Immediate most urgent tactics should include:
Removing freedom-hating totalitarians of all flocks from all branches of the government: voting out of the Congress, state and municipal levels all totalitarians of all kinds, replacing them with the freedom-loving camp representatives (conservatives, libertarians, objectivists and the like), removing "progressive" judicial activists that destroy the rule of law from the bench and replacing them with the conservative constitutionalists. Peaceful methods are by far the most preferred way to do so, unless the totalitarians will wage a full-blown civil war against majority of freedom-loving Americans. If they do-well, in love and war all means are legitimate. So far, it's almost exclusively the leftist Democ-rats thugs that threat violence and actually commit it. Recently the peaceful T-party center of Dick Armey had to move to a more secure location because of the daily threats of violence from the Democrats gang. I am sure that under no circumstances American patriots will not fight against the military and police because 80% of the military and police are patriots themselves and they hate totalitarians as much as other patriots do. They might deem that there are more than enough soft targets amongst enemies of freedom, enemies of America ("progressives" that have infiltrated all 3 official branches of the government plus MSM, all Soros subsidized anti-American organizations, anti-America entertainment industry trash and the like). I have no connections with these patriot militias so I have no idea how much they are prepared for the scenario where the Left will wage a civil war. Who knows– may be, patriotic militias already checking out their ranks to make sure they are not infiltrated by the Obama government agents? May be they already go through the lie detectors, the polygraphs, from the grass roots to the top leaders of militias (actually, especially the top leaders because the FBI's, the Obama's government efforts are for sure focused on these high value high ranking spies amongst militia)? May be, militias already do compile the lists of the worst enemies of America? The enemies of freedom do it for sure– recently a Muslim couple that had a hit list of the freedom lovers was arrested in the NW (although Obama and Holder may pardon their jihadis friends later on. Attorney General was one of the half-thousand attorneys that formed a spy ring in Guantamo, spying on CIA for the jihadis. CIA director asked Holder to investigate and prosecute those enemies of America, but 9 of them work for Obama, including Holder himself. I doubt that he will prosecute himself for treason). Of course, the totalitarians and their MSM accomplices try to smear ALL MILLIONS of the patriotic militia members, using pretext of several crazy "holy warriers", but it is not going to fly: all sane Americans can see with their own eyes that not loving America patriots but Obama's regime is the worst ever threat to America and to freedom around the world.
Anyway, I ernestly hope that it will not come to the civil war because war is unimaginable suffering of the people. I do hope that in November, 2010 awoken Americans will purge the Congress from totalitarian enemies of America and, thus, will politically castrate Obama. If we are lucky and there are enough patriots in the Congress– may be, they will initiate investigation with possible impeachment procedure. However, the enemies of America around election time or immediately after might realize that their bestial desires to destroy America have failed, and then they can resort to the desperate measures such as creation of a crisis and declaration of the Marshall law. Then the civil war is unavoidable, unless the senior military and Supreme Court will have guts to save American Constitutional Republic. All the patriots in the military and in Supreme Court must make up their mind now, before a nuclear crisis is provoked and erupted (using crazy Iranian mullahs or psychotic North Koreans), which might serve as a pretext to impose a Marshall and postpone all elections until the next millenium.
Next very desirable step would be impeachemnt of Obama to stop and reverse the damage to America and freedom in the world that the totalitarians have done so far. If further evidence will support the charges of high treason, then there is no presidential immunity and Obama should be jailed, if found guilty by the Supreme Court.
Since 100% of Obamunism laws is poison to America then all of them can be repealed by single blanket vote in the Congress, something like "Repeal all the laws signed by Husein Obama". If it turns out after the impeachment that Obama came to power fraudulently, against the American election laws, using the funding from foreign hostile entities such as terrorist organizations, rogue terrorist states and the like, then it could be done in a blink of eye.
Strategy would include prevention of another totalitarian takeover in a forseeible future. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so we, the people must reduce the powers of the government, especially at the federal level, to about 1% of what it is now and we, the people, must chain down our enemy government again with the chains of Constitutional Amendmends. We, the people, must stop the enemies recruitment activities both in the brainwashing centers (fraudulently called "educational centers" -colleges, schools, universities) and by creating armies of parasites, beggars and losers, dependant on the BG handouts and, thus, serving as the Big Government electorate base. How? Expose them to the Free Market forces, remove paid by the taxpayers umbrella that protects the enemies of the people, and they will have no choice but to reform, to become useful members of society. In practical terms– reduce creating and protecting them Big Government: slash 99% of the government's size, scope and budget, close down for good all federal offices except Pentagon, intelligence and some FBI and make sure BG cannot regrow its tentacles.