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Finally, I asked, "Do you want to fuck mommy, dear? Do you want to make your mother happy by drilling out her cunt with that long hose of cock that is hung so beautifully between your legs?"

"Oh yes," Teddy replied, emphatically. "I've dreamt of becoming a mother fucker. I've jacked off thinking about pumping out your ass."

Across the room, the activities between Grandmother Grace and the black kid were beginning to heat up. After the boy agreed to do anything Grace wanted for twenty dollars, he removed his clothes under the admiring gaze of the old woman.

"Nice," she said with a deep sigh as her hot eyes took in every inch of the black, naked skin. The boy was on the athletic side, well developed, and firm and with a long, manly prick. Even the balls were black. Grace commented on this fact. Clearly, this was the first time she had ever sexed a black male.

"Everything is so black," she gurgled as her eyes rolled over the penis, the balls, and the smooth, rolling buttocks.

The black boy looked at Grace with equally interested eyes. Balling elderly, white women was his bag. He appreciated her white skin, the way her big titties sagged, the sag of her fleshy ass and the huge, hairy cunt.

"Cunt hairs," the black boy murmured. "They is even silver colored. And your..." He was referring to my mother-in-law's clitoris which was a big one.

Grace smiled, proudly. "My prick. Is that what you're looking at, darling? It's all yours to suck on in fact, I wouldn't think I got my twenty dollar's worth if you didn't eat Granny's cunt."

Placing an arm around my own son for the first time, I drew him close to my body. For the very first time in my life, our nude bodies met, the unadorned bodies of mother and son. Reaching down I took hold of my son's erected cock for the very first time, too. I squeezed the sonly cock of bone.

"Oh Mom," Teddy cried. "Your hand feels so great over my prick. Bet it would even feel good if you jacked me off."

"I'll jack you off any time you desire, Son," I told him. "But isn't that a waste. I'd love to feel my son's meat hammer inside my cunt whenever it gets so nice and stiff."

Teddy's knees began to sag. "Got to ball, Mom. Got to fuck you. I... I always wanted to become a mother fucker."

Pressing him tightly against my body, his head buried itself between my more than ample tits. "My little mother fucker," I replied. "Of course, you can ball your mother. From now on, I'm going to be the only cunt you do ball."

"Except Grandma," Teddy reminded me. "She said she wants me to service her, too."

At the moment however, Grandma Grace was getting serviced by a naked, black boy. While Teddy and I had been conversing, Grace and her paper boy had decided to waste no more time. The old woman had forced the boy on his back and she mounted him in the traditional woman-on-top position. After sinking the black cannon up her cunt, she had reached under, grasped the cheeks of his ass and was now busily engaged in the act of fornication.

But that position didn't suit me at all. I didn't want to become the dominant figure in our relationship. I needed a man in the house, a man to replace my husband. And now, I had found one in the person of my own son. From now on, he would take charge of the house and of my cunt.

"Fuck me, Son," I ordered but in a docile, pleading way. "Fuck your ever loving mommy."

Teddy took charge. He laid me on the floor. The boy mounted me in, the classic man-on-top position, slid both hands under the cheeks of my ass, yanked the lower portion of my abdoman up tight to his body, and commenced to pump out my motherly pussy.

"Take charge," I shrieked. "Take charge of my cunt, Son. Boss it. Boss my cunt. BOSS MOM'S CUNT."

And that's exactly what my precocious son did. He took charge. All of my previous fears about being alone evaporated. Realizing that I now had a man in charge of my life as well as cunt, I shrugged off my inhibitions. Throwing both legs around my son's ribcage, I locked his body to mine in a scissor hold. But the cheeks of my ass were still free to bob and joggle around. The boy's balls flattened against my cheeks every time he thrust downward.

In a very short period of time, Teddy gasped out in a strangled voice. "I'm gonna..."

"Me too," I replied with tears welling up in my eyes.

Ted's cock exploded in his mother's cunt!

My box caught fire and detonated, too.

Across the room, Grandmother Grace was hurling out the foulest obscenities as she, too, climaxed.

As Ted toppled off my body, he whispered to me. "Let's go home where we can ball in private. I don't think Grandma will want me to service her today."

Grandma Grace was still busily occupied with her black lover. "Yes, by all means," I agreed. "Let's go home. I'm in the mood for a juice suck of my cunt."

Ted licked his lips. "Me too," he confessed. "I've been wanting to suck your box for a while now," he admitted. "Every mother fucker wants to eat his mommy's twat."

We dressed and left for home. For the first time since I became a widow I didn't mind returning to an empty house. Now, I had found another man to take charge. The fact that Ted was my own son meant nothing. As far as his prick was concerned, he was a real man. At any rate, he was man enough for me... man enough to boss my cunt. And that's all I wanted...


Left a widow at the age of thirty-eight, Odelia R. suffered from strong anxiety feelings brought about by her acute loneliness and need for a man. She had always been a subservient type of woman who required the strong touch of a strong man. Without the presence of a strong man to guide her, Odelia R. began to suffer from a mild case anxiety hysteria. Freud characterized this disorder to a neurosis caused by anxiety and phobic reactions.

In the case of Odelia R. this disorder was caused by loneliness, the inability to function properly without a strong man's direction, and also from lack of sexual activity. Even in her sex life, the case subject required a strong man to take charge. Without the presence of this strong man she began to experience distressing feelings of apprehensiveness, the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. She actually suffered from physical distress. Occasionally, she described such symptoms as a pounding of the heart, difficulty in breathing, excessive perspiration, trembling and dizziness.

These anxiety reactions were responses to dangers she felt but did not recognize. However, Odelia R.'s mother-in-law did recognize the symptoms. She realized that her daughter-in-law required a strong man to replace the loss of her husband. And since the older woman was incest-oriented, she recommended without hesitation that Odelia R. commence a sexual relationship with her own son in Ted R., the older woman recognized a strong figure who not only resembled his father physically but manifested many of his characteristics.

In such an instance, the problem for the treating psychologist is to determine whether or not an incestuous relationship does more harm than good in the case of Odelia R., it was determined that she chose the only course of action possible under the circumstances. Her anxiety neurotics were very definitely affecting her happiness and effectiveness. She found herself unable to function, to get through the day. This is not at all uncommon in women who were totally dependent in a marriage. With the death of her husband, she could be described as a ship without a rudder. She required direction, and purpose. Without her husband to cling to, she became a totally hapless individual. When she took her son as her lover, she found purpose again, direction and a strong hand to guide her. She became an effective, functioning individual again.

Of course, this incestuous relationship was merely a temporary course of action. When she later met a man her own age who was strong enough to guide, she lost the need for her son, and he turned to girls his own age. But as a temporary solution, the incestuous relationship between Odelia R. and her son was helpful and effective.