Alternative ways: About 2% of the freedom-lovers have more complex path. They went through the education brainwashing machine in universities and colleges, they were indoctrinated and were guilty of "progressive" totalitarianism (socialists, communists and all other re-distributionists). However, the hard lessons of life helped them mature enough to realize that freedom, particularly free market, is the only way to prosperity and happiness. This pathway typically leads to the libertarian branch of the freedom lovers. Sadly, it is uncommon path and frequently people come to understanding when they are not young, not healthy and not active enough to make a diffirence in the remaining life time. In short, we should welcome those who finally came to realize the value of freedom, but we should think of this as an exception to the rule rather that as a rule. However, despite their small numbers, these reformed "progressive" liberals (and now mainly libertarians) are extremely valuable to the cause of freedom because they are highly educated, they know totalitarians inside out and they are the most articulate supporters of freedom (just look at the wisest man in America Thomas Sowell or David Horowitz). While less educated conservatives intuitively feel what the truth is these libertarians clearly articulate the truth and make it more digestable, they identify the short and long term goals of the freedom cause– in short, they serve as a nerve ganglion to the conservative body. Other alternative and rare routes to the freedom camp include objectivists, followers of Ayn Rand, individualists, proponents of free market and so forth. Now it's not a time to stress out our differences– it's time for ALL freedom-lovers to unite in order to save America, to restore our Constitution and our liberties, to stop our common totalitarian enemy, especially in Washington, DC. Let's put our differences aside, at least until we together save America from its government, from the totalitarian enemies of freedom. Even lesser totalitarian entities (state and municipal governments) will work together with the freedom-lovers to dismantle the worst enemy of the people at the federal level. When and if the feds are defeated– then we can trim the states governments too, also reducing their powers and eliminating all the un-Constitutional laws interfering with our liberties and decision making powers. For example, recent Indiana's law requiring a driving license from an 80 year old grandie when she buys a bottle of wine, or the usurped by the government "rights" to dictate what we can and what we can't do in our our own home. After that we can trim the localities and municipal level of buraucracy too, putting total halt on all-level government expansion trends.
Totalitarian freedom-haters: just opposite from the above. Typically they are lazy, not spending much time at their work place working long hours. As they say– easy come easy go. They can be rich (entertainment industry and Hollowood rich trash, speculators of the Wall Street), poor (losers on welfare) or they can be a middle class (parasitic government bureaucrats). The common feature– they don't work hard, thus, they don't appreciate hard-working people's rights to retain the fruits of their hard labor. Infantile, immature, immoral freaks, single, sexual perverts, victims of the braiwashing education machine (the most common of recruitment are through the universities and colleges– it's an assembly line where young Americans enter the college but after unrelenting leftist indoctrination graduate as anti-American totalitarian "progressives") and 96% "progressive" totalitarian MSM (main stream media). Some of them later mature, the hard lessons of real life open their eyes, the family responsibilities reform these victims. Unfortunately, for many is a life-long infectious disiease– brain damage becomes irreversible.
Totalitarian "progressives" hate decent people (may be-because decent people don't need those freaky "knights on the noble cosmic quest for justice", but the "progressives" love rats, losers and all kinds of trash (because they can show off their superiority by handing out the leftovers from their table). "Progressive" totalitarians have killed more people than more notorious kinds of totalitarians (national socialist Hitler, red communists Stalin and Pol Pot), but somehow it goes unnoticed. For example, the "green" ecofreaks organized world-wide ban on DDT, which was the only effective way to prevent malaria, and as a result those eco-freaks have killed about 120 million people via Malaria plasmodium. Thanks to the "progressives" that basically support both deadliest diseases of humanity (malaria and Islamofascism), people keep dying daily from these epidemics.
Totalitarian brainwashing machine, the delusional zombies assembly line:
Leftism is a prolonged childhood disease, an infantilism, but some kids are teenagers forever. Just like children, the Left neglects natural restraints, the laws of nature, they lack patience, the sense of personal responsibility. In order to zombie the population to be the "progressive" infantiles, statists and the Left don't miss anything that works. There is nothing accidental in the Left's agenda, they have a perfect built-in magnet, they know exactly what is bad for the freedom cause, what is bad for Free Market and, thus, bad for the people. That could help you make up your mind– ask a totalitarian, in America’s case ask “progressive” Democrats, and do exactly opposite from what they want. Or just simply observe– if the “progressive” Democrats pursue some ideas, goals, laws– then you know that is something bad for the people, no matter how beautiful the demagoguery wrap-crap is. The Right is usually ritht, but it is not 100% consistent. Occasionally conservatives can be wrong, especially when influced by the people's enemies ("educators" and MSM). However, you can bet that the totalitarians, including the leftist "progressive" Democrats and other statists, are always and 100% wrong, whatever they push for. You can analyze for your self: dichotomize any idea that the Left tries to push yo your throat, and you will see for yourself why the risk/benefit ratio is always bad in spite of state of the art demagoguery about their good intentions and claimed "benefits". Benefits whether never materialize or are too costly, but you can be sure that the end result is always the expanding government powers and budget, which means your powers and budgets are getting smaller. Let's pick some examples (the rest is your homework;-)