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The extreme dangers of "moderate" politicians.

This danger is the result of persisting myths of possibility of the "bipartisanship" and of the improperly applied sayng "the truth is somewhere in the middle ground". So, what is the middle ground between the rapist and the raped? There are things that are black and white, there are barricades that you have to choose the sides, to be on the side of the good, of freedom, of friends of America or on the side of evil, of totalitarianism, of the people's enemies. As you know, 43% of Americans identify themselves as conservative friends of America while only 20% are "progressive" liberal enemies of America. The rest are so called "moderates", which usually means potential conservative friends of the people but heavily confused by the 96% leftist MSM propaganda. When the elections come then 96% "progressive" MSM intensify their propaganda, trying to influence the selection of candidates process even in the freedom-lovers camp, amongst conservatives. MSM essencially does the same pre-selection of candidates as Iranian mullahs do. All totalitarians are the same, whether "progressive" Left or islamofascists: they never argue about the essence (where they will lose) but they always commit a character assassination, the smearing campaign, in order to eliminate ALL candidates that will likely offer a meaningful reforms, that will push the balance towards more freedom = less government in order to return power to the people. MSM singles out and denigrates all core freedom-lovers, all true conservatives, trying to eliminate them and replace with neutered "moderates" before elections, before the candidates are offered to the people to choose from. Why? Because "moderate" means half-conservative friends and half-"progressive" enemies of the people, of the freedom with the net result of zero. In politics as in in physics the vector of forces is the net result of the forces pushing in all directions. When equal 2 forces push in opposite directions, then the net result is zero. Castrated and neutered by MSM "moderate conservatives" will do nothing to restore original American Constitution, original limited government and unlimited popular sovereignty, they will try to preserve existing status quo, which is dangerous Almighty & Alintrusive Government, runaway government waste and sliding towards suicidal Euro-socialism path America. Meanwhile the leftist "progressive" Democrats will keep pushing towards more government = less freedom, as they do since 1913. 96% of MSM factually are the propaganda branches of the Democrat party. Despite fluctuations, the main trend that we witness since 1913 is continuous shift towards the Left, towards more goverment = less freedom and less prosperity. Even 10 years ago America generated a third of the world's GDP but because of the wrosening problem of too much government and not enough free market now it generates less than a quater. Political pendulum seems to fluctuate every election cycle between the right and the left, between the freedom lovers and haters, between core conservatives and extreme "progressives", but in the end of the day it keeps getting worse, it still shifts to the left, towards more government = less freedom & prosperity. So, therefore the conservative voters must listen carefully to the people's enemies in 96% of MSM and do exactly opposite. Conservatives must select the core freedom lovers, the most conservative and libertarian candidates that WILL push the balance towards more freedom, more power to the people, more prosperity, which means as less government as possible. Don't let our enemy "progressives" in MSM neuter and castrate the list of potential candidates, reducing it only to the bleating RINOs that cannot counterattack the "progressive" enemies of the people. For example, one of the few true freedom-lovers that understand the dangers of the Big Government as a universal weapon of totalitarians of all kinds is Nevada's Sharon Angles that poised to kick out Washington, D. C. freedom-hater Harry Reid. So, our enemies in MSM try to present her as an "extremist" while in fact the 20% "progressive" liberal minority are extremists while 43% conservative freedom-lovers represent the biggest group in America with many potential allies amongst confused by MSM "moderates". Conservatism IS the mainstream in America while "progressivism" is an extreme, and don't let our enemies in the leftist MSM confuse us. Half of FoxTV staff are conservative friends of the people, which was enough to defeat in competition other networks, while other networks are full of the leftist totalitarian "progressives" with amount of freedom-loving friends of the people next to zero. Fortunately, today only 22–23% of Americans trust MSM and many look for a truth in the internet at such sites as atlasshrugs.com. That's why Obama's regime wants to control internet too in order to deprive American people of any objective information, just like is the case in the suicidal Euro-socialism soft totalitarianism system where 100% of information is filtered to conform to the falsehood of political correctness. Even though there are only 20% of the "progressive" totalitarians in the US but they infiltrated all power structures, both formal (100% in the White House, majority in the Congress, half of the judiciary and 96% in MSM) and informal (they have highjacked majority of higher education institutions, public organizations, associations, movements and so forth). That's how the enemies wield unproportional to their number influence, that's how the "progressive" totalitarians dictate to the majority of the American people how to think and what to do. Enemies of freedom in MSM and in other branches of the Democrat gang are afraid that if and when the critical mass of true core-freedom lovers is reached in power structures then they WILL achieve the goal of less government = more ffreedom & prosperity for America. The Left hates free and prosperous people, they love poor beggars and they want to keep them that way in order to get votes, power and money.

So, if a candidateis 90% conservative and 10 % "liberal", then the net result is that he/she is 90–10=80% friend of freedom = friend of the people. When a Democratic candidate is 90% "progressive" totalitarian and 10 % conservative, then the sum is 90–10=80% enemy of the people. A "moderate" candidate means 50–50=0%: they are neither fish nor foultry, neither firends nor enemies of the people-just an empty bubble. So, they will not stand up to protect the people, the freedom to make decisions for ourselves, but those "moderates" will take away votes from the true freedom-lovers, true conservatives and libertarians, thus, making it impossible to restore original American Constitution, original limited government and original liberties.

So, don't let our enemies in MSM dictate the list of candidates eliminating all those brave ones (such as Sharron Angle of Nevada)who offer a real meaningful government cuts (at least 50% although ideal would be 99% of the government cuts in size, scope , powers and budget) and restoration of the Constitution. Select and elect only MOST CONSERVATIVE candidates at all levels of the power structures! Our goal is not to put GOP statists back in the feeding ground in Washington, DC and around the country but rather to restore original Constitution, which means to slash radically powers of the necessary evil, of our enemy government, and to chain down for good our enemy government by the chains of Constitutional Amendments. Hence, the paramount is not quantity of seats but quality of the candidates, not electability but decisiveness and un-selfishness of the legislators because RINOs ultimately will again betray us, the people; they will discredit GOP and turn away votes of the conservative freedom-lovers. So far Sarah Palin is the true leader of the nation in these matters, she is the Kingmaker of the future conservative majority in the Congress, she lays grounds to make resurrection of American Constitution possible. With the help of the waking up conservative mainstream America and its conscience– the true patriots of the Tea Party movement, Sara Palin has captured hearts of the freedom-lovers just like Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh cuptured their minds. So, the goal is not to get the maximum possible amount of seats (which automatically means sucrificing the quality of the representatives ) in the Congress (and in all other branches of the government at all levels), but to elect as many as possible true representatives of the conservative mainstream, the real freedom fighters that have guts to gut out our enemy Almighty Government. The cause of freedom needs fighters in the Congress, not seats.