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4) To reform islam, to remove the anti-humane genocidal Shariah from Quran and from teachings, to make Islam true religion that IS compatible with other religions and civilizations. This sounds great, but who will do that? Since jihad in the absense of formidable counter-war efforts so far wins the war, then majority of the Muslims have no incentives, no intention of changing anything. The "progressive" liberal monopoly in 96% of American and in 100% of European MSM are to blame for this politically correct blindness and, thus, the lack of decisive fighting back. You cannot fight your enemy if you are prohibited even naming You-Know-Who Shariah laws. Main stream media cover up and protect main stream islamofascism. Tiny groups of moderate Muslims like Dr. Tariq that collect signitures to remove Shariah from Islam are marginalized and threatened by the radical mainstream Islam: 80% of mosques in America are taken over by the hateful wahabis, using Saudis money. So, the Muslims must be forced to reform Islam to get rid of anti-humane Shariah laws. How?

a)Worldwide ban on Shariah laws, requiring lie detectors when give immigration visas or/and citizenship to the Muslims in order to answer just one question with 2 choices: Do you recognize the law of the country as the Supreme Law of the land? Or Shariah law? And if it Shariah– good bye, go back to islamofascist countries. Don't even start about discrimination of religion– islam is not a religion yet, Islam is the hostile to the freedom, to the West and it is the worst totalitarian ideology and the law system hell-bent on one thing: destroying other civilizations and taking over the world.

b) Formation of "Infidel United" instead of dismantled ASAP UN (because the latter is not reformable, it has became the tool of totalitarians and must be dissolved immediately);

c) Forming coalition of the willing with joint military to contain and to defeat decisively any attempt of genocide by the Muslims whether it happens in Sudan, Macedonia, Nigeria, Albania or Bosnia. Sobering decisive military defeat would be the strongest motivation for Muslims to reform Islam. If Mr. Emerson's calculation is true, the militant jihadis comprise 15% of the Muslims, which is about 200 million of crazy homo-suicidal maniacs, but we don't have to kill all of them– just recisive defeat will demoralize them enough to reatreat. After decisive defeat Hitler's Germany went through de-nazification. Japan after decisive defeat underwent de-militarization. All islamofascist countries must undergo de-Shariahzation, de-islamofascization. Then and only then the 1,400 year old jihad will be stopped.So, if and when the Muslims will reform islam throwing to the garbage antihumane Shariah laws– then Islam might become true religion and only then it can start enjoying the same treatment as normal religions. I am not a military expert, but "social engineering" and the "nation building" does not seem like a plausible idea. The best altruistic way is to be egoistic, just like at the society level. If you and I do our personal best to prosper in the life and to pursie happiness, then our country will consist of a lot of prosperous and happy people with individual success stories. Otherwise, as the experience of ALL futile attempts to build an egalitarian society has proven multiple times with NO EXCEPTIONS, the true equality has never been reached: the country was divided into equally poor beggars and somewhat richer ruling elite, be it in Russia, China, North Korea or somewhere else. The same way, America should pursue its own interests and let the natural course of events flow, unless our interests are affected. The main mode of action should be serving as an example how much the freedom, the Free Market can accomplish. The main diplomacy should be a popular diplomacy– people to people, not our enemy government to their enemy government. If some bastards threaten our interests– then don't punish the whole country but rather take them out, individually, using surgical strikes, high technology, specops, cruise missiles and the like without wasting American lives and money to change the ways of lives of the hostile countries. Anyway, it's costly, it's improbable to be accomplished and we bear no responsibility for our enemies. Saddam Hussein was threatening America's interests? Hit his 12 palaces with 12 cruise missiles, and the conflict is over. The next ruler will learn the message:"Don't mess up with America". Iran is threatening vital interests of America? Take out the crazy mullocrahcy and don't interfere with the Iranian people's reforms afterword. Let their societies mature according to their own pace. If it takes 40 years-so be it, Don't even try to facilitate this process for several years at the very high human and financial cost. If the people ask for help-then help them to learn how to catch the fish. If they don't– the wisdom says "Let it be". If a Chineese state capitalism tries to take away the mineral resources around the world to take advantage of their military power-then act accordingly, and for that reason "If you wish for peace– be ready for a war". Meanwhile Obama closed the production of F-22, the only interceptor that can match Chineese fighters. If crazy North Korea or Burma's dictators don't comply with our nuclear disarmament demands– take out their crooked dictators and let the people to rectify the situation. Don't fight on a massive scale, don't punish the people for the faults of the dictators– those dictators don't care about deaths of their own people.

Australian PM Rudd bravely said:" Immigrants, not Australians, must adapt. Take it or leave it. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individuals or their culture. Since the terrorist attack on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. We speak English, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, CHinese, Japanese, Russian or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society-learn language! Most Australians believe in God, This is not some Christian right wing political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on CHristian principles, founded this nations, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as new home, because God is part of our culture. We accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask it that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and gripping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom: THE RIGHT TO LEAVE! If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country you accepted."

Apparently, mental illness of "progressivism" includes also cognitive dissociation, narcissim, delusional ideation, denial of reality, behaving in the real world according to what is supposed to be in the imaginatory "ideal" world and so forth. I think, all the Democrats and other totalitarians must be under constant psychiatric re-evaluation every 3 months to make sure they won't harm public when elected. "Progessives" just can't see the objective reality, they stick to their delisions that they are the noble knights on the noble cosmic quest for justice (while in fact they are enemy of freedom, thus, enemy of the people) while trying to villify all their ideological and political opponents. When 70% of Americans oppose Obamunism, then delusional leftist MSM try to portray mainstream America as bigots and racists; when in an interview a dissillusioned Afroamerican Democrats says she will not vote for Obama anymore-the leftist MSM as always avoid the issue discussion but they start personal attacks accusing of bad motives or being "hired by GOP". "Progressives" always fail to discuss the matter, the whole picture and to prove their point resorting instead to character assassination, personal attacks, smearing campaign and picking a subjective emotionally charged examples like "Mary from Nebraska has a sick child and she supports.." whatever is the "progressive" soup opera of the day. Who's hired 70% of AMericans then? It's predictable and inevitable failures of redistributionist models (socialism, Eurosocialism, communism and the like) that mobilize Americans against their enemies in Washington, DC, not some crazy conspiracies. Blame yourselves, Democrats, when you lose in 2010.