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Health care deterioration, set up by the Democ-rats.

As you know, the medical care quality in America is the best in the world, as proved by the cancer results and availability of the hightec gadgets to the public, although the health care is not the best because too many Americans choose to drink, smoke, eat unhealthy and shoot each other, which has nothing to do with the medical care quality. However, the leftist distort the truth and try to make impression that Euro-socialism is a better option despite the facts (European governments are better only in hiding the truth about their trashy medical care system and manipulating statistics like not counting stillbirth and premature babies death in children mortality). But the Left doesn't care about truth– it just wants to push through another power grab, more and more government control that kills the nation. On 8–28–2010 I heard usual totalitarian leftist narrative of the health care "reform". It was a very professionally crafted the piece of Goebbels-like propaganda, typicall for the "progressives". As you could expect, the leftist "expert" assistant professor was interviewd by the leftist NPR host that was as biased as the "health care expert", and, of course, with no alternative vews in the absense of any real experts from the real world that would expose the falsehood of the "progressive" fairy tale of the duo. Unsurprisingly, the narrative went smoothly avoiding mentioning of the true side of the story. As expected, there was an abundance of beautifully worded a state of the art demagoguery, endless emotional appeals to the "safety of the patients and the patients' best interests" and the rest of the brainwashing flow, certainly avoiding any serious discussions and the inconvenient facts of real life. Alternative opinion would spoil the pleasant imaginatory story, citing the harsh reality, wouldn't it? The Left prefers nice facades of the Potemkin villages instead. Occasionally the tongue slips were giving away the truth though, hinting on the real goals and motivation behind the facade. As you realize, the totalitarian leftist "expert" couldn't afford the truth, just blurting out "Yes, the Big Government wants to run the 100% of the show, it wants to control everything and every body, so it must destroy the natural existing hierarchy in the medicine: patient-centered team, doctors, nurses and auxillary workers. The Big Government instead wants to install a government-bureaucrats centered system, where everyone else is just a small bolt in the machine, especially hard trying to discredit doctors as natural heads of the health patient-centered care teams. The government wants control and money, and it will do anything to get that. That's why the "expert" , as all the "progressive" elitists do, was using fancy wards like "relationship coordination" in order to hide the fact that she meant only the Big Government bureaucrats with no medical education and no license to practise medicine will be bossing around, giving orders to the health care team how to do their job and how much money they can spend on the patient. In the end of the road, those bureaucrats in the death panels will have the license to kill. A chilling prospect of seeing those "James Bonds" on the board. Meantime all the medical staff will be equally reduced to the serfs status (that's the totalitarians', including governments', idea of "equality", based on the "moral relativity"– every one has an "equal" say (a doctor, a nurse, a physotherapist or a drunken genitor), which in practical terms means no one has a say, except our enemy government, usurping the authority to make medical decisions, setting up the costs, the rations and the death panels at bureaucrats' will. Not surprisingly, pro-government "progressive" health care "expert" chose the aviation industry as a model for the health care. Why? Because the airports and the airplanes are Constution-free zones, where the Bill of Rights doesn't work, where 1st and 2nd Constitutional Amendmends are nulled, where the only "laws" are the government bureaucrats' orders. The government negates American Constitution under the pretext of security, but it keeps failing us time after time both in preventing the terrorism and in punishing the Muslim terrorists. The "ball-bomber" was stopped only by the vigilant citizens, not but the government, who only made sure the citizens are disarmed and the terrorist's rights are above all. Obama's regime Mirandized the terrorist, and right away he stopped singing. Now on the expense of the American taxpayers he will be tried in a civil court system where any liberal activist judge can throw away all the charges based on the technicalities– those "progressive" don't care about Americans, all they want is to feel good about themselves, how "noble" they are, protecting all kinds of trash on our expense. When a terrorist tried to highjack an airplane in Mogadisho and pulled out his handgun, surrounding passengers pulled out a dozen of AK-47 and pointed at the highjacker. The attempt was thwarted right away, just like 90% of the crimes in America are prevented by the simple fact that 100 millions of Americans are armed and the criminals know it. Where the government as an enemy of the people decides to disarm the citizens (Washington, DC, Chicago, NYC), then the cities become the murder capitals of the nations, thanks to the government. Now Obama's regime and the totalitarian "progressives" want to turn the Health Care industry into Constituion Free-zone in their a 100 year old drive to gradually turn the whole country into the American Constution-free zone.

Following the government bureaucrats mandates during long surgeries eats up about half time from patients care, wasting it instead for papers care (to justify the bureaucrats existence and to satisfy their lust for control and power). An average case in OR wastes over 50% time for bureaucracy mandated paper work (rather than ideal 0%– any bureaucracy intervention anly makes things worse), which gets even worse now due to the computerization because the bureaucrats want to control every one every single minute. In very short cases in OR about 10% of the time actually is spent for the patient's care while 90% for the paper care to comply with snow ball of the government mandates and regulations. The bureaucracy is the enemy of the patients, wasting majority of the health care workers time for the paper work. Summing up– in the Health Care, just as in any other area, any bureaucracy intervention worsens the outcome, negatively impacts the safety and quality of care, productivity, efficiency and costs for the sake of the further Big Government power and money grab.

