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How? I hope that majority of the new Congress in 2011 will be patriotic constitutionalists, so we, the people have a chance to restore the original Constitution not tainted by millions of un-Constitutional laws. The practical way to do so is to introduce

"THE TWO TERM AMENDMENT" that would limit:

1) The length of service for any elected or un-elected government official at any level (federal, state or municipal) by 2 terms. Period. Why not one? Because even the partirots in the new Congress are human beings with their weaknesses. Many of them will be reluctant to limit themselves to one term only. However, since vast majority of the incumbents will be wiped out from the Congress, then nearly all of the new Congress members will have 2 terms available for them for the total of 8 years, which is "somewhere in the future", making it more abstract and more agreeble. This would include the employees too, except military and intelligent services. It is known that these entranched in the government for decades employees frequently saboteer their elected bosses instructions, they are easier to be bribed and recruited by our enemies (per media reports, the State Department employees CELEBRATED the 9/11 tragedy on their work place, and many of them have connection to the arab petroleum dollars). Their salary must be linked to the average American income, for example "No government official in executive, judicial or legislative branch, elected or appointed, can have salary and benefits combined more than tripple average American income". This way the government officials will finally have an incentive to improve the wealth of an average American rather that wasting our hard-earned bucks. Besides, with this symbolic salary only true patriots will come to serve their country 1 or two terms and then leave, as it was the case during Founding Fathers. Unfortunately, nowdays elected and unelected officials become bricks from which the people's enemy Big Government is built. Typical career politicians care about people's opinion only during election campaign and don't care about people's interests at all. And why should they? Their senority becomes a trading capital to entice the electorate to elect them again and again to get pork barrel (which actually hurts the local business, as a study showed). Demagoguery resplaced accomplishments, propaganda replaced achievements, massive MSM politically correct lies replaced the truth, destruction of the country by Obama's regime presented as "the service for Americans that they should pay for" by their birthrights. For example, in a typical Potemkin village display Obama has disorganized the road traffic all over the country in a massive show of how borrowed from China with 8% interest "stimulus" money "works" while in fact all Obama's "stimulus" does hurting American economy (as was proven by recent analysis by Richard Rahn in the article "Obama's Advisers Can't Admit Failure", which I suggest you to read). Obama methodically ruins and destructs everything good about America, and after that he has audacity to talk about "insufficient trust in the government"? We are not insane to trust our mortal enemy in the White House that embodies all three major totalitarian ideologies: statism, leftist redistributive "progressivism" and islamofascism. In August 2010 Obama celebrated his "achievement" in Kenya, where Obama twisted arms of the government until they changed Constitution to impose Shariah laws (even though there only 12% of Muslims). That's what Obama wants for America in the long run too, he is just being cautious not to say it too early, while it's not too late to save America from islamofascism. Obama's railroad to serfdom pushes America first to Greece-style socialist "paradise", and then to Muslims hell.

and paying back to his anti-American die-hard "progressives".

2) The Amendment MUST also limit maximum length of any law to the same 2 terms. Only the Constitution is forever, while ALL THE LAWS : (passed from the conception of the US, currently legislated and all future laws) must automaticly expire in 2 terms = in 8 years. The Amendment must specify that no Congress, legislature or any other government body has a right to extend any law by a bundle, as a package. Each law that in legislators' opinion should be extended must undergo the regular procedure individually, separately, on case by case base. Do you know how many new laws, regularions and mandates were inacted on Jan. 01, 2010? Over 40,000 !!! On one day alone! As stronger our enemy government gets-as faster it grabs more of our powers and money. It's like a snow ball, or more correctly an avalanch. Is it feasible to revisit all millions of the laws, mandates and controls that that our enemy government has already imposed on us, the people? Not in a million years! The only possible way is to automatically to repeal 100% of the existing laws and to start from scratch. Oue enemies will try to scare us that without laws the country will fall apart. No, it’s our enemy Almighty Government will fall apart, but the laws (the only very few ones that we, the people, really need) will have enough time during 8 years to be judged according to the evidence and extended by the legislatures of all levels. 8 years is more than enough for a few laws that are necessary. So far our enemy government was encroaching into our territory and occupying it irreversibly– whatever freedom or money was stolen from us, the people, by the government– it was gone forever. Let’s change the rules. So, let our enemy government lose every bad law every 8 years, and let them prove that for this particular law , unlike 99.9% of other laws, the benefits outweigh the unintended consequences. At least, it will keep our enemies bureaucrats busy trying to conquer the same territory all over again.

Until the 2 TERM AMENDMENT is passed and all the un-American socialist laws since 1913 are repealed, we might need to specifically repeal all the 1960-s reverse discrimination acts. The "progressives" stopped integration of the minorities into the mainstream society by these laws, based on the "short term gain for the long term pain" Democrats' principle, they destroyed black families, widened the gap between the races in all aspects– economical, social, psychological, societal and so forth. Even though the anti-minorities effects of these acts that claimed to cure the social ills through the government coercion are cristal clear to all independant thinkers (such as THomas Sowell), but the accusations in bigotry and racism from the Democratic bigots and racists are inevitable. That's why the best way to get rid of all that statist and socialist crap that destroys America, and hurts first of all blacks and other minorities, would be through a blanket coverage of the 2 term Amendment, that would effectively repeal ALL unti-American laws since 1913 (that includes establishment of the Federal Reserve).


Why "devil's dozen"? Because government apparently is a devilish creature and because in many cultures 13 is called "a devil's dozen", (in the US it's called "baker's dozen"). 13% is more than enough to cover all our real needs in the government services, and if the government doesn't rob us anymore then we shall have enough money left to cover the rest of the needs of the "unfortunate ones" by charities. Private charities are more likely to help those who really ARE unfortunate, while the government entitlement programs actually CREATE AND PERPETUATE POVERTY in order to have eternal electorate voting for the Big Government.