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2) The best for America and for the rest of the world vase scenario: freedom-lovers camp has won, UN and EU fall apart, Obama is impeached, the Constution is restored, proposed by me Amendments passed, the federal government reduced to about 1% of today along with significant reductions in other levels of the executive, judiciary, legislative branches and media. Free Market has restored sanity, the GDP growth is steady 8%, unemployment steady 3% instead of todays 20% uncluding hidden and partial unemployment, hostile ideology of socialism, unionism and islamofascism are pushed to the fringes, America restores its world standing as the beacon of freedom. Inspired by the America's example, majority of the humanity move towards more freedom, more free market, more prosperity. Islamofascism is defeated, moderates reform Islam removing the Shariah laws, jihad has stopped and the world has settled. Unfortunately, the likelihood of this ideal case scenario is, probably, about 1%. Alas. If I am wrong and the ideal case scenario happens, then I shall buy you a pizza, OK?

3) The worst case scenario– Obama's totalitarian friends in Iran or North Korea start nuclear crisis, which gives him an excuse to declare a Marshall law, to suspend elections or to suspend transition to the new Congress if the crisis provoked between Nov 2, 10 and Jan 20, 2011 until the next millenium. 70% of Americans are against the destruction of America by the socialist transformation, but the question remains– will the totalitarian "progressive" enemies of the people acknowledge and respect the votes of Americans or they will just ignore them and commit a coup-d'etat? Americans used to think that they can always vote out of Washington, DC the bastards they don't like. Well, it may be not the case any more, because after a point of no return the government grabbed enough power to just ignore the voters. As Stalin said-" it doesn't matter who votes, matters who counts the votes". We'll see.

Ramification from this point: a) If military caves in– the totalitarian Chavez-type regime is established for good, America is reduced to banana republic, un-opposed islamofascism takes over the world, and the world goes to hell. b) If military arrests Obama and Supreme Court impeaches him, then America can be saved. c) If military doesn't arrest the usurper, then the full-blown civil war might erupt with a lot of bloodshed, hunger, civil unrest– well, you saw a lot of the post-collapse movies, and it will be some combination of those scenarios. In short, the producers of MRE (meals ready to eat) will be on the top of the food chain along with the survivalist equipment producers. Relative order is maintained by the militias. The US falls apart– Texas, the South and the Mid West stay in the Free Market based union, East and West Coasts along with Illinois form socialist confederation, Michigan is split in halves. Hungry socialist confederate mobs from time to time try incursion into the richer Free Market zone, repelled by the Union. Getting even hungrier, they flood the Suburbania, looking for the "progressive" liberals' tender meat. The only "progressive" liberals in New England that have survived are those who know how to shoot. Surprisingly, they had guns. Both of them. Unopposed, islamofascists take over the world within 40–50 years. Doomed days scenario. Nothing good about it, I hope it will not materialize. However, fortifying your house, buying old silver coins (paper money will be good only as a wallpaper), 5 year worth MREs and ammo won't hurt, just as joining nearby survivalist groups and militias. I will consider converting to an Amish– they have good survival skills in the post-civilization era. Ha-ha.

XIV. Is there still chance to save the world? If yes– what can be done?

Yes, there is a chance based on American exeptionalism and original American Constitution. Majority of Americans love freedom. America was founded on the popular sovereignty base where we, the people are the only sovereign. All we have to do is to revive original American Constitution, the Republic based on the rule of law and the original law itself. Only 20% of American population are delusional totalitarian "progressive" liberals.

So, America can

1) save itself from totalitarianism first and then

2) America will have a chance to save the world once more. Revived America will serve again as a beacon of freedom for the whole world.

