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Jo Ann walked in and realized she had grown some since he had been here last, because he didn't look quite as tall as before. The door swung shut automatically, and she watched him in the dim lamp of the room as he looked for some paper and a pen. He had dark-brown, straight hair, a long nose, a small mustache, but all in all was a good-looking man, and more important, she realized he was a sexy man.

"You got a pen?" he asked.

"I didn't come here for an autograph," she told him, looking around the room, noting it had two large double-beds in it, the usual washstand beneath the wide mirror outside the bathroom.

"Yeah? Why'd you come?" he wanted to know. "Better tell me in a hurry, 'cause I got a date and she'll be here soon."

"Not if you're waiting for Kathy Selden," she replied, and he looked at her through narrowed eyes.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I overheard Miss Selden talking to some other teachers," she replied. "She said she already had a date for tonight, and she had no intention of breaking it just because you waltzed into town and snapped your fingers for her,"

"Hell!" he muttered, putting a shirt on a hanger back into the closet. "That screws up tonight."

"Not necessarily," she told him.


"I'm here," she told him.

"Hey, come on, you're just a kid."

"I'm old enough," she insisted.

"I'm not gonna take you out in plain sight of everyone here," he snapped, "I didn't come here for you to take me out," she insisted.

"Oh?" he asked.

"I came here to ball, if you're man enough," she taunted.

"Hey, what the hell are you talkin' about?" he asked. "You're just a kid. You think I'm gonna let myself get trapped with some jailbait? Forget it!"

"No one's trying to trap you," the girl insisted. "You're out for a good time and so am I. No one else knows I'm here. Besides, I need money,"

"Yeah? So you say. How do I know it's true?"

"Gee, I don't know what I can do to prove it to you," she shrugged.

"How'd you find out about where I was staying?" he snapped. "I didn't tell anyone except… "

"Miss Selden," Jo Ann volunteered. "And she promptly told the other teachers, and I overheard it all."

"Yeah, well if that's the case, someone else might've overheard it, too. Sorry, kid, I ain't takin' no chances."

"Don't take chances," the girl shrugged. "There are more than a dozen motels just outside the town-proper. Why not drive there with me. You'll have a chance to see if anyone's following you while you drive, and believe me, there's no way the police can have every motel room around staked out."

Cortone looked at her and realized she was one smart cookie for such a young kid. He finally nodded, saying, "Okay, kid, we'll do it your way." After all, he had nothing to lose driving around with her in his car, making certain they weren't tailed. If she was telling him the truth, he'd get his rocks off with the kid. Why not?"

They went to his car after he had slipped on a shirt and jacket. He looked furtively around, was able to see no one, and once they were driving, he stared in the rearview mirror, but saw no cars on his tail. He wound in and out of streets quickly, but carefully, not wanting to attract police attention.

"Stop worrying about the police," she murmured, snuggling against him as he drove. "Just think about what you're going to do between my legs once the two of us get into bed."

Her warm thigh pressed shamelessly against that of the older man. Her hand reached out and felt the rock-hardness of his cock, a cock at the very equal to that of Dr. Joseph. She felt it trying to burst through the seams of his jeans.

By the time they reached one of the out-of-town motels, about five minutes on the outskirts, Cortone was finding it all but impossible to steer the car. The girl continued teasing him between his own thighs, her hand and fingers working relentlessly. He had protested, half-heartedly, that his concentration was being disrupted when she had brazenly unzipped his fly, worming her small hand inside, toying expertly with the hardness of his exposed cock.

In tortured confusion he had parked as fast as possible behind the motel as she had stroked and fondled him at will, whispering words in his ear calculated to keep him stiff. He awkwardly had to stuff his erection back in his pants.

"It'd save us time if you'd just leave it out," Jo Ann giggled.

He jumped from the car, ran to the registration office, and two minutes later was back with another key. Once they were in the motel room, an exact duplicate of the one where he had been staying, he took the time to appraise her once again under the dim light. If he was going to fuck this kid, and he decided he was, he wanted to get the most out of it. He was certain she'd probably be a fabulous fuck.

The girl undid her blouse and pulled it open. There was no brassiere underneath, and he had a chance to see her firm, small breasts, breasts with rich, pink pointed nipples that beckoned to him.

Content there was no way he would be trapped, Joe Cortone became more confident, and filled with more energy. He felt as if he were participating in, and watching a stag movie, all at the same time. It was almost unreal to see this young girl, younger than any female he had ever previously fucked, offering herself to him. He knew he would shortly be burying his throbbing cock in the depths of her young belly.

When she shook her body a little, making her breasts leap from side to side, he felt a renewed surge of blood shooting through him. He salivated as if feeling her breasts were inviting him to suck them.

Jo Ann wore a smug smile, seeing the way the man eyed her breasts. They might have been small, but for all that, they were still seductive to look at. Her eyes glanced appreciatively at the swollen mound inside his pants. Each time she moved, she saw his stiffly throbbing penis jerk again. Then she reached behind her and pulled down the short zipper and tugged her skirt down, and with her skirt came her panties, revealing a tantalizingly tan, girlish hip and a little graceful slope toward the front of her belly where the triangular flesh of her pubis was still hidden. Then she slid both hands over the curving indentation of her waist and lightly touched her breasts again, cupping one small mammary in each hand as if fondly admiring their small roundness, closing her eyes for a moment, caught in the grip of mounting passion. Her actions sent a chill of sensation rushing over the man's now fully aroused body, making him feel as if he was one huge upstanding cock, aching to tear into the lush body of the beautiful girl so lasciviously exposing her beautiful flesh to him.

Once more her hands caressed her torso as she began unveiling her lower charms at an agonizingly slow pace. Her slender young fingers pushed down the top of her skirt and panties, revealing first the tantalizingly fleshy globes of her sensuously curved buttocks. Then she showed the tops of her golden tan-fleshed thigh columns, and where they met the curving indentation of her belly. She sat on the edge of the near bed and pushed the skirt and panties lower, down and off her trim ankles, after which she lifted her legs and swung them around on the bed as she leaned back and sighed. The still expanding cock of Joe Cortone was eagerly jerking in his pants as he anxiously looked at the neat little hairless parting between her slightly spread, slender young thighs. The white flesh, with no hair at all, made him hungry to enjoy her all the more. He had never fucked a hairless cunt, and though he was certain it would not impart that much more feeling, the prospect of seeing his cock buried between labia with no moss had him aroused even to greater heights.

For the moment, Cortone felt rooted to the spot. He was unable to do anything other but watch as the girl lay back, smoothly gyrating her buttocks in tiny circular motions on the firm mattress, lasciviously enjoying her control over the man at this moment. Her lips felt very dry, for she realized she was the one in control, and would be, from here on in. The man was shuddering, looking her over from her lovely face to her quaking breasts, to the wet split between her thighs.