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Gun ban extremists:

Guns is one of the diagnostic tests for the totalitarian enemies of the people. When one doesn't consider the people his/her enemy, then he/she is OK with the armed people. This is true regarding individuals, groups, parties. movements, governments and anything else. On the other hand, if one is an enemy of the people, enemy of freedom, then understandably he/she wants to disarm the people. You also would like to disarm your enemy if you had a chance, so don't be surprised when the "progressive" Democrats want to disarm you. If totalitarians had enough powers, they all had their people disarmed. It held true for Stalin, Mao, Hitler and for the Euro-socialists. Ultimately, it holds true for the totalitarian "progressive" Democ-rats gang too. As people say, the 2nd Amendments assures the rest of them. When the firearms used by the criminals as a murder weapon, then according to the FBI files most commonly used weapon is 38 caliber handgun. However, the first target of the gun ban extremists, the first step on the road to serfdom are the assault weapons that are used by the criminals in less than 7%. Why? Because it's the weapon by wich the freedom-lovers can prove the wisdom of saying "If government fears the people it's liberty, if the people fear government it's tyranny". That's why the totalitarian enemies of the people first want to grab assault weapons, then register all the guns and introduce traceble ammo with individual markings on each bullet, then to grab all the firearms and render the Americans helpless victims of the evergrowing government.

Government bureaucracy:

It's a fast growing totalitarian group frequently influenced by the double totalitarian entities: government itself and hostile socialist labor unions.


As soon as politicians are elected and become the part of the government, they are under increasing pressure to change their loyalty from the constituency to the enemy of the people, the government. The opportunities of the professional career politician are plentiful, the temptations are really strong, and majority of politicians fall for it becoming the element of the government's monster. GOP members lean to be statists, attempting "to solve" the problems caused by too much government, using the same government with inevitable failure. The Democrats are by far worse being double enemies of the people– both as statists and as leftist redistributionists. So far very few politicians in the US (unlike Europe exemplify tripple enemies of the people, as Obama is, adding also the Muslim or pro-Muslim component to the explosive "statist + leftist" mixtrure. Probably, Obama is an atheist, but he is definitely pro-Muslim who enjoys the call to the Muslim prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth". Remember– Islam is still not purged of the genocidal anti-humane Shariah laws, so we are talking about present islamofascism, the worst totalitarian ideology and practice on the face of the Earth. Solutions? World-wide Shariah laws ban and purging the Shariah laws from Islam making it a normal religion that can coexists with other civilizations.

Femi-nazis, as Pamela Geller calls them. Feminist movement was highjacked by the "progressives", who were long ago persistently infiltrating all the structures that could lead them to the power, as the leftist radical Alinsky tought them. Of course, their "leaders" have nothing to do with the true women's interests protection, they are better defined as the worse enemies of the group they claim to represent, as always the case with totalitarians. All they want is to divide the society, to break it down to as many as possible hating each other special interest groups, to seed animosity and hostility, the gender wars, to undermine free market and individual freedoms. The way they bribe the grassroot base is typical totalitarian "Short term gain for long term pain"– Femi-nazis litigate, twist arms of the society to get the unearned money and benefits to their special interest group on account of the rest of the society. Understandably, this cause the distortions in the Free Market self-regulation mechanisms, thus, worsening the outcome and decreasing individual freedoms and prosperity. In short, Femi-Nazis is one of the detachments of the people's enemies. Solutions? Expose to the Free Market. How? Repeal all this discriminatory "antidiscrimination" laws of the 60-s that give power to the government (remember– powers corrupts) and to the appointed by the government humans (remember– to err is human) to decide, what is discrimination and what is not. Of course, the definition keeps getting broader and broader, because it gives the government more and more powers.

Everything boils down to the only 2 choices we have: whether the power greedy totalitarians (in America's case– "progressive" Democrats) that bring about Euro-socialism with its unintended consequences such as serfdom, destruction and extinction of the nation (but you can be lazy) or "money greedy" Freedom& Free Market lovers that bring us untended benefits of prosperity, freedom and survival (but you need to work hard).

Only Free Market's gentle and invisible hand can sort it out and phase out the discrimination for good without reverse discrimination, because color-blind and gender-blind policies are the most profitable ones and the profit is the driving force behind Free Market, which provides us with 100% of goods and services that we have as unintended benefits, while all we see from the government interventions is unintended consequences. As you know, in one day 1–1–2010 alone the government inacted over 40,000 new laws, mandates and regulations, and the total pile of those government coercions might be a million or so within last 100 years. So, how we can go through all this crap to find a rare gem that we don't want to throw away? And the answer is "No, we can't. But we can repeal automatically the whole million of these laws, the tenticles of the government, and we can have a fresh start from scratch. The hard way to do so was employed during the American Revolution, when the American people repealed all aimed against them British laws, but the price they paid for the fresh start was very high. Today the easiest and the most preferable way to repeal ALL the laws that backed our enemy government's un-Constitutional encroachment into the popular sovereignty territory during last 100 years is a "TWO TERM CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT" that would limit to 2 terms (8 years) not only all elected and unelected government officials and judiciary of all levels, but would automatically let expire every 8 years ALL the active laws. In order to reinstate the extremely rare useful laws, the government bureaucrats will have to prove to us, the people, that this particular law is an exception to the rule and the benefits are actually overweigh unintended consequences. But it must be on a case by case basis, one law at a time, with explicit prohibition to re-instate whole bundles, the packs of the crapy laws. It will keep our enemy bureaucrats busy, won't it? They will have to try to steal our liberties all over again and again from scratch, rather than in today's situation when with each passed law they steal our rights for good, slowly encroaching into people's territory, people's sovereignty.