecogreens support islamofascist greens– in Switzerland ecofreaks have filed a lawsuite to negate the referendum results when the people of Switzerland decided to ban the building of minarets as typical symbol of islamofascism supremacism, a symbol of Islam dominance). All totalitarians support each other, forming an unholy alliance against the people, against the freedom, against free market. And the DDT ban consequences are just unfolding: it also resulted in the wide spread of bedbugs in the majority of hotels which created a biological niche for inevitably emerging new germs that will fill in the niche. It's just a matter of time when a new germ will mutate enough to use these bedbugs as a vector to pass along emerging new diseases similar to thyphus. All thanks to the "noble" treehuggers, to the ecofreaks, to the totalitarians, to the Demc-rats gang.

Hollywood trash and entertainment "stars":

They are just doomed to be "progressive" totalitarians. They meet classic description of the fredom-haters, of the people's enemies: they are lazy; elitists; never worked hard, they show pretty face or round butt for an hour and then they get millions in royalties for years to come; they are immoral, infantile, irresponsible, frequently perverts; they are narcissistic, ready to blow the whole world just to get some attention, applauses and approval and to redeem their innumerable sins in the public (and in their own) eyes. They meet typical catholic description of sinners, and as sinners they seek noble quests" to redeem their sins. That's how they end up destroying Free Market using any suitable kind of pretext– idioticly reducing CO2 by reducing farting CO2 cow herdes, tying arms of the industry and business in general, "protecting" koalas in SEA, pirania in Amazon, polar owls in the oil rich Alaska's waste lands, seals in Canada and some other pets (only if they look cute!!!) somewhere far away from their home, meanwhile burning megawatts of electricuty in their luxury homes. I've enough fingers on one hand to count the exceptions from the rule (like Bruce Willis or Angelina Jolie) who have the courage to resist the trashy "peer pressure" of the profession. Remember the scandal with producer Polanski? It proved once more that those elitists impose 3 sets of laws: no responsibilities for any crime for themselves because they are so freaking talanted; light punishment for other than artists "progressives" and for the mascots, for trash other than in entertainment industry but heavy punishment for decent "regular" people, especially if they happened to be conservative, white and hard-working. That's the three "mortal sins" that the "progressive" Democrats just cannot tolerate. The only thing that they hate more is a black conservative, especially a woman, who, in their opinion, betrays the Democrats: the Democrats don't recognise the freedom of choice– if you are a black or a woman– you just must be their servant, their voter, their slave, their property, they own you.