In August 2010 VP Joe Biden said "We are moving in a right direction". Well, it depends on what Obama's regime's goal is: if their goal is to destroy America, then yes, they are moving in a right direction. "Stimulus", as predicted, stimulated nothing but the socialists' voting base; July's sales of existing homes are 27% down; economy's is stagnant– the growth is 4 times worse than under Reagan's real stimulus (which is "get the government out of picture" !); Obama treats America's friends as enemies and America's enemies as friends (well, if Obama is an enemy of America, then it explains a lot!); demographics started dropping following the Euro-socialism trends– well, you get the picture.
When "progressives" want to discredit and to destroy the competing ideologies such as religion, then they use the science, particularly the Darwin's evolution theory, as an instrument in the war. However, when science and the facts prove that all the socialist, communist, redistributionist, "progressivist", national socialist (fascists) or any other totalitarian ideology are doomed to fail because they are against the laws of nature, then they just ignore the science and the facts. In fact, only freedom, only free market can bring prosperity because free market means self-regulation with the feed-back loop, which is the only possible way to optimize such complex system in the state of dynamic stability as our society and economy. Double standards again. From the science they cherry-pick only what fits their ideology, and if the facts don't fit– they just ignore them. "Progressives" in their struggle for political power have massively infiltrated "science" of sociology, psychology, law, majority of the economy schools and turned them into "blah-blah-blology". All their "studies" always give only "results" compatible with the leftist ideology. Ideologization of the science destroyed close to 100% of non-applied science. Except in areas such as engineering, math and the like, the "progressives" turned colleges into liberal indoctrination assambly line. They take your children and your money, then from young Americans they make anti-Americans. Of course, with this failing quality of education a lot of the graduates end up working as waiters with a "liberal art degree", but why should the totalitarian "educators" care? They accomplished their mission– to make a lot of young Americans hate America, freedom and free market, to be ashamed of America rather to be proud of this land of free, and so on. Over half of the higher education system in the US under the "guidance" of the federal Education Department is a consumer fraud, a "progressive" propaganda and recruitment centers, a part of the "progressive" brainwashing system that forms future politicians, lawyers, writers, intellectuals, journalists, and educators based on the hostile anti-American leftist ideology. Some of the kids later on start working, get married, learn responsibilities and they mature into healthy conservatives. Some never learn and stay immature infantile "progressives" forever, especially if they are single and never worked hard. That's how totalitarian leftists managed to poison the country despite their small numbers. Now they pave road to even worse totalitarian ideology– to the based on Shariah law islamofascism. The only way to fix it is to expose the education system to the free market: privatize the education system. Scared? Well, nothing is worse than the government run entities whether it's public toilets or public schools. It get only get better while the public schools fare worse and worse: after nationalization of education into public system American students perform worse and worse because there's very little feedback from parents and students. Bureaucrats make decisions, not the families. The feds removed teachers from end-users influence and bureaucrats thousand miles away make decisions instead of families. Theoretically the solution is extremely easy: kick the government out of education. It's called privatization. As always the case with free market in any field– it will drive quality up and costs down due to free competition. Close down 100% of federal education offices with 100% budget cut; reduce 90% of state level bureaucrats with a right to issue only unenforcable recommendations and advisories; close 80% of municipal boards and give basically all powers to the school boards where the parents must have 75% of the seats. Then there will be free competition between the schools, which will start recruiting better teachers and actually teaching kids rather than spending their time and getting salary. Oh, there will be differences in curriculum? Great! Consumers can choose the best schools and move kids over there! Free competition is the only way to progress, to improvement, and the parents and the students will vote with their feet and with their purse, whose curriculum is better. Besides, it will close the door to the hostile anti-American ideologies such as socialism, fascism and other totalitarian redistributive ideologies that currently creep in under the Feds cover up. The Feds take our money, redistribute our money to educators and their socialist unions, and based on that fact the Feds usurp the right to make all decisions. After privatization parents will no longer have to pay their money to brainwash their own kids, to discredit family authority and family values, to make anti-Americans out of American kids, as is the case now.
Islamofascism, islamization of the world: discussions of the options.
As long as islam is based on the anti-humane Shariah laws islam is not a religion and the correct term should be islamofascism. What are the options, the ways to counteract islamofascization of the world? Let's see…
1) How about full-blown clash of civilization-"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth"– treat Muslims exactly the same way they treat non-Muslim minorities in their country with simmetrical response to the atrocities of islamofascism? If American diplomats cannot have a Christian prayer even within their Embassy in Saudia-then prohibit any Islam practice in the West until Churches, Hindu Shrines and Synagogues are built in Mecca. If Muslims commit genocide against the Christians by millions in Sudan now, in Turkey in 1915…No..can't's a crime, it's not practical and, more importantly, it means going as low as islam is. More civilizied societies cannot commit the same crimes that islam does daily without moral degradation. We cannot behave as bad as our enemy because otherwise we loose our moral superiority over islam.
2) Expecting Mother nature to take care of this disease. There is a slight chance that a new epidemics will wipe out the worst jihadists because they go to mosques 5 times a day and in the crowd have more chances to contract a new emerging deadly disease. One disease wipes our another disease, a bird flu wipes out jihadists, while more peaceful and less fanatic muslims will stay home and survive. Well, it sound plausible but what the chances are? Can we rely on mother nature to contain the enemy of humanity? No.
3) Switch to alternative sources of energy and let these savages rot in their sands. Not practical, because the West is on the narcotic of the oil with no real alternatives in sight. Besides, they are not savages anymore in a sense of technological advancement– they bought for their petroleum dollars enough stuff to survive. In addition, there too many of them in the West already, and purely demographically islamofascism takes over in Europe already.