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Dawn and I looked at each other for a few awkward seconds before I decided to take charge and just stepped forward, wrapping up my best friend in the warmest hug I could give her. She sagged into my embrace and smiled, patting my back while I stroked her spine. I softly murmured, “It’s good to see you.”

“You, too,” she sighed before pulling herself back, an arm’s length away with her hands still on my shoulders. “We’re finally here. And now we’ll never have to be apart again.”

I beamed at her and nodded. That much I was sure of. I needed Dawn around me like I needed air to breathe. Adrienne understood that much, at least. We then turned to finish unloading Dawn’s gear into the house.

When we were finished carting stuff in, Adrienne and Dawn stood around their room for a couple of minutes, pretending to discuss how they were going to arrange everything. Then Dayna managed to convince the parentals to take our younger siblings and head over to the Evans house. We were going to unpack and then the five of us college kids would head back for dinner.

Once all the extraneous family members were gone, we took a few minutes to swap all of Dawn’s and my belongings. Dawn took the smaller of the two first-floor bedrooms. Adrienne and I ended up in the larger, complete with one full-size bed and one twin bed. We were already planning to set up the twin bed with cushions like a couch or day bed, although Adrienne made a crack about how I should be ready to spend the night on it if I pissed her off.

We then went about our business of unpacking. Adrienne more or less took over the entire closet. I planned a trip to Ikea to get extra storage. And my girlfriend and I discussed who got which side of the bed. I ended up getting the right side, since it was more comfortable for me to spoon behind her on my left shoulder. Adrienne didn’t care as long as I would be holding her as she slept.

We kept discussing how to divide up the room as we went. Adrienne had never had a roommate and I hadn’t shared a room since Brandi and I were little kids. At the time, all we could think of were positives. Nothing was necessarily “hers” or “mine”; it was all “ours”. We mingled our framed photos together on the walls and shelves, and I was especially proud of the big 8x10 of ALL my siblings at Disneyland, including my sister/girlfriend. A week ago, while Brandi was visiting home, Adrienne and I finally took Brandi, Brooke, and the twins to the Happiest Place on Earth as promised during the spring, and we’d had a fabulous time.

I set up both our desktop computers. And then Dayna showed me the cable modem in the living room so I could set up the new wireless router. For a moment I dreamed of wirelessly downloading porn. But then I caught myself. In a house with four gorgeous babes like these, who needed porn?

As if to prove my point, I returned to what at first looked like an empty bedroom. Frowning, I took three steps forward, glancing around but finding no sign of Adrienne. Perhaps she’d gone to the bathroom.

But then the door closed shut behind me. I turned to see my stunningly gorgeous girlfriend leaning back against it, a heated intensity in her golden eyes. “Bennn ... Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Adrienne husked.

SPROING. I grinned, feeling the new constriction in my shorts. “I am now.”

“Goody,” she smirked and stepped toward me, already unbuttoning her blouse.

I let any tension flow out of my body as my girlfriend approached, my hands resting at my sides. My breathing sped up, though, as inch after creamy inch of skin was revealed and the swells of Adrienne’s E-cup tits were exposed to my hungry gaze. Stopping just a foot in front of me, Adrienne finished unbuttoning herself and shrugged out of the blouse, dropping it to the floor behind her. I was struggling to keep my eyes on her face, but then I simply gave up and gawked when her bra joined the blouse and left those huge melons bare and magnificent, nipples already hard and erect.

“What do you say we christen our new bedroom?” Adrienne asked in a smoky, sensuous voice.

“Oh, hell yeah,” I grunted and grabbed her, falling backwards onto the full-size bed and dragging my gorgeous blonde girlfriend with me.

We made out for a few minutes, Adrienne clawing at my clothes until I was topless and her shorts were a distant memory. I gripped her firm asscheeks, bare save for thong panties, and ground her crotch against the bulge in my shorts. But then Adrienne pulled her lips off mine and said perhaps the sexiest phrase any girl can ever say to a man: “I wanna suck your dick.”

“Be my guest,” I smiled, and then lay back as Adrienne kissed her way down my belly and began working off my shorts.

I hummed the moment my throbbing cockhead entered her mouth. I groaned when I felt it passing into her throat. And I grunted when Adrienne’s lips formed a powerful suction around the very base of my dick, her throat muscles massaging my entire length in the most exquisite ecstasy imaginable.

I’d stopped counting how many different girls had ever given me a blowjob. Some had been novices. Some had been pretty good. A select few were really, really special. But no one managed to turn my brain to mush just by sucking on my cock quite like Adrienne. She made love to my dick like it was the most precious thing in the universe. And she did it with a fervor that made me truly believe there was nothing else imaginable that she’d rather be doing.

A few minutes later, my sexy girlfriend gasped, “Gimme your cum.” At the moment, she had her big tits wrapped around my rod, surrounding my prick with warm titflesh while she humped her chest up and down and licked my mushroom head like a lollipop.

I just nodded and folded my arms behind my head, propping it up so that I could watch her angelic face while Adrienne once again sucked me deep into her mouth. She removed her tits and used both hands to jack along the exposed length of my seven-and-three-quarter-inch prick, coaxing my sperm out of me. And after another minute of fantastic blowjob, I grunted out my warning, “I’m gonna cum!”

With a delighted smile, my girlfriend popped me out, aimed my prick right at her gaping mouth, and stroked me furiously with her hands. She only had to wait another second before the entire organic cannon twitched and fired a glob of cum between her lips to splatter against her tongue. Her hazel eyes twinkled, shading towards that golden color I loved so much. And her lips curved into a smile.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), the new curve of her lips wasn’t quite as easy a target as a wide open ‘O’. My second shot hit her lower lip, part of my jizz string continuing into her mouth but the rest starting to run down her chin. At that point, Adrienne shoved me back into her mouth, her throat muscles obviously working as she gulped down the rest of my spending.

“Ymmmyyy...” she hummed as she swallowed, sounding more blissful than if she’d been the one to experience a spectacular orgasm. And then when she was done, Adrienne picked her head back up and grinned, reaching a finger out to scoop up the leaked jism from her chin and pop it into her mouth. “Mmm ... tasty...”

I chuckled and reached my hands out to her. My adoring girlfriend let me cup her face as she moved up and kissed me. Then she lay her nearly-naked body on top of mine, rubbing her panty-clad mound over my crotch.

Well ... it was panty-clad for a little while. I dug my hands into the side-straps and tugged it downward while Adrienne knelt to help me snake the last garment off her body, leaving my goddess fully nude on top of me. Then she planted her pussy back down on top of my half-hard erection, sliding her hips back and forth along the channel of her labia. Using just her own pussy, Adrienne stroked me back to hardness while I sat up and feasted on her magnificent tits, biting and sucking just the way she liked.