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I am sure you ask yourself: "Why Obama and the Democrats in the Congress do this and do that? It is so bad for America!!!"

The answers is : "Exactly!". Yes, EVERY SINGLE THING they do is very bad for America, and that's why they are doing it as enemies of America are supposed to do. That's their job description. They attack freedom and American people from all directions in a very organized and coordinated fashion.

Imagine that a hating America bad guy, for example, both socialist and pro-muslim Saddam Hussein is in the White House and his lap-dog legislators are in the Congress. Then you would not be suprised why they act that way, right? Think about all the things that they would do and then go check the list against Obama's regime "accomplishments" to see if the Hussein Obama's regime is doing exactly the same.

Destroy all things that make America great and exceptional, reduce it to the "just another country", apologize for every aspect of Amerca's greatness. Use "socialization first and then islamization" Check.

Destroy American Constitution and federalism, annihilate people's and states sovereignty, impose unlimited central government. Yes.

Virtually stop the war against the enemies, jihadist terror (even though jihadis exponentially increase their jihad war on bigger and bigger scale around the world and within American borders), stop even calling it islamic terror, preserve the terrorists "rights" over rights of Americans, stop evesdropping on terrorists and instead start evesdropping on dissidents and political opposition". Hmm.. yeah, pretty much "check!" May be because America's enemies are friends of Obama and vice versa– America's friends are enemies of Obama.

Ruin American economy by destroying its competitiveness by everfailing socialist takeover: nationalization of banks, automotive industry, healthcare, financial industry, retirement and insurance funds, using forced unionization and the like. Alas, "check!", there is no more sure way to destroy economy engine than introducing redistributive socialism of any kind– Eurosocialism or communism. Just compare North and South Korea.

Steal American freedoms by forcing socialist labor unions and other socialist contributors to the Husein's campaign, by requiring KGB/Stazi style reporting on all discent directly to the White House, and China-style internet clamping, by spying on us. Check.

Bow to all enemies of America and alienate all America's longstanding friends and allies. Check.

Denigrate America going around the world on apology tour, asking forgiveness for America being the best, for serving as the beacon of freedom and ,thus, the symbol of prosperity and success. Check.

Stop technological advances of America in order to humiliate us, basically stop NASA program, make it serve Obama's Muslim brothers and ask hostile Russian totalitarians to boost American satellites to orbit; stop producing best jet-fighter in the world in order to let totalitarian China soon to be military superpower number 1; unilaterally disarm America while keeping Russia's huge advantage in tactical nukes. Check. Now arabs form UAE are trained by NASA.

Disarm Americans under pretext of the UN "Small arm treaty", destroy 2nd Amendment and render Americans helpless before socialists and islamic supremacists of Obama radical transformation of America: socialization and then islamization. Check.

Destroy the rest of American Constitution by giving away America sovereignty to the totalitarian UN, by submission of America's laws to the written by the unelected UN bureaucrats "protocols", where stoning women to death Iran serves in the "women's right" panel and Syrian dictatorship serves as "human rights" watchdog. Check.

Smear the hard-working Americans and business community that create 100% of America's wealth, while glorifying America's enemies: socialists (including socialist labor unions), islamofascists and the like. Check.

Promore stealth jihad step by step without openly stating objectives (like recent Obama's "victory" in Kenya, where Obama pushed through Shariah laws into Constitution even though only 12% of Kenyans are Muslims. Expect Obama pushing through more Shariah law in America when there are 12% Muslims in America). Check.

There 2 Americas that exist in the parallel Universes: the real dimension where the mainstream is conservatism with its 43% of population along with neither foul nor fish "moderates" limping along (together 80% of population), and America of 20% of delusional "progressive" liberals, and these two Americas are completely incompatible with each other. Unfortunately, those "progressive" aliens from the parallel Universe chose Washington, DC as their infiltration goal and they exert unproportional to their numbers influence in the power structures. How wonderful would be to stop their incursion and send them back to their Utopian world!

And the list will go on and on because Obama is a triple enemy of America (as the Nanny-State statist, as the leftist radical and as a pro-Muslim) while his allies in Washington, DC are mainly double enemies of the American people (statists and lefties). Even Obama's lapdogs in the Congress don't realize that Husein Obama's ultimate goals go much further that theirs: the Left dreams about Euro-style "socialist paradise" while for Obama the final destination is islamic hell.

To compare GOP and the Dems: yes, the Republicans are somewhat better (they don't cause such devistating damage to America as the Democrats), but they are not good enough to reverse the damage when the GOP is in power. The GOP establishment wants to keep Almighty Government as it is. It is happy with the swinging political pendulum in the Washington, DC feeding ground, and they don't want to slash 99% people's enemy, the government, they'd rather use it for their own advantage. Look how GOP elite protects Alaska's Murkowski, a RINO, a traitor that voted with the enemies of the people Democrats 300 times. All kudos to Sarah Palin, a principled conservative that endorsed true conservative Miller. A similar situation happened in Nevada, where true conservative Sharron Engle was attacked for simply stating the fact that in order to prevent nearing fiscal catastrophe we need to phase out the killing America government-run entitlement programs such as SS and Medicare. Sorry, but it is absolutely necessary because it is not sustainable, it is doomed, and it will collapse anyway under the weight of the fiscal and demographic crisis, cause by the "too much government" factor. In near future America will not be able to afford it anyway, so why wait until we waste a couple of trillion dollars and see it collapse anyway? Better to handle it now, before it's too late, in an elective fashion, not procrastinating until the crisis strike. Angle didn't say a word about abrupt termination of the program– no, she correctly stated that there is a need to save the nation by phasing out the entitlement programs that kill America (and are finishing Europe as we speak). Gradual phasing out will prevent demographic and fiscal crises in the US, and it will spare those Americans who have been already robbed by the Washington, DC and THE GOVERNMENT, not you, taxpayers, must foot the government's bill. Pretty good and absolutely real plan is deliniated in the book "Why dovernment doesn't work" by the former USA Presidential candidate Harry Browne. The feds must sell out their assets, including one third of American lands, bought by the feds (shouldn't they use our money to pay off Ameerica's foreign debts instead of federal land grab on top of power and money grab?), and pay their debts to the Americans whose contrubution to the SS and MC was already embezzled by the government the very first minute ot was collected from you under the threat of force. Have you volunteered to pay for these government waste programs? No! The feds must pay THEIR DEBTS, not you, guys! All the government program for now must be made strictly volunteer, no mandates, and if there some stupid folks that rely on the government promises to recover their embezzled money back– let them suffer by choice. If you do not give your explicit consent to take away your money from the paycheck to SS, MC of MA, then the government has no right to steal it from you. I am sure you will find a better way to invest your money when income tax also will be eliminated, and it will double your income right away, because direct and indirect government waste exceeds 57% of the money we make. In short, Engle is absolutely right– to gradually phase out ALL government waste programs is a must in order to save America from Obamunism and from the dying out Euro-Zoo's fate.