Liakopulos said, „No you won't, Credence. That's no defense of the crown. That's murder. That's regicide. Fulk became King the moment Ragnarson died."
„A sound legal point," Prataxis said. He still shook. „You're suggesting treason, Credence. And yet... ." „You see my quandary," said Liakopulos. „If we don't violate the law, the new masters of the law will rape what we've worked so hard to nurture."
„Two dead," Abaca snarled. „End of problems."
„If we ourselves scoff at the law, can we reasonably expect anyone else to respect it?" Prataxis demanded.
Liakopulos interjected, „I've been over these arguments with myself. It's a no-win situation. I've decided what I'll do. Your courses are up to you and your consciences."
Abaca inquired, „What are you going to do, sir?"
„I came here because the Guild owed Ragnarson. No Ragnarson, no debt. I'm going back to High Crag. If you three decide to obey the law, I'll stay to help insure an orderly transition. If you chose rebellion, I'll get out now. I can't join you, but I won't oppose you either."
Prataxis and Abaca nodded. That would give Credence sole command of the army. Abaca said, „The King's daughter-in-law is more sympathetic than Inger. Would she be regent for young Bragi?"
Prataxis replied, „The King's first choices were Mundwiller, Sir Gjerdrum, and Baron Hardle."
„Mundwiller, eh? I could work with him."
Liakopulos said, „We can talk forever, but talk isn't what's needed. We have to act. The people at Maisak can't keep the news quiet forever. Some of the survivors are sure to return over the smugglers' trails."
Prataxis said, „Michael, Kristen and the children will be in danger once the news breaks."
„I moved them out of the country already. With the money."
Abaca and Liakopulos looked askance. Neither Prataxis nor Trebilcock explained. Abaca asked, „Where do you stand, Trebilcock?"
„Right in the middle. Like all of us. I'll probably follow the General's example."
Prataxis said, „Same here."
„You three have somewhere else to go. I don't. This is my homeland." Abaca rose. „So be it, I guess. If I'm outvoted, I'm outvoted." He strode toward the door.
Liakopulos rose, said, „We'll have to see the Queen before the news breaks. Get her braced for the shock when it hits."
Michael said, „I'll take you to her, General. I'll meet you here in an hour. I have some things to do first. Derel, you bring Credence and Cham."
Abaca asked, „Why not just tell us where she is and we'll all meet there?"
„I don't think so," Michael replied. „The fewer who know, the less chance of trouble."
Abaca gave Trebilcock a hard look. „All right. Whatever you think." He departed.
„He's going to cause trouble," Prataxis said.
„Maybe," Michael admitted. „General, look for me with in the hour."
Liakopulos extended a hand. „Trebilcock, it's been nice. We had something here. I'm sorry it has to die this way. Prataxis, you too."
Derel shook hands and muttered, „Why did he do it? There was no sane reason for him to attack them."
Liakopulos said, „He had his neurotic streak, same as the Tervola. Let's hope he didn't die in vain, that the Tervola are satisfied for now."
Trebilcock grumbled, „That's all we need. Shinsan start ing a push. Well, later."
Prataxis said, „I'd better find Mundwiller," and followed Michael.
Liakopulos sat down again, closed his eyes, and tried to imagine what Kavelin might have become had the King not gone after his wild goose. He ended up shedding tears.
Year 1016 AFE
In their dragon's Teeth fastness Nepanthe and Varthlokkur followed events in Vorgreberg without speak ing. They saw the first small riots blossom, fertilized by a wildfire rumor that Inger and Fulk had been murdered by the King's cabal. They saw Abaca give too harsh orders for suppressing the riots, and witnessed the flight of the Marena Dimura members of the army.
Varthlokkur turned his back on the mirror. Choked, he said, „You were right. I was wrong. I was a fool."
„What are you going to do about it?"
„Now? I can't do anything. It's too late. It has to run its course."
„A lot of people will get hurt."
„I know. That's the way of these things. All I could do is make it worse. It'll be a purging of the national spirit. Every nation goes through them. They're horrible for individuals, but the kingdom comes through tempered and unified."
„Spare me."
„All right. Just understand, I admit my culpability. And it's now too late for me to contribute anything positive."
„If you say so."
One large tear dribbled down the wizard's cheek. He thought, don't tear at me now, woman. I have trouble enough living with myself.
Mist had been so long without sleep she was seeing double. „Lord Ssu-ma?"
„Report on affairs in Kavelin, Princess. If you're inter ested."
„Of course I am. Go ahead."
„I'll be brief. I know you're pressed. Basically, the old order is doomed. Ragnarson's people have very little support left. Looks like civil war coming."
„So. The noble experiment dies. And not the brave death, but ignominiously, with ghouls and jackals squabbling over the corpse. A sad ending."
„Sad indeed, Princess. May I return to my duties?"
„Please do, Lord Ssu-ma. And thank you for having humored my orders out there."
Shih-ka'i did not respond. Mist turned her attention to Matayanga once more, Kavelin out of her mind. Shinsan would not turn westward again for a long time.
Trebilcock and Liakopulos swung into the track to the Dalthin manor. Michael looked for signs betraying the Queen's presence. He saw none, and was pleased. He said, „Gods, I hate this. And I can't see any alternative but Credence's."
„I'm resigned."
„At least she didn't wrestle it away from us. She got it by default."
„Maybe. Maybe she was the reason the King did what he did."
„It's moot now."
„You sure they're here? The place looks dead."
„It's supposed to." Michael had a vile thought. He kicked his mount forward.
„What is it?"
„Maybe Credence found out. He sent his Marena Dimura out of town as soon as he left us." He and Liakopulos had been delayed while he studied reports on the sporadic rioting. „In any case, Derel should be here now. Though I can't picture him and Cham controlling Credence if Cre dence doesn't want to behave."
He'd planned to arrive first, then had been too preoccu pied to worry about Abaca. He reined in before the manor house, jumped down, ran.
All for naught. A perfectly healthy Inger greeted him at the door. „What're you doing here? I didn't expect you till tomorrow."
„Didn't Derel explain?"
„Derel? I haven't seen him."
Michael exchanged glances with Liakopulos. „He was supposed to meet us here. We're way late. Some rioting. Your friends are claiming we've killed you."