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„Can't really give you anything hard right now. I'm told messages are pouring in. Credence Abaca apparently launched a nationwide offensive at dawn, cadred by Marena Dimura troops. Several smaller garrisons have declared for him. So have the city fathers of Sedlmayr. So far Credence has limited his attacks to your friends of the Estates. The odd thing is, he claims to be Marshall, acting on behalf of King Bragi the Second." That had shaken Michael when he had heard it. He had expected Kristen to remain in hiding.

Inger turned pale. „Kristen's brat? I thought..." She stopped before it became apparent she possessed guilty knowledge. „How strong are they? Why didn't you warn us this was coming?"

„I told you, there's nothing hard yet. I didn't warn you because I didn't know. I haven't been able to penetrate the Marena Dimura community. They won't have anything to do with outsiders. Numberwise, Credence can't have much, though. The Marena Dimura aren't numerous, nor are they well-armed. He's trying a coup. It'll fall apart in a few days."


„I'd agree, Your Majesty."

„You and Michael go deal with it. Now. I'll expect a report before I turn in."

„As you wish, Your Majesty," Liakopulos said.

„He pulled a slick one," Michael observed as he and Liakopulos stalked through the castle halls.

„You should have seen it coming. It was too quiet."

„Maybe. Still, it should peak today and fall apart before the end of the week."

Michael guessed wrong. Sundown brought the second phase of Abaca's campaign. It left the nation staggered. He employed the Harish on loan from Yasmid. Michael had all but forgotten them. Half the religious fanatics struck in the vicinity of Vorgreberg. Three teams of three hurled them­ selves at Greyfells and Norath. Norath's sorcery saved him and the Duke, but both were gravely wounded. Most of their captains were slain. Josiah Gales missed death by sheer luck.

The Estates suffered even more grievously. Abaca's plan­ ning had been meticulous, and aimed at the heart of the opposition. He was using men who did not care if they came out alive. Their strike crippled Inger's ability to respond to the rebellion.

Almost immediately, the surviving cadre battalions of the South Bows and Sedlmayr Light regiments declared for Bragi II.

Michael and Liakopulos flanked Inger at a table on which a map of Kavelin lay. Their voices were soft, and concerned. „Count out Delhagen, Holtschlaw, Uhlmansiek, and Orthwein," Michael said. „Damn. Four provinces gone already. And half a dozen more suspect."

„General, what about the other regiments?"

„The Damhorsters will stick. The Vorgrebergers and Queen's Own are safe. And, of course, the Guard is sound."

„What about the Breidenbachers and Borderers? And the garrison in the Gap?"

„The Borderers are too dispersed to go either way. Split them according to the sentiment of the area where they're stationed. Maisak is temporizing. I haven't heard anything from the Breidenbachers."

„Do something. If they go. ... look at the damned map. The whole east would be against us. Some of their units are within a few miles of Vorgreberg."

„You forgot the Midlands Light," Michael said. The Midlands Light hadn't taken part in the summer exercises. None of its men had gone east with. Ragnarson. It remained at full strength.

„Let's not talk about them," Inger said. „About them we should pray. If they go, we're dead."

„Don't give up on them," Liakopulos said. „They're mostly Wesson, but Credence never had much influence with them."

„Find out," fnger ordered. „Find out fast. If they stick, start using them. Use them fast."