Public transportation: when you put aside the leftist propaganda and impartially analyze it, then the public transportation is economically disastrous, ecologically disadvantegous, but it turns the independant human beings into the herded cattle, which is the goal of the totalitarian freedom-haters. When Americans drive– they keep their independance and decision making skills up. They must have plan, sense of direction, they must constantly re-evaluate the changing envoronment and situation, they must actively participate in the process. When the Euro-Zoo dwellers or the commuters in the socialist states herded in the wagons and trains then they lose their independance skills. Skills are always like that: you use it-or you lose it. We are what we are doing daily. So, generations in Euro-Zoo lost their independant living skills, they became totally domesticated, castrated and lobotomized by the Almighty Nanny State animals (although the highly educated animals, which make them think they are superiors to Americans just because in Europe there are more university educated folks, who have sustained more irreversible brain damage due to the leftist indoctrination in universities), and the 100% totalitarian leftist media don't let them understand whats going on.
MSM. Only about 5% of population are independant thinkers under any conditions, they are able to figure it out despite the propagand, but majority of us need some objective information to make an informed decision, and this is what completely missing in the totalitarian societies, even in the previously softer Euro-totalitarianism. Everything is filtered, biased, the main goal of the media is to disinform, to misinform, to form public opinion, to impose moral "standards" (namely, "moral relativity" theory, which more correctly should be called "immoral relativity theory"), totally blinding political correctness and enforced "multiculturalism" (if it is the result of natural development via free market mechanism– it's fine, but when it's imposed by force– then the difference is just like between lovemaking and rape. It holds true generally– anything attained through the Free Market self-regulating mechanisms versus imposed by the coercive government is like a difference between lovemaking and rape). Thus, majority of Europeans have no sourse of information and damaged by the totalitarian indoctrination brains to even realize that they are doomed to go extint because of "too much government" catastrophe and that they are being brought by their own Nanny States to the slaughter houses of the islamofascism, the gravedigger of the suicidal Euro-socialism.
"Educators": Very possibly that it is the most destructive component of the totalitarian brainwashing and leftist indoctrination in the West. In order to make this weapon that effective, the totalitarians first must remove it from the exposure to the forces of good, of the self-regulated Free Market, which wouldn't allow destruction of education and replacement by the anti-Americans production assembly line. This is called "nationalization of the education system". The nationalization disrupts the feedback from the end-users, from the people, from Americans, making the schools the ward of the totalitarian by its nature Almighty Government that protects the "educators" as long as they do government's bidding– stealing the kids from families, making the Almighty Government and totalitarian ideologies the masters, the only authority for the kids. All totalitarians use schools to brainwash kids while their brains are especially sensitive, as early as they can. Hitler used Hitler-jugend organization, in USSR "Octyabryata" at age of 6–7, "pioneers" 10–11, "comsomol" 14–15. On Norway the government takes away to a government run kindergarten when your children are 1 year old. Obama and the leftist "educators" push for pre-schools and all totalitarians use schools to brainwash kids. The leftist indoctrination is less pronounced in elementary education because there is still feedback from the community, from the families. The more feedback from the parents, from the society is disrupted by the “educators” under the government protections, the worse it gets. Universities and colleges, especially in the non-applied science (in short, in blah-blah-blology disciplines such as art, justice, psychology, social studies and the like, with the worse ones that are completely made up -like gender studies in astronomy, physics and chemistry crap). The main goal of the “educators” is not to educate you kids, but to use your many to turn your kids up against you, to create anti-Americans from young Americans, to teach them to hate freedom, free market, America and their own parents. Did you ask yourself, why seemingly smart and educated people in the New England follow idiocy of the “totalitarian” national suicide? Smart but stupid? Why seemingly less educated and down to earth Texans are so rich with the common sense and even wise? Humble but wise? Because the 92% “progressive” so called “education system” (in fact, the brainwashing centers) cause irreversible damage to the students, who lose their common sense and ability to judge according to the end results rather than according to the “noble intentions”. Why 78% of the American Jews voted for the anti-semitic and anti-Israeli Husein Obama? Because a lot of Jews are highly educated professionals, who also suffered irreversible brain damage in the run by the totalitarian “progressives” colleges and universities. As it turns out, learning several colloquial fancy words doesn’t make you any wiser.
Of course, the totalitarian enemies of the people in MSM will provide with massive cover up, they will disguise the destructive goals with demagoguery appealing to the emotions and never to the reasons and evidence based hard facts. It's always for the "improvement" of the "disadvantaged ones" (even though there NEVER was an instance of improvement of ANYTHING NATIONALIZED, be it the oil industry in Venezuela, factories in North Korea or schooling in the US). The results are always the same: the quality is progressively worsening (which the totalitarians coudln't really care less about), but the government gets more power, control and money. Next thing– infiltration by the hostile ideology. The people's enemies must infiltrate the education system. Now over 92% of the university teachers vote for the “progressive” enemies of America. Infiltration is done by different mechanisms, and you can successfully analyze this process and find much more of them yourself. One of them is the massive infiltration using hostile socialist ideology of the labor unions. The unions are based on the socialist principled of the redistribution from those who create weath to those who are organized enough to blackmail and shakedown unearned bucks. The stronger the unions, the bigger the proportion of un-earned money squized from the society ( by strikes, blackmailing, shakedowns, collective bargaining and other arm twisting techniques), the less productive the society gets. Unionization of automotive industry and of education are examples how they ruin the quality, productivity and make us lose global competition.