A wave of retired military commanders like Col. West in the Congress that will come in January, 2011 will do a better job preparing for the campaign: evaluating current situation, outlining disposition, planning strategy and tactics, but we should start now with acceptance of the simple facts. Washington, DC as of today is the occupied by the hostile forces territory. We need a plan how to defeat the enemy and how to save America.Those hostile forces include all kinds of totalitarianists: statists in the administration and in the Congress, mainly amongst the Democrats, but also RINOs in GOP, "progressive" leftists, socialist labor unions, 96% "progressive" MSM, leftist academia& intelligentsia, antihumane Shariah law promoters, parasitic special interest groups and the like.

I propose 3 programs– the minimal program, the medium program and the maximal program. The minimum includes absolutely necessary measures that we must take no matter what, if we want the land of free to survive. The “medium” outlines what we can do in real terms to improve what we have now. The “maximum”sets the bar high– it's what we should do to get to the ideal world as close as it gets and as fast as it gets. In short, it's "must", "can" and "should do" programs. Totalitarian "progressives" keep their encroachment into individual liberties for the last 100 years, building more and more totalitarian federal government with increasing speed. We must analyze why they succeed in destroying the Constitutional Republic, how to stop the people's enemies, reverse and repair the damage they've done and how to assure that no totalitarian force in the future can threaten American Constitution and citizens' rights and freedoms again.

The question how much of the medium and maximum programs will be implemented depends on several factors:

a) How many conservative, objectivists and libertarian patriots will be in the Congress in 2011? How big and how united the freedom-camp will be? Can they impeach Obama or at least overcome his veto (which Obama for sure will use against anything that in the best interests of America)? Can they pass the absolutely vital Constitutional Amendmends that are necessary for the survival of America? Can they unite all the freedom-lovers in the Congress against the common enemy rather than splitting hairs in attempt to present themselves different from other freedom-lovers?

b) How much these patriots will know about the miserable state of the Union and what is the main problem of America– (and same is true for the rest of the world, which is the lack of freedom, particularly free market, because of too much government) and about the ways to fix the problems (eliminate 99% of the government's size, scope and budget– and Free Market will solve 99% of the problem in due course);

c) How much American public will be educated and willing to revive the Constitution? Many have intuitive feeling that something is wrong but they are not sure what exactly and many even less sure how to fix the mess. People should see the whole picture, the main problem (which is "too much government, not enough freedom, especially free market"). When they see clearly, what the problem is, then they know how to fix it: to get the government of the picture as much as possible, and on a permanent basis (cutting down 99% of the government's size, scope and budget would be the perfect solution). When the ideas posess masses then the ideas become a physical power. American people is the most perceptive in the world to the ideas of freedom, individual accomplishments and personal responsibilities, and many of us remember the Founding Fathers warnings that freedom means freedom from your government. So, Americans do have a chance to restore freedoms, which automatically means to restore greatness and prosperity of America. Unfortunately for Euro-Zoo, their castrated by the "progressive" MSM political correctness zombies are not likely even to comprehend what's going on, how their own governments using their own money destroy their own civilization. Tiny islands of common sense such as EDL in UK or Geert Wilders' movement gain some momentum but I am not sure there will be enough time to save Europe from complete and irreversible totalitarization (first socialist "paradise" and then islamic hell). EU will likely fall apart within 5 years. I'm afraid, Europe's train with no brakes is too far on the railroad to serfdom, but I will be so happy if time proves me wrong. I'd love to see the freedom rule the world, freedom from the governments and from totalitarian ideologies, especially from Shariah based islamofacism. India is a great example of wanders that Free Market can create. Many years under USSR's influence India was limping along the troublesome path of the re-distributionist society. As soon as the free market model started its victorious march, we see India's growth due to the Free Market forces as steady, balanced and proportional from the ground to the top with no forseeble troubles while China's totalitarian state capitalism is heading towards inevitable crush in 20 years or so. All China's "successes" remind me a snake feeding on its own tail. China in 20 years will have same demographic and fiscal problems that Europe and Japan have now. The formula how to solve the world's problems can be simplified as "Power to the people!" People must make decision for themselves, not the governments ruling elites or ideological elites.