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So right.

* * *

After two incredible rounds of sex, I was ready for a break. I figured Dawn, Brandi, and I could return to the living room and chill out for a little while, maybe drink some more wine and chat until we recharged and went at it again. Hey, we had ALL night.

But then we walked back into the living room to find that Adrienne and Dayna had retrieved a strap-on dildo and were fucking each other on the couch. At present, Dayna was sitting on the middle cushion, her hands on Adrienne's ass and her lips around Adrienne's nipples while the younger blonde straddled the dildo and athletically rode it up and down.

As usual when the girls gave me some chemical assistance, my dick was rock hard. And I just couldn't help but get turned on at the sight of Adrienne's ass bouncing up and down while she smothered Dayna's face in her impressive bosom. And right then, I just knew I had to double-penetrate the stunningly gorgeous blonde.

Dawn was suddenly beside me, and I glanced over just in time to see her flip open the top of a tube of KY jelly and squirt a glob into her hand. Then my eyebrows rose as she began lubing me up, an impish grin on her face. She'd read my mind.

“Have I ever told you you're amazing?” I asked happily.

Dawn giggled. “Not nearly enough.”

A few moments later, I moved behind Adrienne's bouncing body and winked at Dayna. Smirking, the eldest Evans sister stopped Adrienne's movement by grabbing onto her hips. And then Dayna reached lower and pulled Adrienne's buttcheeks to the sides.

“Hold still, A.D.,” Dayna intoned.

Realizing what was about to happen, Adrienne moaned and turned her head around to me. Her eyes were aflame with a golden glow and her jaw was hanging loose as she panted in obvious heat. But her mouth snapped shut and she turned forward and grunted when Dawn's lubricated finger snaked into her asshole, both stretching it out and lubricating it with the jelly. And then Adrienne put her forehead down onto Dayna's shoulder and whimpered ecstatically as Dawn moved out of the way to let me start pressing my cock to her winking rosebud.

“Oh, FUCK, Tiger...” Adrienne gasped, moaning against Dayna's neck as my shaft burrowed into her rectum. “Oh, gawd, I love you...”

I turned to Dawn and we both grinned. And then just to add fuel to the fire, Dawn circled around the back of the couch, then took her unlubricated hand and fed two fingers into Adrienne's mouth.

“Mmphff...” Adrienne groaned, suckling on Dawn's digits. And then Dayna and I resumed fucking her.

I didn't actually cum that round. This close after two recent ejaculations, I had enough stamina to hold out. But getting her pussy fucked by Dayna, her ass by me, and her mouth by Dawn, Adrienne quickly came to two screaming orgasms.

Then Brandi moved in, gripping, squeezing, and tweaking Adrienne's tits. And the poor, abused girl in the middle came a third time before collapsing against Dayna's chest, unable to move.

After that, I slowly pulled myself back and Dawn declared that both Adrienne and I needed a shower. Pulling the worn-out blonde bombshell to her feet, we each ducked a shoulder beneath Adrienne's armpits and half-carried her over to the bathroom. She just let her head sag forward, teetering at the edge of consciousness, whimpering softly.

And the older girls behind us weren't idle, either. Dayna was revved up after fucking Adrienne without getting her own relief. Sensing this, Brandi helped Dayna out of the strap-on harness. But before Dayna could get off the couch, Brandi quickly turned the dildo around, ramming it into her best friend's pussy. And before Dawn and I got Adrienne to the bathroom, Dayna was bucking up and down on the couch cushions, screaming out an orgasm of her own.

Now I hadn't actually cum while Dayna, Dawn, and I were triple-penetrating Adrienne. But Adrienne still ended up getting my third load. It was a tight squeeze, but all three of us ended up in the shower, Dawn and I sandwiching Adrienne between us as we soaped her up and scrubbed her down. Her tits were especially squeaky clean by the time we were finished with her.

Amidst all the urgent fucking I'd gone through in the past year, I'd forgotten some of these simple pleasures. I really didn't spend much time just taking a shower with any of the Tri-Delts, Cadence, Dayna's friends, or anyone else. This time, Dawn, Adrienne, and I just playfully groped and giggled and enjoyed each other's company. Adrienne woke up from her orgasmic stupor and gave as well as she got. And I enjoyed watching the two fantastically gorgeous young women moaning and caressing each other's naked bodies just as much as groping them myself. There's just something hypnotic about watching a perfectly manicured feminine hand cupping a wet and soapy breast, caressing it, tweaking the nipple, and squeezing the heavy globe enough to make a squeaking sound.

Long after we were all perfectly clean, Adrienne simply raised a foot onto the ledge surrounding the tub and pulled me to her, inserting my still throbbingly-hard erection into her wet cunt. Dawn was right behind her at the time, holding our hips and guiding us until I was fully imbedded. And her brilliant blue eyes flashed with burning arousal, encouraging me along the whole time.

“One more time, Tiger,” Adrienne crooned between kisses. “Fill me up one more time, to help me remember. I may be moving away, but my body will forever be yours. You're the only man in the world I love. You're the only man in the world I trust. And you will forever be the only man for me. I don't know where this life — this career — may take me. But wherever I go, you will be in my heart.”

Adrienne looked more gorgeous than ever, with her hair slicked back, her hazel eyes burning bright gold, and the shower spray all around us. I had no response other than to lean in and share one more nuclear kiss.

Somehow, Dawn moved behind me, pressing her tits into my back and leaning over my shoulder to tenderly kiss Adrienne's cheek beside me. And while sandwiched between these two most special girls in my life, I humped Adrienne and urgently drilled myself into her welcoming pussy until I blasted my third load of spunk into her waiting womb.

And THEN I decided we all needed a break. Whatever concoction the girls had given me to make my already great erectile endurance truly legendary, the chemicals did nothing to keep the rest of my muscles from getting tired. The night wasn't even over, but it already had been an evening to remember.


I awoke in quite possibly the best way possible: buried beneath a pile of naked female flesh. We were in Dayna's room, having finally moved to a proper bed. And all five of us were snuggled together on her King-sized bed in the master bedroom.

I lay slightly off-center to the left, my head and shoulder propped up on the pillows. Adrienne was tucked beneath my left arm, her face mashed against my chest and her big tits pressed into my side. Dawn was on my right, wrapped around my right arm with her head on the pillow beside me and her chin against my right shoulder. Dayna was just beyond her, with Brandi on the far end.

After picking my head up to survey my sleeping beauties, I lay back down and stared at the ceiling, an uncontrollable smile rising up my cheeks as I remembered how the night had ended.

When Dawn, Adrienne, and I emerged after the shower, we found that Brandi and Dayna had returned upstairs to this bedroom. We went after them and for a time, just lazed around the room naked, chatting amiably. But after an hour or so, flirtatious comments turned to light petting. Light petting turned to soft kisses. And soft kisses turned into foreplay as we all got going once again.

Brandi finally got her direct injection of cum when she pulled me out of Dawn's pussy and swallowed my explosion.

Dayna finally got her assfuck as she curled beneath me like an armadillo, her legs over my shoulders while I slammed her shoulders into the bed and spent what I believed to be my final load in her bowels.