XI. Random thoughts bowclass="underline"
This is the box where I trow all random thoughts, sketchy raw ideas for a future book, un-classified yet facts and conceptions, un-organized ideas and proposals that need to be thought over yet. It's like a primary ocean life forms: some of them will perish, but some will give a start to the new beginnings. 2 extremes of the normal thought types are epileptimorphic (sticky, glue-like, tedious,over-detailed but meticulous) and schizoid (jumpy, quick, symbolic and under-detailed, disconnected, chaotic). Being asked to draw a picture reflecting an event, epileptimorphic type will draw you a picture with a thousand of small details, while schizoid type will quickly draw a symbol, claiming it does represent the event (even though in 5 minutes they might forget themselves, what exactly this symbol meant). If you feel that you are more on the over-organized side, then just don't read this chapter to avoid irritation by the random thoughts. Some of them have been elaborated in different chapters already after I picked them from here.
Totalitarians (in our case all die-hard Democratic voters, the "progressive" Democrats gang) just love high-jacking all nice-sounding causes that can be used to get political scores in the propaganda war. When they steal the cause, they turn it upside down, actually harming in the long run all those they claim to protect or to represent (because their true intentions are to grab more government, more powers rather than really to help those groups). For example, all Afro-American liberation movement was started by the Republicans while the Democrats did just opposite– they organized KKK and were killing both blacks and white Republicans (the last Democrat KKK activist Sen. Bird just passed away). All first wave of black Congress members were Republicans, Martin Luther King Jr also was a conservative Republican, patriot, freedom-lover (thus, a friend of Israel). However, the Democ-rats have high-jacked the Afro-American cause in order to steal the credit. It's like Muslim Turks 400 years ago destroyed Christian East Rome empire, built the Muslim country on the occupied territory and now they claim as theTurkish historical heritage the remnants of the destroyed by them Christian civilization. The same way, the Dems steal credit for all early successes of the original civil rights movements just because the Dems own their leaders today, just because the Dems have dragged these movements into their enemies-of-freedom camp. Now the Dems destroy black community using "short term gain for long term pain" tactics: they hook black community on narcotics of redistributionist "entitlement" programs that destroy black families and lock the blacks out of healthy competition, thus, locking them up in the cage of welfare and "affirmative" action. Equality of the "progressives" is the equality of the beggars, "social justice" if the legimitized discrimination, robbery and Robin Hood-style redistribution, the end-result is more and more bums in the gutter with no motivation to work hard whatsoever. Why bother if the welfare is enough to get by paying to taxes? The more handouts they give-the more beggars they create. Only free market, free competition will gradually close tha gaps, as was happening before all the "progressive" well-intentioned road to hell of the 60-s. When the families are destroyed by the "progressive" policies, then the 2/3 of kids are raised by the street gangs rather than by 2 parents with ensuing teen-pregnancies and perpetuated vicious cycle of poverty.
The Democrats have always been racists– originally they were anti-black racists, plotting on eliminating the blacks by introduction of Minimum Wage laws (which in the Democrats minds were supposed to starve the blacks to death); now they are overt anti-white racists and covert anti-black racists (because the Democrats "Big Government handouts" policy in the long run keeps minorities in poverty forever). Life is built on paradoxes: all those self-proclaimed "leaders" who claim to represent the interests of the "opressed" ones are in fact their worst enemies, be that minorities, arabs in general and palestinian arabs in particular– you name it. It always works that way: in order to prevent losing their electorate (chich means losing money and power) the "leaders" prevent integration of their constituency by the gentle forces of Free Market, they keep them segregated, weak and hateful. There is nothing that the "progressive"'s Acts of the sixties have accomplished to cure the society's ills because they are based on the usual freedom haters' princilpe: "SHORT TERM GAIN FOR LONG TERM PAIN", on empowering the government "to solve" the problems. Affirmative actions have worsened the productivity of economy by worsening quality of the work force, there are studies that have shown billions and billions of losses to the country due to these policies. All these reforms reversed or at least slowed down the real improvements in the society that slowly but steadily were being accomplished by the forces of Free Market before reforms. Of course, 96% "progressive" media meanwhile have engraved in the public's mind "axioms" that those "reforms" are holy cows and the critical evaluation of whether these "reforms" made America as a whole and less successful minorities better off or much worse is a "NO-NO!", a taboo. Why? Because objective evaluation show that none of the "civil rights" crap works and their the only "accomplishments" are worsening of the "victims" conditions but more power to the government, more poverty, thus, more votes for the Democratic party. For the Democrats the true solution of the problems by Free Market would be the end of the party, no one would vote for them if everybody is a free and successful individual. Their electorate are losers and the rich "emlightened" elite works hard to create as many losers and parasites as they can in order to keep the Democrats in the Washington, DC feeding grounds. According to the 100% of their actions' results– the Democrats despite their empty words and demagoguery in fact don't want to end poverty and discrimination. Just opposite, they want to perpetuate the poverty to preserve their electorate basis. The actions speak volumes, the empty words are empty words no matter how bueatiful they sound.
Worst enemies of the "opressed" ones are their self-proclaimed "saviors" and “representatives”, while the best friend of the "misfortunate" ones is Free Market as the only source of freedom, prosperity and progress on the face of Earth. “Saviors” give them fish and want to keep them as beggars forever, while Free Market teaches them to fish for themselves to be free and independant.
By giving all kinds of handouts to beggars the Democrats; a) feel good about themselves, (which is a paramount to those extravert totalitarian narcissists– they want to feel good about their "noble intentions" even if it means destruction of the whole world in reality); b) increase the size, powers and budget of their instrument of coercion– Big Government; and c) perpetuate the poverty, the beggars class, the "entitlement" population, the eternal Democrats electorate base; d) manage to break up the society to as many sompeting for handouts and hostile to each other groups of special interests as possible rather than uniting as a nation in the pursuit of individual success and happiness. Free Market unites the nation while totalitarian Democrats gang divides it to the special interests groups and seeds animosity between them.