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The Democrat gang has also high-jacked the feminist cause even though they just hurt women by pushing them towards unhealthy habits and hazardous work types, unnatural ways of life, ruining normal families that serve as the strong base of a healthy society and the like. Feminist "leaders" along with the rest of the Democ-rats support the worst totalitarians– islamofascists, even though Shariah law demands keeping wives subservient using corporal punishment if needed. Shariah laws also demands stoning a women to death if she was raped. Why feminist "leaders" still support based on Shariah law Islam? Usual paradox of life– the feminist elite don't give a damn about women: they are first of all totalitarian "progressives", and only then women. So, if totalitarian progressivism demands to sucrifice women in order to advance totalitarian cause (islamofascism, for example) then feminists will do just that. It's exactly the same way when 78% of American Jews voted for anti-Semite, anti-Israel Obama, because those "progressive" Jews are not Jews– they are "progressives". The brain behind Obama David Axelrod and money behind Obama Gerge Soros formally are Jews, but in fact they are enemies of Israel. Why? Because they are totalitarian enemies of freedom, and Israel is the island of freedom in the totalitarian Middle East. So, the enemies of freedom are automatically the enemies of Israel. Meanwhile non-Jew Sarah Palin along with all other true conservatives is a friend of Israel for exactly the same reason– Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, thus, the only true friend of America in the region. Freedom-lovers support each other, just as totalitarian freedom-haters form unholy alliance against Israel (soft Euro-totalitarians are soft enemies of Israel, hard totalitarians of Russia and China are worse enemies, and the worst totalitarians in the world– islamofascists– are hell-bent on destruction of Israel. Totalitarians feel danger– Israel serves as an example in the region that more freedom from the government translates into more prosperity, just like America for 200 years was a living proof of the same fact all over the world). (Of course, it is just a rule with some exceptions– for example, Norquist sounds like a fiscal conservative, but his Palestinian wife every night finds for him very compelling reasons to join the worst totalitarian pro-islamofascism forces, even convincing Bush right after 9/11 to praise Islam as a "religion of peace"). Whatever the totalitarians do– they always hurt society as a whole and they even hurt the particular special interest group members in the long run although they entice them with short term benefits (on account of the rest of society). Only Free Market can sort things out and serve in the long term interests of everyone. Now nascent New Feminism is on the rise, expemplified by Sarah Palin and the wave of conservative women on the way to Congress. They serve united society as a whole, thus, improving positions of the women as the part of society, NOT ON ACCOUNT OF OTHERS.

The Democrats have also high-jacked all other nice-sounding movements (it is also easier to recruit young naive people using such nice sounding baits/causes even though these totalitarian movements in fact are enemies of the people and in the long run they kil the nation), making them a part of the freedom-haters camp, the enemies of the people, and also turning them into exactly opposite of the original movement. It's because the Dems' goal is just to use them in the power struggle, in grabbing more government– they don't give a damn for their constituency's wellbeing. Just opposite– the Dems WANT their electorate base to fail, to stay in poverty and dependancy state indefinitely, so they can have their votes forever. The Dems "love" poor people and they want them to stay that way forever. By the same token, the Dems hate free market as the sole source of progress (because those "progressives" want to be a source of progress), they hate free, prosperous and independant people and they do they best to eliminate them as class. Now Democrats political machine puts under the Dems gang umbrella and controls vote of environmentalists, (turning them into "rats first" and histerical "global warming" freaks), labor movement (turning their leaders into socialist enemies of the American people), the racial minority groups, that demand short term term gains while actually bringing long term pain and all other narcissistic "noble causes". The common features are: the Democrats use short term gains for them as a bait in order to inflict long term pain; they break down society to as many as possible hostile to each other groups; they use them as an instrument to destroy Free Market and to infiltrate all branches of the coercive government; in short– the Democrats push all these movements into the freedom-haters camp, into the enemies of American people camp.

What are the pathways to the decent freedom-lovers and freaky freedom-hating camps?

Freedom-lovers are formed by the long hours of hard work at the work place (they can be rich-business people of the Main Street, or poor YET or middle class, but most importantly they appreciate the fruits of hard labor and the right to keep what you earn); by respect to the wisdom of ages in the form of traditions and ethic code in society; by being religious (I mean true religions– Islam excepted, because Islam is not a religion: as long as it is based on genocidal anti-humane Shariah laws of jihad– Islam in fact is an islamofascism with its own laws, where religion is just a mask); by recognition of the laws of nature (another paradox– the faith in supernatural God with non-constrained powers makes conservatives accept themselves as humble human beings with constrained abilities. In particular, conservatives recognize the laws of nature. By the same token, mainly atheistic "progressives" consider themselves "free of religious superstitions", but it makes them play unconstrained God themselves, thus, they are in denial of objective restrains, of the laws of nature, including human's nature and laws of Free Market. Religious conservatives know there are no free lunches and the perpetual motion machine cannot exist while "free of religious constraints" liberals still believe they can disregard the laws of nature, they can engineer society and human being-well, you know, all that "mad scientists" crap). Having family responsibilities and nurturing kids helps shape decent conservatives tremendously: family guys must think of the future and act responsibly. Moral and family values ensue from the above, stressing out individual decision making and bearing personal responsibility for their actions. Free, independant, self-relying and mature persons don't need ANY government in their lives. Thus, we, the people, allowed our enemy government only very limited tasks and delegated very limited powers, according to the best in the world Constitution. Unfortunately, our enemy government started creeping power grab a 100 years ago, and now un-Constituional power-grab became a snow ball, turning into an avalanch. If we, the people, will not stop our enemy government in November, 2010– America will go down the drain, as the Euro-Zoo already does as we speak. So, healthy conservatism is the way to the camp of America's friends for over 90% of the freedom-camp dwellers, it is the easiest, most reliable and by far the most common path to the freedom-camp. They have respect to human beings, especially to decent people, no matter what their colour of gender is. We are lucky in America that we have so much Faith (Europe as a basically Godless continent has nearly lost this most common pathway to the freedom camp, which is compounded by the wide-spread irreversible brain damage caused by the leftist educators and MSM), we have so many followers of true religions (except Islam, of course, which is not a religion but a violent, totalitarian and anti-humane ideology as long as it is based on the Sharia laws, on the islamic supremacy, on the islamofascism). As of today, Islam is the worst force of evil, the worst component of the freedom-haters camp even though many Muslims who do not follow Sharia laws are good people. Only jihadis, the devout, the pious Muslims do follow the Sharia laws, and you know the results. Good Americans of the Muslim origin don't chop off your heads, they don't think they are supreme just because they are Muslims, they don't try to eliminate all other religions and take over the world, thus, they are bad Muslims since they are against the dictates of Sharia laws, of the main stream Quran. One can be whether a good American or a good Muslim, but one never can be both. They are based on the complete opposites, incompatible with each other– the freest in the world American Constitution and the worst totalitarianism of Sharia laws, of the islamofascism. All other religions are good, they bring you to the freedom-lovers cam: Judeo-Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Bhuddism and the like. My little favorite is Bahaism because of their cleanest record (may be, because they were never in the position of majority, of power, which is always tempting to use). All others religions are the forces of good in today's world (may be, in 18th century it was different and in 22th century it will be different too, but today it is just a fact of the matter, judging by the end results). It's a reliable and most common way to the freedom-lovers camp.