Again about the health care in more details, since this was a topic of the hot discussion, after which Obama's regime just shoved to the throats of Americans socialism in medicine majority of Americans didn't want to: yes, it does require a reform, but as always the totalitarian "progressives", the Democrats do exactly opposite from what needed to be done. Even after total defeat of the "progressives" I would keep a couple of them instead of the compass. Conservatives usually are correct, but they occasionally can be wrong too. By the same token, the sencitivity and specificity of the "progressive" Democrat test is full 100% : they always with 100% garantee give an absolutely wrong, exactly opposite from the correct answer. So, if you are not sure, ask the "progressive" Democrat what to do, listen carefully to the answer, and do exactly opposite from what they say. After a couple of times I'd use the lie detector though– they might try to tick you, giving a correct answer. Thus, Obamacare is not salvagable, it's a poison, it must be repealed as a whole and the reform must be started all over again with the exactly opposite measures: removing the government out of the picture, repealing the links of health insurance to the particular employers and particular states, repealing ALL government mandates and regulations, giving the patient a right to decide. Obamacare and any other government run health care, on one hand, creates the rationing to conta n the costs, which worsens the quality of the medical care, but on the other hand, it creates a "chineese buffet" system, where an employer and the employee are interested in using the allocated money, which inevitably drives the costs up. What you are most likely to do when you get "all you can eat for 10 dollars" buffet? Or on the cruise boat? Or in the "all inclusive resort"? You eat as much as you can "because it is free already, it is already paid for". Can you safe the products this way? No! On other hands, if the health insurance means just that-a catastrophic insurance while deductables are big, then you like ordering food in a expensive restaurant, and you will order much less. The open market between insurers in different states (now typically there are only 1–2 big insurers with very little competition due to the lack of the interstate portability In short, without going into too much details, the true and meaningful health care reform must include more patient's choice, full country-wide portability, more competition and true insurance (not covering "all you can eat", but only catastrophic events) with big deductible. And the most important aspect– it must include no government mandates or regulations, we must get the government out of the picture, if we want to improve the quality and reduce the cost– this task can only be done by a Free Market, by the free competition. Young healthy persons will not use mandated by the Obamacare health care "just because it is already paid for", others will order only what they really need. All this Obamacare scheme is just another power grab to control 1/5 more of American economy with worsening but more expensive medical care. (For example, you can read a "Socialized failure" article by John Goodman, "Defeating Obamacare" by Ramesh Ponnuru, and thousands others, instead of lying by definition "progressives" whose eternal goal is to get more power to impose more socialism). Only 5% of Americans wait more than 4 months for surgery, compared to 23% of Australians, 26% of New Zealanders, 27% of Canadians and 36% of Brittons. UK has only 25% of CT scanners per capita as the US, only 1/3 of MRI scanners, they receive treatment for the diabetic retinopathy ONLY WHEN LOSE THE EYEVISION ON ONE SIDE to prove that they really need it, the result of cancer care in the US are best in the world. Out of 46 million nominally uninsured in the US about 12 million are eligible for Medicaid and the S-CHIP, but they don't need and don't want to. 17 million have annual incomes over $50,000 but choose not to get insurance, more than have of them earn over $75,000, which means they just don't want the insurance, nad it's their choice, right or wrong. Besides, it's a transitory state– 75% of uninsured get insuranse back within a year and 91% within 2 years. In Sweden you cannot buy a better medicine to save your life with your own money because the government bureaucrats don't allow you– "it affects the equality of others". Twice more women in Canada never had a mammogram than in the US, and trice more never had a Pap smear than in the US. Regarding the infant mortality– the US registers ALL birth death, including severely premature, while socialist country hide the mortality, registering only full-term and born alive. Besides, if a woman chooses to drink, to smoke and to have multiple sexual partners with STDs that increase infant mortality– it's not a medical care problem. Latinos have much less prenatal care but much less mortality than Afro-Americans, so the disparity has nothing to do with a "discrimination" BS. The delusional "progressive" see any disparity as a "proof" of discrimination, which is not. If you are smart and someone is an idiot-yes, there is difference, but it is not a discrimination. After all that crap about "equality" in the UK 20 years after socialization of the medicine, the NHS study found that the access had become "MORE UNEQAL!" because the rich just get the medical treatment on other countries to avoid all this socialist crap in medicine. In Canada officially it's one tear system, but in fact there are 4 of them: one for the "sheep", one for the government, one for the sport stars and another one for the rich– they used to go to the US. Where they will go when the socialism will ruin American medicine too?