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The Queen stroked his cheek. “Your fever’s gone,” she said. “We’ll talk later, Robin.”

The blur of black and white topped with red swished out of the room. Carey’s father came closer to the bed.

“Well done, son,” he said, gripping Carey’s bruised shoulder, “She won’t forget this. It’s a good thing you’d stripped off your clothes and dropped your knife belt in the fever. You were in such a rage, laying about you and roaring about saving Elizabeth, it took every single clerk in the church to hold you down. But at least nobody’s dead. Now let’s hope we can keep it away from my esteemed lady wife, your mother, eh?”

“Yes, Father,” said Carey with difficulty. It had just occurred to him what the pain in his groin was. He urgently, desperately, needed a piss. Christ, he needed it right now!

“Father,” he croaked, “Ah…pot…please?”

“Eh?” Hunsdon was deep in thought.

“A chamber pot?”

“Oh…ah…I’ll send for a servant.…”


Carey was sweating, so perhaps Hunsdon could see the urgency because he bent, looked under the bed and, thank God and all His holy angels, brought out what Carey needed, which was miraculously empty. It took a moment to let go but the relief almost brought tears to his eyes.

As Lord Hunsdon put the pot very carefully down on the rush mat next to the bed, Carey smiled. Amazing the way your body ambushed you and the joy in even the basest things when it hadn’t been working for a while. He realised his father had gone to the door and he was afraid of being left alone, the first time he had felt like that since…must be the Armada year, when he was ill before.


Baron Hunsdon loomed over him again. “I’ve sent for your new clerk,” he said. “We’ve checked Mr. Tovey. I think it was a good idea hiring the boy-he’s got sense.”


“Not out of the woods yet-he’s in Lord Norris’ servant quarters here. He must have drunk more spiced wine than you did. Dr. Lopez says whether he lives or dies depends entirely upon his humoral complexion and there’s little he can do save prescribe his sovereign decoction of beanpods. The man so nearly died last night, we don’t suspect him of the poisoning, though we haven’t been able to find out much about him as he’s Scotch. We’ve not made any progress on who actually did it, but the two prime suspects seem to be out of it.”


“Have you been asleep? Well, it’s Sunday, you missed Divine Service in the church where you were fighting the poor clerks last night, missed a damned prosy sermon, and you’re missing Sunday dinner to be followed by a very fine allegorical masque. It’s Sunday afternoon.”

Carey groped for the water cup and his father caught his hand just before he knocked it over, put it into his fingers and poured more water for him. Carey tried to fish out the stone he’d nearly swallowed.

“Leave that, it’s a bezoar stone against poisoning,” said his father, “Dr. Lopez recommended it. The Queen’s lent you her unicorn’s horn cup as well.”

“Nearly swallowed…”

“I don’t think you should eat it, I think it’s actually a goat’s gallstone. I’ll drop it in the flagon.”

Carey couldn’t make out anything in the blur, not the cup, not the flagon, not his father apart from as a large shape. The world was a dazzle that made his eyes hurt again so he shut them tight and frowned unhappily.

“Mr. Tovey thinks your eyes will recover by tomorrow,” rumbled his father. “Dr. Lopez thinks it might take a couple of days.”

The full cup was in his fingers again so he drank the brandy-and-water mix. Now that he’d dealt with his immediate physical problems, he felt better. Slowly his mouth was getting less dry but he still had to keep his eyes shut.

“Father, would you close the bed curtains? Light hurts my eyes.”

“Can’t see a damned thing in here, but very well.” The curtains swept across making the bed stuffy but the pain in his eyes reduced.

“That necklace…fee for introducing Emilia Bonnetti to Essex.”

“Want me to warn him about her?”

Carey hesitated. Perhaps that hadn’t been a favour to his lord, after all? Would Essex understand how useful a spy so close to him could be? Or would he blame Carey? He couldn’t decide. “I don’t know,” he admitted.

“We’ll keep an eye on her. Young Cecil knows about her, too,” said his father. “What happened with the bad guns you sold her in Dumfries?”

“I’m not sure but I think my lord of Cumberland got the Bonnettis out of Ireland just in time, unfortunately.”

“Would she bear you a grudge?”

He thought about it. After all, she was Italian. “Probably, but once I made the introduction, she was in Essex’s party and nowhere near Hughie. And I don’t see why she would jeopardise managing the sweet wine farm by poisoning me. If it wasn’t Hughie either, I can’t think who else it could have been. Most of my enemies are in and around Carlisle now.”

“And the rest of them are creditors who want you alive,” growled his father. Carey said nothing because this was manifestly unfair even if it was true. “We haven’t had any luck with witnesses. They were all too drunk or busy dancing. Ridiculous bunch of popinjays.”

For some reason that reminded him of the incident at the duck pond. He told the story to his father, annoyed that he couldn’t see Hunsdon’s face for the reaction.

It was a mistake because Hunsdon sat down on the bed and took him through the story twice more. Carey’s throat was dry again and he was suddenly exhausted.

“A crossbow argues against Signora Bonnetti because of the difficulty for a woman of drawing and carrying it. You say it was a deer-bolt?” Carey nodded once. “So it must have been a full size crossbow. Hmm. I’ll set a guard on your door, Robin, and I don’t want you going out without at least three men with you.”

Carey shrugged. “God looks after me always.”

“God likes us to look after ourselves as well, so He doesn’t have to do all the work. Be careful in the Queen’s matter, Robin.”

“What is it that she doesn’t want you to tell me? What was the message she got with the music?”

He thought his father was smiling at his boldness. Well, it was worth a try. He got no answer though. His head was pounding again and he felt too tired to do anything else. Hunsdon patted his hand, lying on the coverlet. Carey felt the roughness of sword callouses there which could only mean his sixty-year-old father was still employing a swordmaster to play veneys with him regularly.

“I’ll work on her, but she’s a Tudor and she knows the value of information. She wants you to come at the Robsart killing with a fresh mind, since nobody else has got anywhere with it.”

“But Father, what if…”

“Ah, Mr. Tovey, thank you for coming.”

“M…my lord, how is he?”

“Very much better,” Carey said, “thanks to you knowing what was happening.” Could that mean Tovey was…No. Surely not. Without the clerk’s prompt action, he would probably be dead by now. “But I still can’t see a bloody thing at the moment,” he added resentfully. “And do you know what happened to my Court suit, I left it hanging on a couple of saints in the church…?”

“Yes, sir, I got Mr. Coleman to help me bring it up before Divine Service this morning. It’s hanging on the wall here.”

Well thank God for that at least, as the Court suit was probably worth more than the church building itself.

“My lord, Dr. Lopez wants a sample of Sir Robert’s water…”

There were careful movements around the pot, someone was filling a flask. The pot was then removed and emptied, no doubt by one of his father’s men. He didn’t really care. He was falling asleep where he lay propped on pillows in the darkness of the bed curtains. He yawned and struggled to remember something else that was very important. Oh, yes…

“Father, where’s Sergeant Dodd? Should be here by now.”

His father was moving, preparing to leave. “I’ve been looking out for him,” came the rumble. “No sign of him yet. I’ll send him straight up when he arrives. Sleep well, Robin. I’ll have a man at your door.”